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第二部分  阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Make the most of the pleasant weather and enjoy the best walk of the year with friends and family. Use your 2 for1 Entry in some of our favorite landscape gardens for a memorable day out.
    Painswick Rococo Garden
    Find beauty and quietness at the UK's only complete surviving Rococo Garden. Discover fanciful garden flowers, woodland walks, and beautifully framed (镶框 views across the valley. Dogs on short leads are permitted and the shop offers a range of seasonal and local produce.
    Book uk. 
Open: closed l-25 March, open 26-31Marcb, 10 am-4 pm, last entry 2:30 pm.
Nymans Garden 
Walk down Spring Walk packed with seasonal flowers and pleasant smells, and enjoy the hedge (树篱 topped with frost. Routes include those with plenty of level paths to follow around the garden. Dogs are welcome every day from 1:30 pm, with a festive treat provided.
Book uk/nymans.
Open: daily except 24-25 March, 10 am-4 pm.
Ventnor Botanic Garden
Even in early spring, there are typically over 200 varieties of plants to be seen flowering as you explore the 27 acres. Enjoy access to the coastal path and routes accessible for wheelchairs, and then warm up with coffee milk in the caf6 afterwards.
Book uk.
Open: daily except 25 March, 9 am-4 pm.
Gibside Garden
Enjoy walking paths at this Georgian landscape garden, featuring plenty of wildlife. Follow the winding river and turning valley for fantastic views: Warm up with hot chocolate and delicious biscuits in the second-hand bookshop. :
Book uk/gibside.   
Open: daily except 24 and 25 March, 10am-4 pm.
21.What do Painswick Rococo Garrden and Nymans Garden have in common?
A.Valley views.                          B.Frosty flowers.
C.Seasonal produce.                        D.Pet permission.
22.Which garden favors people with walking disability?
A.Painswick Rococo Garden.                B.Nymans Garden.
C.Ventnor Botanic Garden.                D.Gibside Garden.
23.Where can the text be found?
A.In a research paper.                    B.In a travel brochure.
C.In a science magazine.                    D.In a geography textbook.
Growing up, I was often the first Jewish person my classmates had ever met. I lived in Mississauga, Ontario, and was the only Jewish strident in my grade — sometimes the only one in the whole school. This difference set me apart
Every September, I hated presenting the note my parents had expertly made to a teacher I was just getting to know. The note explained that I would be absent during the Jewish High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippru. I fretted that my teachers would label me the "Jewish kid".
The real trouble always came as the local new year's festival approached. I was Jewish and celebrated Hanukkah, not this festival. At school, on one day before the winter break, every class would sit in neat rows in the gym and sing songs from the festival. However, the music teacher sometimes played Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel, a Jewish festival song, and I would feel hundreds of eyes staring at my red cheeks. As my friends counted down the days until the festival, I counted the days until it was over and I could go back to feeling normal.
Each year during primary school, my mother would coordinate (协调 with my teacher to come to my class and tell the story of Hanukkah. She would prepare treats and materials  depending on my age. Every time I would proudly stand beside her as she told the story of Hanukkah and explained the symbols. The children who had attended the presentation previously competed to answer questions. After my mom left, I would overhear them showing off their fried treats to kids in other classes.
My mom's annual visits to my school sparked (激发 interest from other parents as well. Over the years, we had visits from parents who shared how festivals were celebrated in Germany and Italy.
My mom showed me, my classmates and their families that what sets us apart should be celebrated and shared, an intention which I continue to set for myself as I cycle through another holiday season.
24.What does the underlined word "fretted" in paragraph 2 refer to?
A.Noticed.          B.Disagreed.            C.Worried:          D.Expected.
25.What really annoyed the author during the local festival?
A.Being a trick target.                    B.Singing holiday songs.
    C.Being culturally different.                D.Celebrating others' festival.
26.How did the author's classmates react to Mom's coming?
A.They welcomed it warmly:              B.They gave away her treats.
