    The Garden at Night Season 2
    Last summer was the best summer ever! Not only did I get to go on awesome vacations and have fun adventures, but I also got to keep exploring the magical garden behind our house at night. If you didn't read about my first season of garden adventures, here's a quick recap:
    It all started when I couldn't sleep one night and looked out my bedroom window into our backyard garden. To my surprise, the garden looked totally different than during the day! The flowers were glowing, the trees were whispering, and there were all kinds of magical little creatures scurrying around. A friendly gnome introduced himself to me and explained that at night, the garden comes alive with magical beings and happenings that us humans can't nor
mally see.
    After that first night, I started sneaking out to the garden every evening to explore and learn about this secret nocturnal world. I made so many new friends like Barry the gnome, Willow the dryad tree spirit, and Luna the wise old owl. I discovered things like the fairies' dance circles, the trolls' mushroom houses, and the enchanted waterfall pool. It was all so amazing!
spring怎么读英文怎么读    Well, just when I thought the summer magic was over and I'd have to go back to the boring human world during the school year, guess what? The night garden kept on sparkling and shimmering all autumn and winter long! My gnome buddy Barry let me know that the night world doesn't stop just because the seasons change. In fact, he said every season brings new magic and wonders to discover.
    And boy was he right! This past autumn was like taking a trip through a storybook forest. All the trees put on a dazzling light show as their leaves changed colors. The squirrels were busy gathering glowing nuts and seeds to store for winter. Barry showed me hidden treasur
e stashes of jewel-toned leaves and acorn caps that the gnomes use to decorate their homes. We even got to go "leaf surfing" down the long snaky roots of the ancient oak tree!
    When winter arrived, everything looked like a glittering ice palace. The bare tree branches were draped with strings of frozen dewdrops that twinkled like diamonds. Barry and his gnome friends went ice skating on the frozen pond, pulled by dragonflies hitched to tiny ice sleds. I got to make the most awesome snowgnome family ever with Willow's help. We used her strong roots to sculpt them and decorate them with acorn hats, twig arms, and pebble buttons and eyes.
    The best part was when Luna the owl started giving me flying lessons! She taught me some magical words to temporarily give myself feathery wings so I could glide from tree to tree. It was the most incredible feeling in the world to soar above the garden and look down on the shimmering, moonlit landscape. I even got to deliver some holiday wish notes to Santa's elves on one of their practice runs.
    After the winter solstice, when the nights started getting shorter again, I wondered if thin
gs would start going back to normal. But then Barry said the cycle of night magic was just beginning again as spring arrived. And oh my garden, was he ever right!
    As soon as the last snow melted, all my little friends got busy decorating for the spring festival. The fairies were hard at work weaving flower crowns and garlands to hang everywhere. The gnomes painted eggs with designs of plants and woodland creatures. Several tribes of miniature trolls arrived, carving wooden figurines and setting up tables piled high with dainty seedcake pastries.
    On the long-awaited first night of spring, the whole garden came alive in celebration. Twinkling lanterns lined all the paths. A symphony of peepers, crickets, and night birds provided the music. Willow's delicate pink blossoms unfurled while her roots wove themselves into an arbor entryway draped with vines. And of course, there were the fairies flitting and dancing everywhere in their vibrant rainbow-colored gowns.
    After opening ceremonies led by Luna, everyone feasted on all the tiny Plant creations. I carefully sipped dewdrop punch from a violette while Barry popped grape tarts shaped like
toadstools into my mouth. For the finale, hundreds of fireflies were released into the warm night air to swirl in magical glowing patterns guided by the fairies' dancing.
    Now summer has arrived again, and the garden is back in full bloom for the second season of night magic. The gnomes have been busy carving cool waterslides and fountains out of the hydrangea bushes that weave around the pond. Willow is putting on an outdoor theater production where all the different creatures act out Shakespearean plays like A Midsummer Night's Dream. And just last night, Luna took me on an incredible moonlight tour exploring all the new mushroom rings, underground tunnels, and flowering hideaways that have appeared.
