(It’s six o’clock in the evening. Sarah and her mother are in a restaurant.)
Waiter: Welcome! What would you like for dinner?
Mum: I’d like some rice and fish. Would you like some beef, Sarah?
Sarah: No, thanks. I’d like some chicken.
Waiter: Sorry, we don’t have chicken today. Here are today’s specials. Would you like some noodles and soup?
Sarah: Yes, please.Can I have a knife and fork?
Mum: Oh, Sarah, we are in China. Try chopsticks for noodles.
Sarah: OK, mum. I will try.
1、How many people are there in the dialogue(对话)? (   )
A.Two.    B.Three.    C.Four.
2、Where are they? (   )
A.At home.    B.In the classroom.    C.In a restaurant.
3、What would Mum like to eat? (   )
A.Rice and chicken.    B.Fish and rice.    C.Noodles.
4、_______ is today’s special. (   )
A.Juice    B.Fish    C.Soup
5、They spent(花费) _______ yuan for dinner. (   alice spring怎么读)
A.20    B.26    C.18
Alice: Hello, Jane.
Jane: Hello, Alice.
Alice: How many subjects do you have this term(学期)?
Jane: I have English, Science, Chinese, Art, Music, PE and Maths.
Alice: What lessons do you have in the morning, Jane?
Jane: Well, let me see. We have Science, Chinese, Art and Maths.
Alice: What subject do you like, Jane?
Jane: I like Art. What about you, Alice?
Alice: I like Art, too.
Jane: Oh, we like the same(同样的)subject.
Alice: How many Art lessons do you have in a week(星期)?
Jane: Three. I like it. It's fun.
6、Does Jane like Art ? (     
A.Yes.    B.No.    C.I don't know(知道).
7、Do Alice and Jane like the same(同样的)subject?       
A.Yes.    B.No.    C.I don't know.    D.Maybe.(可能吧)
8、How many Art lessons does Jane have in a week? (     
A.Two.    B.Three.    C.Four.    D.Five.
9、What lessons does Jane have in the morning?       
A.Science.    B.Chinese.    C.Art and Maths.    D.All of them (以上全选).
10、How many subjects does Jane have this term(学期)?        
A.Five.    B.Four.    C.Six.    D.Seven.
A: Dad, it’s Mother’s Day. I want to make a card for Mum.
B: Good idea! There’s some red and yellow paper (纸) on the desk.
A: Great. Mum likes red. What’s the time, Dad?
B: It’s seven thirty. Have breakfast, Peter.
A: Oh, I like the sandwich. But I’ll be late. Where’s my school bag?
B: It’s on the bed.
A: No, that blue bag is Tim’s. My bag is brown.
B: Look, it’s on the sofa.
11、It’s __________ today. (   )
A.Father’s Day    B.Mother’s Day    C.Women’s Day
12、It’s time for _________. (   )
A.breakfast    B.lunch    C.bed
13、Mike wants to make _________ for his mum. (   )
A.a sandwich    B.a yellow card    C.a red card
14、Peter’s school bag is _________. (   )
A.on the sofa    B.on the desk    C.on the bed
15、Tim’s school bag is ___________. (   )
A.red    B.brown    C.blue
It’s Christmas Day. This is Santa. He’s flying over Mount Fuji. He’s in Japan. “Merry Christmas! This book is for you.” Kenji wants to read his new book.
It’s Christmas time. Santa’s flying all over the world. He’s bringing gifts to children in Korea now. ”Merry Christmas! This yo-yo is for you.” Hee Sun is very happy with her yo-yo.
Santa is in Beijing now. He’s flying all over the Great Wall. It’s very, very long. ”Merry Christmas! This doll is for you.” Hua Hua wants to hold her new doll. Santa’s very nice to children.
Santa’s flying over Hong Kong now. He’s flying too fast. His hat is coming off. There are lots of tall buildings in Hong Kong. ”Merry Christmas! This ball is for you.” Ho Chee’s happy to see Santa. He’s happy to have a new ball, too.
Santa and the reindeer are tired now. They’re flying over India. ”Merry Christmas! This bag is for you.” Naresh loves the bag! He needs a bag for school. Santa’s hot. It’s very hot in In
Now Santa is in the USA.He’s flying over the Statue of Liberty. It’s very, very tall.” Merry Christmas! This dress is for you.” Sandy loves her dress. Now Santa’s very tired. That’s all for tonight. Time to go home. Happy to see Santa. He’s happy to have a new ball, too.
选自朗文《Merry Christmas》
16、_______ Day is on the 25th of December. ( )
A.Mother’s    B.Christmas    C.Children’s
17、Santa gives _______ to Kenji. (   )
A.a book    B.a bag    C.toy
18、Huahua gets a _______. (   )
A.book    B.ball    C.doll
19、The Statue of Liberty is in _______. (   )
A.Korea    B.the USA    C.China
20、Santa is very _______. (   )
A.tired    B.sad    C.cold
Hello! My name is Jim. There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and me. My father is a cook. He is in the kitchen now. He is tall and strong. My mother is a doctor. She is friendly. My brother and I are students. My brother is tall and thin. I'm short and quiet. Dinner is ready. We would like beef noodles and vegetables for dinner.
