    My Special Holiday
    The summer after fourth grade was really special for me. My family and I went on an amazing trip to Hawaii! We had never been that far away from home before. I was so excited when my parents first told me we were going. I had learned a little bit about Hawaii in school and it seemed like such an incredible place.
    We left for our trip at the very end of June, right after school let out for summer vacation. We had to take two separate flights to get to the Hawaiian islands because it's so far away from where we live in California. The total travel time was over 8 hours! I had never been on a plane for that long before. I tried my best to sleep on the flights, but I was too eager with anticipation. I just kept staring out the window, watching the landscape changing below as we
got closer and closer.
    When we finally landed in Honolulu on the island of
    My Special Holiday
    Hello everyone! I want to tell you all about my special holiday. It was the best holiday ever! Let me share all the exciting things I did.
    During the holidays, my family and I went on a trip to the beach. We packed our bags with sunscreen, towels, and lots of snacks. We drove for a long time, but it was worth it when we finally arrived.
    The first thing we did was build sandcastles on the beach. I love playing in the sand! I made a big castle with a moat and shells as decorations. It was so much fun. My sister and I even had a sandcastle-building competition, and guess what? I won!
    After playing in the sand, we went for a swim in the ocean. The water was cool and refreshing. I jumped over the waves and tried to catch them. It felt like I was a dolphin swimming in the sea. I wore my floaties to stay safe because I'm still learning to swim.
    One evening, we had a bonfire on the beach. We roasted marshmallows and made yummy s'mores. The marshmallows turned golden brown and gooey. I loved the sweet taste. We sat around the fire, told stories, and sang songs. It was magical.
    On another day, we went for a boat ride. I wore a life jacket and sat at the front of the boat. The wind blew through my hair, and I felt like I was flying. We saw dolphins jumping out of the water. They were so graceful and playful. It was like watching a show made just for us.
    Besides all the beach activities, we also went on a hike. We walked along a trail surrounded by tall trees and colorful flowers. I spotted a squirrel running up a tree and birds chirping in the branches. It was like being in a nature movie. We had a picnic at the top of a hill and enjoyed the beautiful view.
    The holiday went by too quickly, and before I knew it, it was time to go home. I was sad to leave, but I had so many wonderful memories to take with me. I will never forget this special holiday.
    I learned that holidays are not just about going to new places or doing exciting things. It's about spending time with the people you love and creating memories together. This holiday was special because I got to do all those things with my family.
    I can't wait for the next holiday when we can make even more amazing memories together. Until then, I'll cherish the memories of this special holiday forever.
    That's the end of my story. Thank you for listening, everyone! I hope you enjoyed hearing about my special holiday.
    My Special Holiday
    The summer before last year, my family went on the most amazing holiday ever! It was the best trip I've had in my whole life so far. We went to an incredible place called Bali in Indonesia. I had never been outside of the country before, so I was really excited.
    We flew on a huge airplane for what felt like forever. I watched movies and played games on the little screen on the back of the seat in front of me. I also ate a bunch of snacks! Finally, after many hours in the air, we landed in Bali. As soon as we stepped off the plane, I could feel the warm, humid air. It was so different from the weather at home.
    Our hotel was right on the beach and it was beautiful! There were tall palm trees everywhere and the ocean looked incredibly blue. Our room had a big balcony with a view of the sparkling sea. I couldn't wait to go swimming!
    On the first day, we just relaxed on the beach. The sand was so soft and white. I spent hours playing in the gentle waves and building sandcastles. My little sister kept trying to bury me in the sand! In the afternoon, we went snorkeling for the first time. I was a little nervous at first, but seeing all the colorful fish and coral up close was amazing. I even saw
a sea turtle!
