Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet  综合素质评价
限时: 120分钟 满分: 120分
第一部分 (听力 共30 分)
I. 听选答案(共15 小题,计20 分)
第一节:听下面10 段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,读两遍。请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题,从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。(共10 小题,计10 分)
1. A. Relaxed.         B. Stressed.         C. Excited.
2. A. Because it’s popular.     B. Because it’s relaxing. C. Because it’s exciting.
3. A. An old car.         B. An old ship.     C. An old plane.
4. A. A knife.         B. A stone.         C. A gun.
5. A. Alice in Wonderland.        B. Robinson Crusoe.     C. Treasure Island.
6. A. Interesting.         B. Exciting.         C. Boring.
7. A. 247.         B. 347.        C. 357.
8. A. A famous musician.         B. A famous writer.     C. A famous actor.
9. A. It’s difficult.         B. It’s boring.     C. It’s educational.
10. A. Money.         B. Success.         C. Family.
第二节:听下面两段对话,每段对话后有几道小题,请根据每段对话的内容,从题目所给的三个选项中选出所给问题的最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。(共5 小题,计10 分)
听第11 段对话,回答第11、12 小题。
11. What does Linda think of Tom Sawyer?
    A. Humorous.         B. Clever.         C. Kind.
12. What does Mario say about books?
    A. They are like food for mind.
    B. They are very expensive.
    C. They are too difficult to understand.
听第12 段对话,回答第13 至15 小题。
13. Where is the concert?
    A. At the Music Room.     B. At the Music Theater.
    C. At the Music Hall.
14. Which is the man’s favorite music?
    A. Piano music.         B. Violin music.     C. Rock music.
15. How will they go to the concert?
    A. By bus.         B. By car.         C. On foot.
II. 听填信息(共5 小题,计10 分)
16. ___________ ___________, Tina bought a new book called Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.
17. Tina paid __________ yuan for her new book.
18. Reading the book took Tina about ___________ ___________.
19. The book mainly tells us how Harry Potter __________ __________ the bad man.
20. Tina likes Harry Potter because she thinks he is ____________ _____________ ___________.
第二部分 (笔试 共90 分)
III. 完形填空(共20 小题,计20 分)
Xiong Linghao is a blind girl. 21._________ playing Beethoven’s Pathetique Sonata in an international piano competition in Shanghai, she became famous online. 22._________ people know her.
Xiong is from Mianyang, Sichuan. She lost her eyesight when she was a baby because of 23._________ accident.
Xiong’s mother 24._________ that her daughter had a talent for music when she was very young. At the age of 3, Xiong could play children’s songs on a small piano at home. At the age of 6, she started learning the piano from a piano teacher. Beethoven is her idol. Both of 25._________tried to touch the world through music.
“The piano is my best friend and it always brings much to me,” said Xiong.
Xiong takes playing the piano 26._________. But learning to play the piano is not easy for
Xiong. At first her teacher helped her 27._________ the piano.
“Practicing over and over again 28._________ necessary because I need muscle memory to find the right keys,” she said.
Xiong said 29._________ she could see for three days, she would like to cook a big meal for her parents.
“I would also like to see with my eyes 30._________ the piano looks like,” she also said.
21. A. Before     B. Since     C. After         D. From
22. A. More and more     B. Fewer and Fewer     C. Less and less     D. A few
23. A. a     B. an         C. the         D. /
24. A. find     B. finds     C. finding         D. found
25. A. them     B. they         C. their         D. theirs
26. A. serious             B. seriously
    C. seriousness             D. more serious
27. A. play     B. plays     C. played         D. playing
28. A. are     B. is         C. were         D. was
29. A. because     B. when     C. unless         D. if
30. A. how     B. where     C. what         D. why
I like music because I think there is nothing more relaxing than listening to or playing music.
One day, I went to my 31._________ house to visit them. While my mother was cooking in t
alice spring怎么读he kitchen, my father and I were 32._________ in the living room. He told me many stories about music. Then I went into my father’s room with him. He took out his guitar and 33._________ to play. I took out a violin and played with him. Slowly, I was lost in the 34._________.
My father and I played 35._________ that for about 20 minutes. And when I turned 36._________, my mother was standing outside the door listening. I didn’t even notice her while I was playing. I was completely lost in the music. When I played with my father, I wasn’t good at playing the violin. 37._________ it was a slow song, so I didn’t need to 38._________ my ability, and I just enjoyed the beauty of music.
Now many people only focus on (专注于) being good at one instrument, not music 39._________. However, I play music just 40._________ it makes me happy, and I love everything about it.
