Unit 5 Nature and Culture
Lesson 2 教学设计
1、能正确地听、说、读、写词汇Children’s day, people…
2、能正确地听、说、读词汇Spring Festival, Mid-autumn Festival, National Day, Dragon Boat Festival.
3、能正确地听、说、读、写句型When’s …? It’s in … What do people usually do at/on …? They …
1、能正确地听、说、读、写词汇Children’s Day, people。
2、能正确地听、说、读、写句型When’s …? It’s in … What do people usually do at/on …? They …
本课时主要学习五个中国的节日,首先,从学生熟悉的节日歌曲Jingle bells和We wish you a merry Christmas入手,导入课题holidays,并引出Chinese holidays,学生已学过的有National Day, Children’s Day,由此进入第一个节日Children’s Day的学习。紧接着,依次学习Mid-autumn Festival、Dragon Boat Festival、Spring Festival。在节日的学习过程中,我采用看图说话、音乐欣赏、节日热闹场面欣赏、节日习俗交流、网络浏览等各种各样的方式, 引导学生不断地思考,不断地动脑、动口、动耳、动手,调动全身感官参与学习。最后的巩固阶段,我主要分成三步,第一步,看日期,猜节日。第二步,看节日描述,猜单词。第三步,听和节日相关的歌曲或音乐,猜单词。同时,组与组之间进行比赛,可以充分调动学生的学习积极性。
Step 1: Free talk
1. Enjoy some English songs :< jingle bells><we wish you a merry Christmas>.
2. T: from the songs, we can know it is Christmas day. Christmas day is a holiday. Today we’ll learn unit 4 Lesson 2 holidays.
3. 课件出示课题,齐读。Today we’ll learn the holidays in china. Do you know some Chinese holidays? (National Day / Children’s Day/ Teachers’ Day)
Step 2: Presentation
A. Children’s Day
1. 当学生说到儿童节的时候,课件马上出示儿童节的图片,朗读和拼写词组:Children’s Day
2. T: Do you know more about Children’s Day?指名让学生说说)
Let’s surf the internet.(网上浏览儿童节的有关来历的节日资料。)
T: When’s Children’s Day? (It’s on the first of June.)
What do you usually do on Children’s Day? (I usually sing and dance.)
We usually have parties at school, too.
4. 出示以上两个词组,跟读,个别读。
5. When’s Children’s Day? (It’s on the first of June.) 出示句型卡片。
What do children usually do on Children’s Day? ( 引导学生回答:They usually sing and da
nce and have parties at school.)出示句型卡片。
6. Can you ask your partners? Work in pairs. Act it out.
B. Mid-autumn Festival
1. T: Look at the picture! What’s this? (Moon cakes) what are they doing? (They’re eating moon cakes and watch the moon.) Look at the moon. How bright it is!
So what holiday is it? (Mid-autumn festival)
课件出示词组,跟读,开火车读。中秋节介绍:It’s a traditional festival. It’s for family. In china, people usually spend their time with their family.
T: When’s Mid-autumn Festival? (It’s in September or October.)
I usually eat moon cakes at Mid-autumn Festival. What do you usually do at Mid-autumn Festival? (I usually …)
What do people usually do at Mid-autumn Festival? (引导学生回答:They usually eat moon cakes and watch the moon.)
Now, let’s make a dialogue like this: when’s …? It’s in … What do people usually do at …? They … (课件出示这段对话。) Work in pairs, act it out.
C. Dragon Boat Festival
1. 课件出示图片:What’s this? (Rice dumpling-eat rice dumplings) read after me. Read one by one. 出示另一张图片:What are they doing? (They are having dragon boat races.) 出示
词组卡片,跟读,个别读。What are they doing? (They are watching the race.) So what holiday is it? (Dragon Boat Festival)出示词组卡片,跟读,小组读。Boys and girls, do you know Qu Yuan?  At Dragon Boat Festival, people usually throw rice dumplings into the river for Qu Yuan. Do you know more about Dragon Boat Festival?生交流搜集到的资料。)
2. T: When’s Dragon Boat Festival? (In May or June.)
Can you make a dialogue like this?指黑板上的句型。)Work in pairs. Act it in pairs.
3. 开火车问答。
D. Spring Festival
1. Listen, what can you hear? 课件播放鞭炮声。 What holiday is it? (it’s Spring Festival.)出示单词卡片,跟读,齐读,个别读。
2. T: spring怎么读英文怎么读Do you know something about Spring Festival? (指名介绍或打开网站浏览。)
3. T: When’s Spring Festival? (It’s in January or February.) What do people usually do at Spring Festival? (they usually eat lots of delicious food and visit their relatives and friends.)出示两个词组,跟读,齐读。
4. Can you make a dialogue together?
Step 3: Consolidation
1. Let’s play a guessing game: read and guess. 课件出示时间,学生猜对应节日。
