alice spring怎么读新译林英语六年级上第七八单元检测卷
(考试时间:40分钟, 卷面 :100分,  )
                                                        姓名________  成绩__________
                                  听力部分 (30分)
一、听录音、给下列图片排序 (听一遍)8分
      (  )              (  )              (  )                (  )     
        (  )              (  )              (  )            (  )
二、听录音,判断图意是否与所听内容相符,用T/F 表示(听两遍)8分
  1 (  )            2(  )                3(  )              4 (  )
5(  )              6(  )              7(  )                8(  )
(    )1. A . Liu Tao went to Beijing for the Chinese New Year
  B. Liu Tao went to a palace for the Chinese New Year.
  C. Liu Tao ate some dumplings for the Chinese New Year.
(    )2. A. Helen is going to buy some flowers with dad and mum tomorrow.
B. Helen is going to buy a coat tomorrow .
C. Helen is going to buy some flowers tomorrow.
(    )3.  A.We are going to the bund to light the fireworks tomorrow evening.
B. We are going to the bund to watch the show tomorrow evening.
C.We are going to the bund to watch the fireworks tomorrow evening
(    )  4. A. Ben is going to sing songs at Christmas.
B. Yang Ling is going to sing songs at Christmas.
C. Ben is going to buy some presents for Yang Ling
(    )  5. A. Bobby is going to the food  shop tomorrow.
            B. Bobby is going to the cake shop tomorrow.
          C. Bobby is going to see his friend Alice tomorrow.
四、听录音,选择正确的答案(听三遍) 5分
(    ) 1. It is going to be ______________ soon.
        A. New Year’s Day        B. Christmas      C. Halloween
(    ) 2.SuHai gets an e-mail from her e-friend ___________.
        A .Lily                  B. Lucy            C.LiuTao
(    ) 3. Su Hai and her family need ______________ for Christmas
        A. food                  B. drink          C. both A and B
(    ) 4. The new radio is for SuHai’s _____________.
        A. dad                B. grandparents      C.sister
(    ) 5. Su Hai is going to _______________for her friend.
        A. make a cloth ball    B. make a dress with cloth  C. make a cloth bag
五、听录音,根据实际情况回答问题  4分
                                笔试部分 (70分)
一、用方框中的词完成句子,使之通顺流畅, 注意单词大小写 8分
                    Linda is a  ______. She has a cook _______.
                    She can make ________ ________.
                    Jimmy is a ___________cook .
.                    _________ at his funny turner(锅铲).
                      It is made of __________.
                      Oh, his mouth is ______ big.
二、联系上下文,根据首字母填空 (8分)
1、Summer is the s_________  season of the year.
2、Wang Bing and Mike often write e____________ to each other. They’re good e-friends.
3、Yang Ling’s Mum is cooking dumplings in the k__________ for her.
4、--What are you going to do n_______  week ?
  —We’re going to have a swimming lesson at school.
5、Sam and Bobby are talking about their p_________ for summer holiday.
6、At Chinese New Year,the children’s parents usually buy some new c_________ for them. They ’re beautiful.
7、We are going to l________ some fireworks on Chinese New Year’s Eve
8、We’re e_______ to hear that there’s a football match in the playground this afternoon .
三、从方框中选择适当的词组完成句子,填序号 (有一项是多余的)(5分)
A .all over the world,    B.What happened , a lion dance
D .windy and cloudy,    E.picked some apples,  F.on the Internet
1、Nancy likes shopping,but she doesn’t like going to the shopping centre. So she usually buys things _______________.
2、The weather became ___________. It is going to rain, you should take an umbrella with you.
3、A:___________,  little girl ?
  B:Oh ,my hands hurt.
4、Mike and Liu Tao ___________and went fishing on the farm on holidays.
5、Mr Green likes making friends. He has many e-friends from ________________.
四、单项选择题 (10分)
(    )1.They are going to ________ fireworks in the evening.
A. see      B. look. 
