China is a country with many colorful days and festivals. Dragon Head Raising Day (Longtaitou) is one of them.
This special day is on the second day of the second month in the Chinese lunar calendar (阴历). It stands for (代表) the start of spring and farming. This year the day falls on February 24.
The dragon is important in Chinese culture. We Chinese people call ourselves the “descendants (后代) of the dragon”. Therefore, people celebrate Dragon Head Raising Day with many customs about dragons.
On the day in ancient times, people put ashes (灰烬) in the kitchen. This was to “lead the dra
gon into the house”. People believed that with the help of the dragon, they could have a good harvest (收获) in autumn.
Also, people eat special foods on the day. The foods are usually named after dragons. For example, people eat “dragon whisker (须)” noodles and dumplings called “dragon teeth”.
Today many customs have faded away (逐渐消失). But one that has remained (保留) is the cutting of hair. It is said that a haircut during the first lunar month may bring bad luck to the mothers, brothers. So many people have their hair cut on Dragon Head Raising Day.
1.Dragon Head Raising Day is one of the ________ festivals.
A.English    B.French    C.Chinese    D.Japanese
2.________ is Dragon Head Raising Day this year.
A.February 10    B.February 24    C.February 4    D.February 5
3.On the day in ancient times, why did people put ashes in the kitchen?
A.Because the dragon liked the ashes.
B.Because the ashes stood for the harvest.
C.Because the ashes led the dragon into the house.
D.Because the ashes stood for the happiness.
4.One custom that has remained is ________ the passage.
A.the cutting of hair    B.dragon boat racing
C.eating zongzi    D.eating dumplings
5.Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Dragon Head Raising Day is on the second day of the second month in the Chinese lunar calendar.
B.The dragon is important in Chinese culture.
C.Dragon Head Raising Day stands for the start of spring and harvest.
D.So many people have their hair cut on Dragon Head Raising Day.
Richard Turere has always enjoyed making things using old objects. For example, when he was quite young, he made fans (风扇) for his parents’ house from car parts and things he found in the yard. special怎么读
Richard lives near the Nairobi National Park in Kenya. It is home to rhinos, giraffes, lions and many other animals that live in Kenya (肯尼亚).
When he was nine, Richard began to look after his family’s cows and sheep. The big problem was the lions. “I grew up hating lions,” says Richard. “They used to come at night and feed on our cows when we were sleeping.”
Then one night, as he was walking around the cowshed (牛棚) with a flashlight in his hand, he noticed something. “That day the lions didn’t come.” Richard realized that lions are scared of a moving light, so he had an idea. Using some used parts from a car and a motor
cycle (摩托车), Richard set up some flashing lights to trick the lions into thinking that people were walking around the cowshed. The lions didn’t come near. Soon other families were using his “lion lights”.
Richard’s lion lights cost just ten dollars to make. They have not only helped the farmers but also the lions. Many lions have been killed by farmers trying to protect their animals. Now, across Kenya, Richard’s idea has been used by farmers to protect their animals.
Richard has been accepted into one of Kenya’s top schools. “One year ago, I was just a boy looking after my father’s cows. Now I want to be an engineer or a pilot.”
6.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A.A house.    B.A park.    C.A yard.    D.An animal.
7.Richard got the idea of making “lion lights” when he was _________.
A.sleeping    B.feeding cows
C.playing with a flashlight    D.walking around the cowshed
8.Richard’s “lion lights” are _________.
A.a bit expensive    B.difficult to make
C.helpful to both farmers and lions    D.popular in other African countries
9.Which of the following is TRUE about Richard?
A.He made fans for his neighbors when he was young.
B.He thought it was boring to work on the farm.
C.He enjoys visiting the Nairobi National Park.
D.He studies in one of Kenya’s top schools.
10.What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Young boy, big invention    B.Richard Turere’s dream
C.Farmers’ life in Kenya    D.The dangers of lions
Of all the inventions of the last century, none has changed our lives more than the computer.
