Recycle (二)
spring怎么读语音?1. 形容词adj 用来修饰名词,也就是放在名词的前面或be动词之后,中文表示“------ ;副词的中文表示“------
2. 形容词、副词比较级的构成:       
一般情况下,在原词末尾 + er,发[ə].  eg.  new --- newer  tall---- taller 
以不发音e 结尾的单音节词,在原词末尾 + r , [ə].  eg.  nice---nicer  large---larger
以重读闭音节(辅++辅)结尾的要双写尾字母 + er , [ə].  eg.  hot---hotter  fat--fatter
+y”结尾的双音节词,改yi + er, [ə].  eg.  busy---busier  easy---easier
多数双音节词或多音节词变比较级,在原词前面加more,  eg. expensive--- more expensive
many / much — more  good/well — better  bad/ill — worselittle — less  far — farther
3. 重点语法点
1than ······相比较(用于两者之间的比较)
▲ than 后面常接 宾格 / 人名 / 名词所有格 / 名词性物主代词
2“as --- as ---  ------ 一样用于同级比较,两个as 中间要用形容词或副词的原级
3】在形容词的比较级前,有时可以用much ,a little 等表示程度的词来修饰比较级。
如:much younger 年轻得多, a little fatter更胖了一点
(1)A+be动词+比较级+than+B. 如: I am taller than you.
(2) A+be动词+数词+单位+比较级+than+B. 如:You’re 4cm taller than me.
问句:How +形容词+be动词+主语?
答语:主语+be动词+数字+单位+形容词。如:  How big are your feet ? I wear size 6.
['bIgə]      ['hevIə]      ['smɔ:lə]      ['hæpIə]      [' θInə]      ['lɔŋgə]
1. I can swim as _______(fast) as the fish, I think.
2. Look! His hands are ________(big) than mine.
3. I think you do these things _______(well) than your classmate.
4. Whose bag is ________(heavy), yours or mine?
  1.John is taller than my sister.                My sister is                      .
2.This desk is black.                        This is                       .
3.Tony has no time on Wednesday.            Tony               on Wednesday.
4.It is colder in winter than in spring.          It is       in      than in        .
5.Sarah is ten years old.Amy is eight years old.  Amy is two years               Sarah.
形容词性物主代词:my    your    her    his    its    our    their
(后面一定要接名词)  eg. My  long  ruler  is  on  the  desk .
名词性物主代词:  mine  yours    hers    his    its    ours    theirs
(后面不能接名词,可以单独使用) eg. This  little  cat  is  mine .
主格:I  you  we  they  he  she  it  (作主语)
宾格:me  you  us  them  him  her  it  (作宾语)
Eg: I often help them clean their room on the weekend.
1. This is _________(she) bag, it’s big. That bag is __________(I), it’s small.
2. Those __________(child) are ________(I) father’s students.
3. Thanks for helping ________(I).
4. ________(Ann) mother is _________(we) teacher.
5. Tommy has a cute cat. _________(it) name is Kitty.
6. –Whose books are these--They’re ________(their), I think.
2.一般过去时常与表示过去的时间状语连用:yesterday ,  last week last month
last year last night --- , always  , usually ,  often ,  sometimes 
(陈述句) 主语 + 动词过去式 +其它。 eg .  I did my homework last night .   
            主语+ be(was / were) + 形容词或名词 + --- .  eg. She was bored last night.
  a .直接在动词词末 + ed      eg.  clean----cleaned
  b. 动词词末以e 结尾的 + d  eg.  like----liked    live----lived
  c.动词以重读闭音节(辅 + + 辅)结尾的,双写尾字母+ed  eg.stop----stopped
  d. 动词以(辅 + y)结尾的,改y i + ed    eg.  study----studied
  2】加 ed 之后的发音情况:
  a. 浊辅音或元音后面+ ed  [ d ]    eg. play[plei]----played[pleid ]
  b. 清辅音后面 + ed  [ t ]        eg.wash[wɔʃ]----washed[wɔʃt]
  c. [ t ][ d ] 后面 + ed  [id ]  eg. count[kaunt]---counted[’kauntid]
1. I was at school this morning.(改一般疑问句并否定回答)
2. The students did an experiment last Wednesday.(改一般疑问句)
3. We went to Shanghai last trip. (按划线部分提问)
4. They cooked noodles together yesterday morning.(按划线部分提问)
5. I do my homework every day. yesterday 替换every day
6. My brother flew kites last Saturday. on Sundays替换last Saturday
  Bingo is a clever dog. He is Peter’s dog. One day, Peter said, “My dog can buy paper If you give it money.” So his friend gave Bingo some money and saw if it can buy paper. Bingo ran off quickly. Peter’s friend waited for about 30 minutes, but Bingo did not come back. He was a little angry.
  “How much did you give it?” asked Peter.
  “Five dollars.”
  “Well, that’s it. When you give it five dollars, he will go to the cinema.”
1. Peter’s dog’s name is          .
2. If you give Peter’s dog money, it can buy          .
