Unit 2过关检测卷
时间: 40分钟 满分: 100分
第一部分 听力(40分)
一、听录音, 给图片排序。(10分)
alice spring怎么读(  )    (  )   (  )    (  )     (  )
二、听录音, 选择你所听到的句子。(10分)
(  ) 1. A. Today is Tuesday.
B. Today is Thursday.
(  ) 2. A. The weather is rainy in Shanghai.
B. The weather is windy in Shanghai.
(  ) 3. A. Her friend Linda’s birthday is in March.
B. Her friend Linda’s birthday is in May.
(  ) 4. A. New Year’s Day is in January.
B. The Spring Festival is in January or February.
(  ) 5. A. The boy in yellow shorts is the second.
B. The boy in yellow shorts is the third.
三、听录音, 选出与你所听到内容相符的图片。(10分)
(  )1. A.   B.   (  )2. A. B.
(  )3. A.   B.   (  )4. A. B.
(  )5. A.    B.
四、听短文, 判断句子正(T)误(F)。(10分)
(  )1. I am a student.
(  )2. I am fourteen years old.
(  )3. My birthday is September the second.
(  )4. It’s cold and snowy today.
(  )5. Trees are green in April.
           第二部分 笔试(60分)
五、从句子中选出含有所给单词画线部分读音的单词, 并写在横线上。(5分)
1. fur   ________  My cousin is a nurse.
2. work  ________  Look at this word.
3. third  ________  My chair is very dirty.
4. driver  ________  Our English teacher is wearing a red jacket.
5. ho ________  The weather is cool in October.
六、把月份、相应的图片和序数词连起来。(10分 )
1. September  2. August  3. December  4. April   5. March
A.    B.   C.   D.   E. 
 a. twelfth   b. third   c. ninth   d. eighth   e. fourth
1.   2. 3.   4. 5.
1. In December, I can play in the________.
2. Children’s Day is in________.
3. This is a race. The girl is the________.
4. Look at the________. It’s cool.
5. It is ________ today.
八、读一读, 选一选。(10分)
(  )1. January is the________ month of the year.
A. one         B. first         C. second
(  )2. —________ —It’s cool and windy.
A. How are you today?            B. How about you?
C. How’s the weather today?
(  )3. It’s________ today. You can put on your sweater.
A. hot      B. cold      C. sunny
(  )4. ________ you see the cloud?
A. Does      B. Do      C. Are
(  )5. —________ birthday is in April?  —Lynn’s birthday is in April.
A. Whose      B. Who      C. What
(  )1. It’s warm and rainy in April.                 
(  )2. International Workers’ Day is May the first.         
(  )3. It’s sunny today.                             
(  )4. National Day is in this month.                     
(  )5. Look at the rain. It’s rainy today.               
1. in Whose is February birthday(? )
2. the March month is third(. )
3. June is Children’s Day  the first(. )
4. warm Today  and  is windy(. )
5. see the wind Do and the  you cloud(? )
十一、阅读短文, 选择正确的答案。(10分) (建议用时: 5分钟)
There are twelve months in a year. And there are four seasons in a year. March, April and May are spring. The weather is warm and rainy. We can see green leaves. June, July and August are summer. The weather is hot and sunny. Children like this season, because there is a long holiday. And they can eat ice cream. September, October and November are autumn. It is cool. Most leaves turn yellow, red and brown. December, January and Februar
y are winter. It is cold and snowy. We can play in the snow.
(  )1. How many months are there in a year?
A. Four.          B. Twelve.          C. Twelfth.
(  )2. The weather in March is________.
A. hot and sunny      B. cold and snowy      C. warm and rainy
(  )3. There is a long holiday in________.
A. March, April and May        B. June, July and August
C. September, October and November
(  )4. The leaves turn yellow in________.
A. October and November        B. March and April 
C. July and August
(  )5. The weather in winter is ________.
A. warm and rainy      B. cold and snowy      C. hot and sunny

Unit 2过关检测卷
一、1. It’s cold in Tianjin in December.
2. It’s sunny today. I am hot.
3. I like June. Children’s Day is in this month.
4. Teachers’ Day is September the tenth.
5. It’s snowy today. I can play in the snow.
二、1. Today is Thursday.
2. The weather is rainy in Shanghai.
