关于孝顺的英语故事阅读把孝顺情人的钱,多花在父母身上,因为无论你成功,落迫,父母才是唯一值得你这么做的。小编精心收集了关于孝顺的英语故事,供大家欣赏学习! 关于孝顺的英语故事篇1 曾参啮指痛心During the Spring and Autumn Period of Chinese history, there lived a student of Confucius, Zeng Shen, who become well-known for his filial attitude of respect. 曾参,字子舆,春秋时期鲁国人,孔子的得意弟子,世称“曾子”,以孝著称。
His father passed away while Shen was still young.He was extremely respectful and obedient to his mother. 曾参从小丧父,他也非常尊重和顺服他的母亲。
Every day the young man would go into the mountains to cut firewood;
his mother would stay home and weave cloth to sell. Mother and son had to work hard to earn enough to get by. 每天,曾参都会上山砍柴,母亲则留在家里纺织。母子不得不这么努力的工作来养活自己。
One day Zeng Shen set out early for the mountains. A guest who had traveled a long distance arrived at the Zeng household that very morning. 一天,曾参提前上山砍柴,一个旅客跋山涉水,到了他家。
The family being poor, there was nothing with which to entertain the guest, and no way to properly welcome him. 家里特别穷,以至于他没有办法很好的招待客人。
As Zeng Shen was not at home, his mother did not know what to do, and she could only hope that her son would return soon from the
mountains. 由于曾参没在家,所以他母亲根本不知道怎么做,她只有期待着儿子早点从上山回来。The boy did not show up, and Mrs. Zeng grew agitated. Without realizing what she was doing, she put her finger into her mouth and bit it. 儿子没回来,母亲开始焦虑了。母亲不知所措,就用牙咬自己的手指。
In her nervousness, she bit her finger so hard that it bled. Zeng Shen, in the mountains, suddenly felt a stinging pain in his heart, and knew there must be something amiss with his mother. He quickly bundled up the brush and kindling and ran back down the mountain.Arriving before his mother, he knelt in the doorway and asked her what was the matter. 因为紧张,所以手指头被咬流血了。在山上的曾参忽然觉得心疼,知道母亲在呼唤自己,便背着柴迅速返回家中,跪问缘故。
Relieved and happy, she said, “A guest has come and I was so upset that I bit my finger. You must be a truly respectful child that you can know your mother“s thoughts from a distance!" 母亲说:“有客人忽然到来,我咬手指盼你回来。”你是真正孝顺的孩子,所以你会知道母亲在远方的心。
关于孝顺的英语故事篇  2 仲由百里负米Zhong You, with the alias of Zilu or Jilu, was a man in the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period. He was a favorite disciple of Confucius. He possessed frank and courageous characters, and was very filial. 仲由,字子路、季路,春秋时期鲁国人,孔子的得意弟子,性格直率勇敢,十分孝顺。
At an early age, as his family was poor, he often took wild vegetables as food, but still he carried sacks of rice for more than a hundred li to raise his parents. 早年家中贫穷,自己常常采野菜做饭食,却从百里之外负米回家侍奉双亲。
After his parents died, he became a high-ranking official, and
then was dispatched to the State of Chu, followed by a hundred chariots and with 10,000 zhong (ancient unit of capacity) of grain in store. 父母死后,他做了大官,奉命到楚国去,随从的车马有百乘之众,所积的粮食有万钟之多。
Sat upon many layers of brocade mattress and enjoyed sumptuous feast before rows of tripods of food, he often missed his parents and sighed 坐在垒叠的锦褥上,吃着丰盛的筵席,他常常怀念双亲,慨叹说"Even if I am willing to go back to the times when I ate wild vegetables and carried rice for more than a hundred li to raise my parents, how could that be possible" “即使我想吃野菜,为父母亲去负米,
哪里能够再得呢” Confucius praised: "You took care of your parents, which can be commented as doing one’s best during parents’ lifetime and missing parents after they depart out of this world!" (Zhi Si of Confucius Family Instructions). 孔子赞扬说:“你侍奉父母,可以说是生时尽力,死后思念哪!”(《孔子家语·致思》) 关于孝顺的英语故事篇3 闵损芦衣顺母Min Sun, with the alias of Ziqian, was a man in the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period. He was a disciple of Confucius. Among all disciples of Confucius, he stood comparison with Yan Yuan in terms of moral conduct. 闵损,字子骞,春秋时期鲁国人,孔子的弟子,在孔门中以德行与颜渊并称。spring怎么读英文怎么读
Confucius ever praised him as follows:"How filial Min Ziqian is!" (Xian Jin, the tenth chapter of Analects of Confucius) 孔子曾赞扬他说:“孝哉,闵子骞!”(《论语·先进》)。
Min Sun"s mother died very early. Later his father took another wife, who gave birth to two sons. 他生母早死,父亲娶了后妻,又生了两个儿子。
The stepmother mistreated Min Sun - in winter, while two younger brothers wore winter clothes made of cotton, Min Sun only wore "reed catkins-padded cotton clothes."继母经常虐待他,冬天,
One day, he followed his father to go out. When towing the chariot, Min Sun shivered because he felt very cold and the rope dropped onto the ground. Then his father scolded and lashed him. 一天,父亲出门,闵损牵车时因寒冷打颤,将绳子掉落地上,遭到父亲的斥责和鞭打The reed catkins flew out from the broken seam of the flimsy clothes, and then father knew that Min Sun had been mistreated. 芦花随着打破的衣缝飞了出来,父亲方知闵损受到虐待。
After the father returned home, he wanted to divorce his wife. 父亲返回家,要休逐后妻。
Min Sun fell on his knees and begged his father to forgive stepmother. 闵损跪求父亲饶恕继母He said: "If mother stays at home, only I myself have to endure cold. But if you divorce from mother, all three children have to suffer from cold." 说:“留下母亲只是我一个人受冷,休了母亲三个孩子都要挨冻。” His father was deeply moved and took Min Sun"s advice. The stepmother heard of this, felt remorseful and owned up to her mistakes. Subsequently, she treated Min Sun as her own son. 父亲十分感动,就依了他。继母听说,悔恨知错,从此对待他如亲子。
