
  ( ) 1. A.make B. cake C. lake
  二、 ( ) 2. A. fast B. fork C. far
  ( ) 3. A. chips B. chopsticks C. trousers
  ( ) 4. A. sweater B. shirt C. shorts
  ( ) 5. A.feed B.speak C. read
  ( ) 1. A.over out C.dragon boat
  ( ) 2.A.play football B.play basketballC.play
  ( ) 3.A.jump far B.run fast C.swim fast
  ( ) 4.A.watch TV B.listen to music C.do
  ( ) 5.A.make a cakeB.make a planeC.make a kite
  ( ) 1.A.What's this? B.What's that?
  C.What are these?
  ( ) 2.A.Where is the bread? B.Where is it?
  C.Where is your book?
  ( ) 3.A.Is it Shangshan's ruler? B.Is this a ruler?
  C.Whose ruler is it?
  ( ) 4.A.Can your Dad swim? B.Can you swim?
  C.Can your Mum swim?
  ( ) 5.A.Can this dog run? B.Can this boy run?
  C.Can this man run?
  jump winner far friends puddle
  Sam and Amy are good_____.Amy can jump______.But Sam can't ______far.Amy is the_____.Sam can swim in the ________.
  duck shorts noddles monkey sweater draw
  shirt write bread drink
  ( )1.A:What are you doing?
  B:We are making_____cake.
  A.a B.an C.the D./
  ( )2.Please ____quiet! Your father is working.
  A.is B.am C.be D.are
  ( )3. Children,please go ____your room!
  A. C.and D.for
  ( )4.It's hard____English people to use chopsticks.
  A. C.for D.of
  ( )5.Do you use chopsticks____England?
  A.from B.in C.
  ( )6.Amy is a girl.She is playing _____flute.
  A.she B.her C.hers D./
  ( )7.My father is listening _____music.
  A.to B.for C.at D.in
  ( )8.Tom is doing _____homework.
  A.he B.his C.him D./
  ( )9.Mum __
alice spring怎么读  ___watching TV now.
  A.am B.are C.is D.be
  ( )10.Let's make a kite____Tom.
  A.to B.for C.at D.of
  ( )1.What are those? A.Yes,it can.
  ( ) 2.What are you doing? B.Yes,I can.
  ( ) 3.Can you run fast? C.Yes,here you are.
  ( ) 4.Can I have an ice cream? D.I'm eating chips.
  ( ) 5.Can this dog run? E.They are dragoboats.
  Sam is an English boy.He is seven years old.His mother is a nurse.His father is a doctor.His grandfather is a teacher of Chinese.Sam doesn't want to be a teacher or a doctor.He is going to be a policeman.
  1.( )Sam is a/an______boy.
  A.English B.Chinese
  2.( )His father is a ________.
  A.policeman B.doctor
  3.( )His mother is a ______.
  A. teacher B.nurse
  4.His ____can speak Chinese.
  5.Sam is going to be a _______.
  A.policeman B.doctor

1. What can you see, Alice? I can see two butterflies.
2. Touch this watch. Is it soft? No, it’s hard.
3. Listen! What can you hear? I can hear a train.
4. Do you like hopping? No, I like riding my bicycle.
5. Let’s go skating together. All right.
6. What do you like eating? I like eating salad.
7. Do you like eating biscuits? Yes, I do.
8. What are they? They are snakes.
9. Do you like elephants? No, I don’t. I like giraffes.
10. The pig is lovely and soft. I like it very much.
11. They are black and white. They have long tails. They can run fast. They like eating grass. What are they? They are zebras.
12. Winter is cloudy and cold. I have a sweater and a coat for it.
13. Autumn is nice. In autumn, we like eating fruit.
14. Look at the light. It’s yellow. Don’t cross the road. Let’s wait.
15. Spring is warm. What do you have for spring? I have a shirt and trousers.
16. Look, Kitty has a new skirt. It’s nice and pink.
17. Can your mother play basketball? No, she can’t. But she can play cards.
18. Here’s a carnation for you, Mum. Happy Mother’s Day !
19. I’m hungry and thirsty. I want some milk and bread.
20. I’m sorry. That’s all right.
21. I’m tired. I want to sleep on the bed.
22. This chair is hard and rough. I don’t like it.
23. Have a cup of tea, Dad. Thank you, Danny.
24. Look at Eddie. He can drive a car.
25. Listen to Alice. She can sing a song.
26. What colour are your new shorts? They are blue.
1. snake _______ ________ 2. summer _______ __________
3. carrot _______ _________ 4. skip ________ ___________
5. brown _______ ________ 6. soft ________ __________
7. bus ________ ________ 8. coat _______ _________
9. balloon _______ ________ 10. hot _______ _________
1. 又累又饿 _________________ 2. 蓝紫相间 _____________
3. 一把光滑的椅子 _____________ 4. 骑车 ________________
5. 滑冰 ______________________ 6. 又软又可爱 _____________
7. 晴朗又炎热 _________________ 8. 在水里游泳 _____________
9. 放风筝 ___________________ 10. 在公园里 _____________
11. 在夏天 ___________________ 12. 吃水果 _______________
13. 一件温暖的毛衣 ______________14. 踢足球 ________________
15. 制作小鸟 _______________ 16. 打牌 _________________
17. 跳绳 ____________________ 18. 打乒乓 _________________
19. 一幢漂亮的房子 ______________20. 打篮球 ________________
21. 一个好主意 _________________ 22. 一杯茶 ________________
23. 出去 _____________________ 24. 一个小女孩 _____________
25. 我的爸爸 __________________ 26. 你的妈妈 _______________
27. 看着 _____________________ 28. 听着 __________________
29. 一些拉 _________________ 30. 三只蝴蝶 _______________
31. 一些胡萝卜 _________________ 32. 一个笔盒 _______________
33. 鱼和肉 __________________ 34. 在儿童乐园 ______________
1. 如何告诉别人,你喜欢跑步,不喜欢跳绳。
2. 母亲节到了,如何向妈妈送上祝福?
3. 如何询问对方喜欢吃的食物?
4. 如何告诉他人,你的爸爸会骑车,但不会开车。
5. 秋天到了,如何询问别人准备了什么衣服?
6. 如何告诉妈妈,你饿了,想要一些面条和肉。
7. 如何邀请你的朋友同你一起去游泳?
8. 爸爸下班回到家,你为他递上一杯茶时,该说什么?
9. 你想知道妈妈是否会打篮球,该怎么问妈妈?
11. 过马路时,看到红灯。你会对家人说什么?
12. 如何向你的朋友介绍你所喜欢的季节及理由。

have a look favorite sport pass the ball
, , , , , ,
Le t ’s go and have a look
, ,
__wi__ b__ __t f__ __t b__ __ __

f__ __tb__ __ __ p__ __ __ p__ngˉp__ng bl__ck
do—______________ play—______________ run—______________
swim—______________ pass—______________ ride—______________
come—______________ dance—______________ sing—______________
have play 1. ______________basketball 2. ______________to
go pass 3. ______________a kite 4. ______________the ball
sing fly 5. ______________a sing 6. ______________a PE class
1. are?they?football?playing

2. favorite?what’s?color?your

3. red?pink?white?make?and

4. are/what/doing/they

1. What do you have for lunch? ? ? Rabbit.
2. What class are you in? ? ? We have rice,meat and soup.
3. What are they doing? ? ? I’m in Class Two, Grade Four.
4. What’s your favorite pet? ? ? They are dancing
5. How do you go to school? ? ? By bus
