初中英语关于春节的作文题目 不要范文
    The Joys of Chinese New Year
    Chinese New Year is my favorite time of the whole year! It's a huge celebration filled with fun traditions, delicious food, lucky money, and spending quality time with family. Every Chinese New Year feels like a big, exciting party that goes on for weeks.
    The preparations actually start a few weeks before the big day. My mom cleans our whole house from top to bottom to sweep away any bad luck from the old year. She makes me help out too, which I don't love, but it's a tradition. We decorate the house with red lanterns, banners with lucky sayings, and papers with the character 福 (fu) meaning good fortune. Everything has to be spick and span for the new year.
    One of the best parts is getting new clothes and shoes for Chinese New Year. It represents starting fresh in the new year. My grandparents always give me and my little brother lucky red envelopes filled with money as a gift. The envelopes are red because that color is supposed to bring good luck and scare off evil spirits. I always spend my lucky money on games, snacks, or something fun!
    On Chinese New Year's Eve, we have a huge feast with all my extended family. My favorite dishes are the dumplings, noodles, whole steamed fish, and nian gao (those sticky sweet rice cakes). I stuff myself until I can barely move! After dinner, we all gather around the TV to watch the Spring Festival Gala which has skits, songs, and comedy acts. It's cheesy but I love the tradition of watching it every year with my family.
    At midnight, we kids set off firecrackers and fireworks in the street. The louder the noise, the better for scaring off any evil spirits and bad luck from the past year! My dad always makes sure to get the biggest, most obnoxious firecrackers. He thinks the bigger the bang, the more luck we'll have. Our neighbors always complain about the noise, but that's just part of the fun traditions.
    The next two weeks are the most exciting time. We visit all our relatives, friends, and neighbors to give gifts and lucky red envelopes. People decorate their doors with paper couplets of lucky sayings and hang up lanterns. The streets are covered in red banners, lantern displays, and lots of firecrackers going off constantly.
    There are dragon and lion dances performing in neighborhoods, with loud drums, clanging cymbals, and dancers twirling those long flowing dragon costumes. Sometimes I get to feed the "lions" lettuce for luck! The atmosphere is so lively and festive during this time. School is also out for a couple of weeks so I just get to play, visit relatives, eat lots of snacks, and stay up late every night.
    My favorite day is the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the new year celebrations. We go to the park or temple grounds and release skylights - those little hot air balloons made of paper that float up into the night sky. It looks so magical with hundreds of glowing lanterns drifting off carrying everyone's new year wishes. There are also huge lantern sculptures of animals or characters from myths on display. We carry our own lanterns, eat tangyuan (sweet rice ball soup), and it's just an all-around fun night to be out with family.
    After two weeks of fun, things have to go back to normal eventually. I always feel a little sad when Chinese New Year ends and it's time to go back to school. But I also feel refreshed and recharged to take on the new year after all the luck and celebration! I can't wait until next year to do it all over again. That's the best part about Chinese New Year - it comes with a bang every year to wipe out the old and start fresh!
    The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
    Chinese New Year is definitely the most exciting and fun time of the year for me and my family! It's a huge celebration that lasts for weeks, with all sorts of amazing traditions and activities. I look forward to it every single year.
    The preparations actually start weeks before the big day. My mom goes into full cleaning mode, making sure every corner of our house is spotless. We call it "sweeping away the old". She buys all new decorations too - bright red lanterns, lucky charms, garlands with wo
rds like "happiness" and "prosperity" written on them. The colors red and gold are everywhere because they're supposed to bring good luck.
    One of my favorite traditions is getting new clothes and shoes to wear for New Year's Day. They have to be brand new, never worn before. My grandma always takes me shopping and lets me pick out whatever I want. This year I got an awesome red jacket with dragons embroidered on it! Wearing new clothes symbolizes starting fresh for the new year.
    A few days before the big celebration, my grandparents make sure to clean out the entire house and decorate every room with the new lanterns, garlands, pictures of lucky symbols, and more. It starts to feel really festive! My grandpa gets fresh flowers too. Everything has to look perfect.
    On New Year's Eve, the whole family gathers together for a huge feast. My grandma and aunts spend days cooking all the symbolic foods - dumplings shaped like gold ingots for wealth, sweet rice balls for family unity, long noodles for longevity. We celebrate late into th
e night, watching TV shows about the new year and the Spring Festival Gala. At midnight, we kids get to stay up and set off firecrackers and fireworks in the street. It's so loud and exciting!
