Studying in groups is helpful to our study.It is becoming more and more popular in class and it has many advantages.For example,we can not only save time but also encourage each other when we study in groups.
I still remember when I was in Grade 8,my physics was very poor.I had a really hard time with it.Once in class,the teacher asked us to discuss questions with each other.Because I was very shy,I could not do it like what he told me.My physics teacher encouraged me to face others and talk with someone else bravely.Then I studied with some classmates together.When I did not understand any questions,they could give me some advice and I could quickly find out the ways to deal with the problems.After that,I felt very relaxed and as
ked my classmates a lot of questions about physics.I did not feel stressed out at all.At last,I finished my homework by myself for the first time.How excited I was!
I__am__not__worried__about__physics__learning__any__more. With my classmates' help,I get more confidence.It also gives me more chances to improve myself in many ways.So let's study more in groups.
1.When we study in groups,we can not only save time but also encourage__each__other.
2.The writer wasn't good__at physics when he was in Grade 8.
3.Why did the writer feel excited?
There is a festival which is especially set up for mothers.That is Mother's Day.It is a popular holiday all over the world.And it is a time to let your mother know she's special to you.Let's see the history of Mother's Day in different countries.
Long long ago,in Greece(希腊),people celebrated a Mid-March Day.On that day they showed respect(尊重) to Rhea.Rhea was the Mother of the God.
Later,English people had their own “Mothering Sunday”.It was on the 4th Sunday of Lent(四月斋) before the Easter Eve.People usually bought a fruit cake as a gift to Mom.Tod
ay,English people still celebrate the holiday on the 4th Sunday of Lent.
In__America,Mother's__Day__is__a__national__holiday__today.People first celebrated it in 1908 in just one state in the United States.It was all because of the hard work of Anna Jarvis.She wrote so many letters to important people of that time because she wanted to have a day to show love and respect to mothers.In 1914,the American President Woodrow Wilson made the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day.
1.Mother's Day is a time to let your mother know she's__special__to you.
2.In Greece,people celebrated a__Mid-March__Day a long time ago.
3.Who made the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day?
There is a festival which is especially set up for mothers.That is Mother's Day.It is a popular holiday all over the world.And it is a time to let your mother know she's special to you.Let's see the history of Mother's Day in different countries.
Long long ago,in Greece(希腊),people celebrated a Mid-March Day.On that day they showed respect(尊重) to Rhea.Rhea was the Mother of the God.
Later,English people had their own “Mothering Sunday”.It was on the 4th Sunday of Lent(四月斋) before the Easter Eve.People usually bought a fruit cake as a gift to Mom.Today,English people still celebrate the holiday on the 4th Sunday of Lent.
In__America,Mother's__Day__is__a__national__holiday__today.People first celebrated it in 1908 in just one state in the United States.It was all because of the hard work of Anna Jarvis.She wrote so many letters to important people of that time because she wanted to have a day to show love and respect to mothers.In 1914,the American President Woodrow Wilson made the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day.
1.Mother's Day is a time to let your mother know she's__special__to you.
2.In Greece,people celebrated a__Mid-March__Day a long time ago.
3.Who made the second Sunday in May as Mother's Day?
