A: Hello, this is Su Hai speaking.
B: Hi, Su Hai. This is Nancy. How are you?
A: Not so good.
B: What's the matter?
A: I have a fever and a cough.
B: I'm sorry to hear that. Where are you, Su Hai?
A: I'm at home.
B: Can I come to see you this evening?
A: OK. See you.
B: See you.
1、__________ is calling Su Hai. (    )
A.Nancy    B.Yang Ling    C.Miss Li
2、Su Hai is _______________. (    )
A.fine    B.not so good    C.happy
3、Su Hai has _____________. (    )
A.a fever    B.a cough    C.both A and B
4、Nancy will (将要) come to see Su Hai _________________. (    )
A.after school    B.in the evening    C.in the morning
5、Su Hai is ______________________. (    )
A.in the school    B.in the hospital    C.at home
Tom lives in the village, and he likes swimming in the river near his house. But his father gets (获得) a job in a big city (城市), and he moves there with (和……一起) his family. Their new house has a garden, but the garden is very small. Tom isn’t happy. “Is there a river near here (这里)?” he asks his mother on the first morning. His mother answers, “No, there isn’t, but there’s a nice park near here and there’s a pool (池塘) in it. We’re going there this afternoon.” Tom is happy now. After lunch, Tom and his mother go to the park. Tom wants to walk (走) near the pool, but there is a sign (指示牌) before (在……之前) it. His mother reads it to him, “Warning (警告): This pool is dangerous (有危险的). 367 people fell into (掉进) it.” Tom looks into the pool carefully, and he says,“But I can’t see them.”
6、There’s ___________ near Tom’s house. (    )
A.a river    B.a lake    C.a mountain
7、Tom’s family move to a big city because (因为) ___________. (    )
A.his mother likes the city
B.they buy a big house there
C.his father gets a new job
8、Tom is ___________ to see his new house. (    )
A.happy    B.not happy    C.shy
9、___________, Tom and his mother go to the park. (    )
A.Before lunch    B.After lunch    C.After dinner
10、Why (为什么) is the pool dangerous? (    )
A.Because the pool is very deep (深的).
B.Because the pool is very big.
C.Because many people fell into the pool.
Hi, I’m Jessica. I usually get up at six thirty. I have a glass of milk and some bread for my breakfast. Then I put on my red skirt. I go to school by bus and I go to school at seven thirty.
It’s eight o'clock. It’s time for class. I have an Art lesson at ten past ten. Miss Zhang is my Art teacher. She is kind and beautiful. I like her very much. It’s four thirty. It’s time to clean the classroom. Then I go home at five. I can’t watch TV in the evening. I do some reading(阅读) from seven to eight. Then I go to bed at eight thirty. It’s my day.
11、Jessica’s skirt is _______. (   )
A.red    B.blue    C.pink
12、Jessica goes to school _______. (   )
A.by car    B.by bike    C.by bus
13、Jessica cleans her classroom at _______. (   )
A.four o'clock    B.five o'clock    C.four thirty
14、Does Jessica watch TV after school? (   )
A.Yes, she does.    B.No, she doesn’t.    C.I don’t know.
15、Jessica _______ at eight thirty. (   )
A.does homework    B.watches TV    C.goes to bed
My name is Amy. I’m from Canada. There are four people in my family. My parents, my brother and me. I usually get up at 6:30 and I often go hiking (去远足) on the weekend. I like spring best. It’s windy and warm. And I like winter, too. Because my birthday is in December, and I can play with snow. Today my parents are going shopping to prepare (准备) for my birthday tomorrow. My brother is playing in the garden. I’m watching TV.
16、Amy often goes hiking ______. (    )
A.On Sunday    B.in spring    C.on the weekend
17、Which is Amy’s favourite season? (    )
A.Spring.    B.Winter.    C.Autumn.
18、Why does Amy like winter? (    )
A.Because her birthday is in December.    B.Because she can play with snow in winter.
C.A and B.
19、Is Amy’s brother going shopping today? (    )
A.Yes, he is.    B.No, he isn’t.    C.Yes, he is swinging in the garden.
20、What is Amy doing? (    )
A.She is going shopping.    B.She is watching TV.    C.She’s playing in the garden.
Bob comes to live in a new city with his family. One morning, his mother, Mrs Black finds Bob is not happy and asks, “Why do you look so sad?”
“I have no friends here,” says Bob. Then, someone knocks(敲) at the door. Mrs Black opens the door and sees a woman standing with a smile(微笑), “I’m Mrs Smith. I am your neighbour. I live next door. Can I borrow(借) two eggs?” “OK,” says Mrs Black.
After lunch, a boy comes to Bob's house. “My name is Peter. My mother asks me to give you two eggs and some cakes.” “Thank you! I'm new here. Come in and play with me,” Bob is very happy, “I’m happy that your mother borrows two eggs this morning.”
“Welcome to our city. But my mother doesn't really need the eggs. She just wants to make friends with you.” Peter smiles.
21、Who comes to live in the new city? (   cityofspring怎么读)
A.Bob's family.    B.Peter's family.    C.Mrs Smith.
22、When does Peter come to Bob's home? (   )
A.In the early morning.    B.In the afternoon.    C.In the evening.
23、Why does Mrs Smith come to Mrs Black's house? (   )
A.She really needs two eggs.    B.She only wants to make cakes.    C.She wants to make friends with Bob's family.
24、What does the word neighbour mean here in Chinese? (   )
A.邻居    B.同胞    C.仁慈的人
25、What do you think of Peter's mother? (   )
