PEP三下 Unit 6 How many?
                      A Let’s talk
1)能听懂、会说、认读所学对话, 并能够用正确的语音语调朗读对话。
2)能在语境中运用所学句型How many…do you see? I see….来交流看到的物品数量。
1)能听懂、会说、认读句型How many… do you see?  I see….
2)能听懂、会说句子The black one is a bird.
    1. 重点:听、说、认读并在语境中运用句型How many… do you see?  I see….
    2. 难点:句子The black one is a bird.
Before class, enjoy a songLet your kite fly high
1. Greetings.
T: Hello, Boys and girls! I’m Wendy! Good morning!  Nice to meet you! Look at me. Look at my fingers. How many fingers?(师随机出示568的手势,8的手势师可顺势作酷状,生快速说数字。)Now I say you do: Show me your 1/7/9.(师发指令,学生做) Good job!
2. Review numbers.
  T: Children. Spring comes. Today let’s have a field trip and fly kites. OK? Go!
出示情景图(没有天空, 四只猴,六只鸭)
T: Look at the monkeys! How many? 接着问:How many ducks?
How many birds do you see? Let’s count:1-10
3. Learn: eleven twelve
1)学习 eleven
PPT:十只小鸟,又来一只小鸟T: OhHow many birds? 教师顺势说eleven
师先教读两遍,T: Follow me! eleven eleven, 然后拿卡片(11),T:Try to read.然后师拿卡片另一面eleven,教读e-le-ven (用手指表示音节) 2遍,学生组读、个读。 Who can read? 师随机评价,Good! Great! Super!
2)学习 twelve
PPT 11只小鸟,再来一只鸟,共12只鸟。T: Look! Another bird is coming.  How many birds do you see? Ss:12.教法同eleven.师示范twelvev的发音,学生齐读、男女生读、组读、开火车读。师随机评价,Good! Great! Super!
    (一)整体感知文本,理解文本大意,并学习kitesSo beautiful!
1. 带着简单的问题听,让学生从整体体会文本的大意。
T: Look! Who is the boy\girl?    Ss: Zhang Peng \ Amy
T: Zhang Peng and Amy are having a field trip with their classmates, too. What are Zhang Peng and Amy looking at? Are they looking at the birds? (师做小鸟飞状)Guess!学生可能猜鸟,气球,飞机,风筝。Please watch, listen and choose.
然后出示PPT: Watch, listen and choose.
A. kites (图片)    B. birds (图片)
T: What are Zhang Peng and Amy looking at? Choose kites or birds?  Ss:  PPT出示答案。
T: Yes. kites.评价:奖励学生小风筝。(You are so cleverA kite for you.)
2. 学习kites
师出示白的风筝卡片, T:Look at the kite. What colour? 学生读white,师引导学生读ite,然后师将词卡上的wh撕掉,就变成了kite,学生试读,师领读kite,巧妙地出示另一张卡片How many kites?引导学生回答3 kites师领读kites.学生齐读、高低音读、组读、个读,然后将卡片贴在黑板上。
3.学习Wow! So beautiful!
师指PPT Look at the kites. What colour?课文主题图,再出现十一只风筝( red \yellow\ black\ green\ blue
T: Wow! So beautiful!
PPT:一张美丽的风筝的图片,下面有句子Wow! So beautiful!
一张美丽的花的图片,下面有句子Wow! So beautiful!
    一张美丽的郯子公园的图片,下面有句子Wow! So beautiful!
kites ,再通过五颜六的风筝处理So beautiful! ,为进一步听文本的细节扫除障碍。)
  ()带着问题视听,获取对话细节信息,学习核心句型do you see? I see….
T: Zhang Peng and Amy are looking at kites. Zhang Peng asks Amy: How many kites do you see? 师做观看状 T: 11or 12? Please watch, listen and choose.
PPT: Watch, listen and choose
spring怎么读语音? Zhang Peng 头像图:How many kites do you see?
Amy头像图:  A. I see 11.            B. I see 12.
PPT播放整段视频,    PPT出示答案。
T: Have you got it? Who can tell me?
SsI see 12.
T: You are so clever! A kite for you! 奖励一个小风筝。(如果学生回答的好。)
PPT: Zhang Peng 头像(气泡)How many kites do you see?
Amy头像(气泡):  I see 12.
T: Now I’m Zhang Peng. You’re Amy. How many kites do you see? Ss: I see 12. 师生练习2遍。 T: How many kites do you see? S1/S2:I see 12.师板书I see….并带读 I see 12. T: How many kites do you see? Ss: I see12. TPlease ask me together: How many kites do you see?师边回答I see 12.边板书:How many kites do you see? 师领读How many kites do you see?(第一遍领读,加上动作。第二遍领读do you see do you see How many kites do you see?第三遍师生拍手说,然后师出示句卡,学生男女生问、小组、生生问答练习,展示TAsk and answer in pairs like this.。教师评价跟上:123Good!
(设计意图:在整体感知的基础上,通过再次视听进一步熟悉文本,进而学习文本的核心句型do you see? I see….)
(三)学习The black one is a bird.
T: Amy sees 12 kites. But Zhang Peng says: No!  Why?
T: Can you tell me? Why?
Think and answer. (PPT)
Amy头像图(气泡):       I see 12
Zhang Peng 头像图(气泡): No!
Why? (为什么?)
S1:... PPT: The black one is a bird .师领读两遍。小老师读。Follow her\him.(奖励小风筝Su
per! Wonderful!)
      PPT1.  11只铅笔(5支铅笔一组,第三组有一只是红钢笔,图片下面是句子The         one is a       
      2.  12birds 5个一组,最后一组的一个是duck。)
T:  How many pencils do you see?
Ss: I see…
TS: The     one is          .
(设计意图:通过二次视听学生已熟悉文本内容后,在此时恰当提出问题让学生思考难点问题,突破难点语言The black one is a bird. 层层深入,降低难度。)
    (四)Listen and imitate.(听音仿读)
T: This time, Open your books and turn to P58.  listen, point and imitate.
PPT: Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.(注意你的语音语调。)
