必刷小卷28 阅读理解之议论文
【2019 安徽省中考
    Have you tried to run or walk for exercise and then given up? If you answered yes, you should try a new kind of exercise: aquatic (水中的) exercise. Aquatic exercise is like exercise on land, but you do it in a swimming pool. More and more people are trying aquatic exercise.
Aquatic exercise feels easier than exercising on land. Why? You weigh about 90% less in the pool. It is better for your knees than running or walking. Water is about 1, 000 times thicker and heavier than air. To move through the water, your body has to work four times as hard. As a result, you can burn more calories (卡路里).
In fact, most people say they feel more relaxed in the water. They stop thinking about the things that make them worried. They feel in control of their bodies. The cool, quiet environment makes them feel good.
But what if you are afraid of the water? No problem! There is nothing to worry about. Aquatic exercise is safe and easy to learn. It doesn’t require any special skills. You don’t even need to know how to swim. Aquatic exercise is for everyone.
1. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?
A. Difference between air and water.    B. Weight change of one’s body.
C. The advantages of aquatic exercise.    D. The ways to do aquatic exercise.
2. What do most people think of aquatic exercise?
A. Relaxing.    B. Worrying.    C. Challenging.    D. Boring.
3. According to the text, aquatic exercise is _special怎么读_____.
A. done in groups    B. fit for everyone
C. difficult to learn    D. done with special skills
4. In which part of a magazine can we read the text?
A. Culture.    B. Health.    C. Nature.    D. Travel.
1. C细节理解题。根据第二段的文意可知,这一段介绍了水中运动比陆地运动更容易的原因,它不伤害你的膝盖,且能燃烧更多的卡路里。总而言之,这一段介绍的是水中运动的优点,故C选项符合文意。
2. A细节理解题。大多数人认为水中运动怎么样?A. Relaxing令人放松的。B.是"令人担心的";C.是"有挑战性的";D.是"无聊的"。根据短文第三段中In fact, most people say they feel more relaxed in the water…. The cool, quiet environment makes them feel good.可知,大多数人都觉得在水里很放松,感觉很好。由此可知应选A。
3. B细节理解题。根据短文最后一段Aquatic exercise is safe and easy to learn. It doesn’t require any special skills. You don’t even need to know how to swim. Aquatic exercise is for everyone可知,水中运动非常安全、学起来也很容易,不需要什么特殊的技能,它适合每个人。由此可知应选B。
4. B推理判断题。我们在杂志那个板块可以读到以上内容?A.是"文化";C.是"自然";D.是"旅行"。根据短文第一段If you answered yes, you should try a new kind of exercise: aquatic (水中的) exercise. Aquatic exercise is like exercise on land, but you do it in a swimming pool. More and more people are trying aquatic exercise可知,短文介绍的是一种越来越受人们欢迎的新运动—水中运动,这样的内容应该在杂志上的健康版块,故应先B。
【2019 山东省潍坊市
A recent study from a team of South Korean researchers suggests that eating alone often may lead to poor eating habits and poor food choices .Specifically ,the study found that men who ate alone more than twice a week had a greater risk of developing high blood pressure ,high cholesterol and diabetes.
For children, eating with their families is not only about preventing bad outcomes(结果) —it is also about developing good ones.
In 2014, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development(OECD) looked at data from nearly three-quarters of the world’s countries .Among its findings was the fact that students who shared a main meal with their families were less likely to skip school .Children who eat a main meal with their families are also less likely to abuse drugs and alcohol(酗酒).
In the report, titled The Importance of Family Dinners (VIII) , researchers say that teens who have frequent family dinners are more likely to say their parents know a lot about what’s going on in their lives . They also claim that when teens say they feel closer
to their parents, they are less likely to use drugs and alcohol.
Another study from the University of Montreal found that children who ate with their families experience long –term physical and mental health benefits(好处) .These children were physically in better shape and drank fewer sugary soft drinks .These children also seemed to have better social skills and they were less aggressive(好斗的).
Professor Linda Pagani says that mealtimes shared with parents likely provide young children with first-hand social interactions ,discussions of social issues(事件) and day-to-day concerns . She adds that they may likely help the child have better communication skills with others.
