    Today is Daming's birthday. Jim is going to make a birthday card for him. Jim's mum is at the supermarket. She's buying things for the party. But bags are too heavy. There is a birthday cake. There is a special gift for Darning. The gift is three balloons. They say "Happy Birthday, Darning!" Darting will have a great party.
1Darning will say "Happy birthday!" to Jim.   
2Jim's present will be a birthday card.   
3Mum is going to the bookstore and buy a book.   
4Dancing will get a special gift from Jim's mother.   
5They will be very happy today.   
【答案】 10
1)句意:大明会说spring怎么读英文怎么读“生日快乐!给吉姆。根据 They say "Happy Birthday, Darming!" 可知大明过生日,应对大明说生日快乐,故答案为错误。
2)句意:吉姆的礼物是一张生日卡。根据 Jim is going to make a birthday card for him. 可知吉姆的礼物是一张生日卡,故答案为正确。
3)句意:妈妈要去书店买本书。根据Jim's mum is at the supermarket. She's buying things for the party. 可知吉姆的妈妈超市,故答案为错误。
4)句意:大明会得到吉姆母亲的特别礼物。根据There is a special gift for Darming.可知大明会得到吉姆母亲的特别礼物,故答案为正确。
5)句意:他们今天会很高兴的。根据 Darting will have a great party. 可知他们今天会很高兴的,故答案为正确。
    The Spring Festival was on February 16th this year. On the eve of the Spring Festival, we had a big dinner. After dinner, I put on my new clothes and went out to watch fireworks. Wow! How colourful and beautiful they were! So we took some photos. After that we went h
ome happily. At twelve o'clock, we cheered to welcome New Year and wished each other good luck. During the Spring Festival, I got lots of red packets. My favourite festival is the Spring Festival.
1The Spring Festival was on         this year.           
A. February 7th                           B. January 7th                           C. February 16th
2        were colourful and beautiful.           
A. Fireworks                                 B. My clothes                                 C. Flowers
3During the Spring Festival, I got lots of    .           
A. fireworks                                  B. red packets                                  C. luck
【答案】 1C
1)根据 The Spring Festival was on February 16th this year. 可知春节是今年216日,故答案为C.
2)根据 After dinner, I put on my new clothes and went out to watch fireworks. Wow! How colourful and beautiful they were! 可知烟火鲜艳和美丽,故答案为A.
3)根据 During the Spring Festival, I got lots of red packets. 可知春节期间我收到很多红包,故答案为B.
    How does a plant grow?
    Look at the pot plant. It looks very nice.It has leaves, a stalk and some red flowers. How does it grow? First you planta seed in the soil. You give it a little water. The weather is nice and warm.After about a week, you will see one small leaf coming out of the seed. Then twoleaves come out. It grows and grows. It needs sunlight and water. Soon it has astalk and more leaves. The leaves are green. Some leaves are long; some areround. They have different shapes. When the stalk and leaves are big enough,flowers come out. You can find red flowers, yellow flowers and flowers of othercolors. It's interesting to watch a plant grow. Do you grow like a plant?
1You need a________to plant a plant.   
2You plant the seed inthe________and you give it some ________.   
3When a plant grows, itneeds________and________.   
4The flowers are ofdifferent ________.   
5The leaves are ofdifferent________.   
1)句意:你需要一粒……来种一棵植物。根据 First you plant a seed in the soil.可知首先你要在土里种一粒种子,seed种子,故答案为seed.
2)句意:你把种子种在……里,然后给它浇……。根据First you plant a seed in the soil. You give it a little water. 可知需要把种子种在土里,然后浇水, soil water ,故答案为 soil water .
3)句意:植物生长需要…………。根据 It grows and grows. It needs sunlight and water. 可知植物生长需要阳光和水, sunlight阳光 water ,故答案为 sunlight water .
4)句意:这些花有不同的……。根据You can find red flowers, yellow flowers and flowers of other colors.可知花有不同的颜, color颜,复数colors,故答案为 colors .
5)句意:叶子形状不同。根据They have different shapes.可知叶子有不同的形状, shape形状,复数shapes ,故答案为 shapes .
