Lesson 51-52
1.  _ct_ber    2.  sp_ _ng  3.  D_c_mber
4.  w_ _ter    5.  s_mmer  6.  clim_te
7.  pleas_nt  8.  aut_m_    9.  Febr_ _ _y
10.      w_ _ther
1.  It’s always warm in A_________ and M________ but it rains sometimes.
2.  It’s often cold in D___________ J___________. It snows sometimes.
3.  They’re English. They come from E_____.
4.  He’s Greek. He comes from G_________.
5.  We’re French. We come from F________.
6.  You are German. You are from G_______.
7.  She’s Dutch. She comes from H________.
8.  I’m Norwegian. I come from N________.
9.  They are Spanish. They come from S____.
10.      They are Swedish. They come from S__________.
1.  We __________ (like) English very much.
2.  Jim __________(come) from England.
3.  Does she ________ (want) any meat?
4.  They don’t ________ (come)from Japan.
5.  It doesn’t ________ (rain) in winter.
6.  Can you _____ (see) some birds in the sky?
7.  He is ______ (sit) on the grass.
8.  Can you _______ (make) biscuits?
9.  Are they _________ (work) hard?
10.      She isn’t ________ (read) a magazine.
1.  Do you want milk and coffee?
2.  I don’t like steak too.
3.  My brother like beef.
4.  To telling you the truth he doesn’t like chicken.
5.  It don’t rain in winter.
6.  Do he come from England?
7.  ---What does it like in summer?
      ---It’s hot.
8.  Is it cold and warm in autumn?
in spring怎么读      __________________________________
9.  She doesn’t likes the winter.
10.      I comes from China.
1.  春天的天气怎么样?
      What ______ the weather _____ in spring?
2.  他也不喜欢牛肉。
      He _____ ______ beef __________.
3.  你喜欢吃桃子吗?
      Do you ______ ________?
4.  九、十月总是暖和。
      It’s  _______ warm in _______ and _________.
5.  你是哪国人?
      What _______ are you?
Lesson 53-54
1.  cold          __________ (反义词) 
2.  wind  __________ (形容词)
3.  wet          __________ (反义词)
4.  long        __________ (反义词)
5.  rise          __________ (对应词)
6.  late          __________ (反义词)
7.  day          __________ (对应词)
8.  Australia  __________ (形容词)
9.  Canada  __________ (形容词)
10.      Chinese  __________ (名词)
11. does not  __________ (缩写)
12.      Japanese    __________ (名词)
13.      tell      __________ (单三)
14.      make  __________ (现在分词)
15.      peach __________ (复数)
16.      they        __________ (宾格)
1.  What nationality are you?(同义句)
      ________ do you ______ from?
2.  ---______ seasons do you like _______?(根据答语写问句)
      ---I like spring best.
3.  I come from France. (对划线部分提问)
      ______ _______ you come from?
4.  The sun rises early. (改为一般疑问句)
      _______ the sun _____ early?
5.  He comes from Canada. (变为否定句)
      He ________ _________ from Canada.
6.  Does your father go to work by car?(改为肯定句)
      My father _______ to work by car.
1.He is Australian. He comes from A______.
2.They’re Finish. They come from F______.
3.She is Polish. She comes from P________.
4.You are Canadian. You come from C_____.
5.I’m Japanese. I come from J__________.
6.They’re Indians. They come from I______.
7.He’s Austrian. He comes from A_______.
8.We’re Chinese. We come from C________.
9.She’s Turkish. She comes from T_______.
10. I’m Korean. I come from K________.
1.I come from Japan.
2.I like spring and summer best.
3.It’s mild in my country.
4.He is American.
In spring ________ _________ are long and _________ _________ are short.
It’s _________ ____________ ________ of conversation.
The sun _______ ________ and ________ _________ in winter.
Our _______ is not very good ______it’s certainly _____________.
