1.In ______, it is cold. We make snowmen. (    )
A.spring    B.summer    C.winter
2.That ________ a shirt and these ________ shorts. (    )
A.is; is    B.are; is    C.is; are
3.Look at these trees. Can you draw ________? (    )
A.it    B.them    C.those
4.—What time is it? (    )   
A.At nine    B.It’s nine    C.At nine o'clock
rawing is _______, but I can try. (    )
A.right    B.easy    C.difficult
6.—What’s the matter with ________? (    )
—She has a cold.
A.you    B.her    C.him
7.Can you see some flowers ________ the park? (    )
A.on    B.at    C.in
8.My cousin has a _______ lesson today. She can _______ very well. (    alice spring怎么读)
A.swimming; swim
B.swimming; swimming
C.swim; swimming
9.—_______ you like a banana pie? (   )
—No, thanks.
A.Do    B.Can    C.Would
10.—_______ glasses are these? (   )
—_______ my father's.
A.Whose; They're    B.Who's; They're    C.Whose; It's
11.—_______ subjects do you have this term? (   )
A.What    B.How much    C.How many
12.—I usually go to school at ________. (    )
—Oh, it’s not late.
A.seven ten    B.eight fifty    C.two o'clock
13.—I have a fever. (   )
A.Thank you.    B.Great!    C.I’m sorry to hear that.
14.—I can’t swim. (    )
—I can’t swim _______.
A.too    B.two    C.either
15.—What can you see over there? (   )
—I can see a tree and ______ flowers.
A.a    B.some    C.any
16.Ouch! My hands ________ (hurt).
17.Those _______ (peach) are sweet. I like _______ (it).
18._______ (he) is happy! And _______ (he) eyes are big!
19._______ (Those) monkey is very lovely.
20.It’s time to have a ______ (draw) lesson.
2an you see _____ (he) new shirt?
22.It’s seven _____ (clock). Let _____ (we) go to school.
23.It’s too _______ (cold). Open the window, please.
24.Look at these _______ (boat) on the river! Let’s go _______ (boat).
25.I _______ (have) a PE lesson and he _______ (have) a PE lesson too.
26.Mary can _____ (have) lunch at school every day.
27.This is _____ (we) new timetable for today.
28.Are these ______ (you), Tom?
29.I like ______ (tomato).
30.We are hungry after the football game. We want _____ (have) dinner now.
31.Look at my gloves. This pair of gloves ________ (be) too big.
32.The students _________ (画一些红花) by the river.
33.Spring is warm. A_______ is cool.
34.—Is Sam at home?
—No, he’s _________ (在学校).
35.I _______ cold. I _______ a cold.
36.We have an Art lesson every _________ (星期五).
37.—What can you see on the ______ (小河)?  —I can see a duck.
38.In _____ (春天), we fly kites in the park.
39.We make ________ in _________.
40.I play football with Mike on _____ afternoon.
Christmas is the most important (重要的) and popular festival in Western countries. On Christmas Day, Alice and her brother David wake up early. They get up at half past six and put on their clothes quickly. Next, Alice looks for her presents in the stocking. “Wow, what a nice dress! I like it very much,” Alice says happily. Then, she goes to see David's present. D
avid gets a red toy car. Finally, they help their parents to open the presents under the Christmas tree. They have a lot of fun at Christmas.
41、What time does Alice get up on Christmas Day? (   )
A.6:00.    B.6:30.    C.6:15、
42、What presents does Alice get in the stocking? (   )
A.A doll.    B.A toy car.    C.A dress.
43、What colour is David’s toy car? (   )
A.Red.    B.Yellow.    C.Blue.
44、Where do they open their presents? (   )
A.In the stocking.    B.Under the Christmas tree.    C.In the bedroom.
45、Do they have a good time on Christmas Day? (   )
A.Yes, they do.    B.No, they don’t.    C.Sorry, I don’t know.
Hi, I am Mike. There are five people in my family. My grandma, my father, my mother, me and my little puppy. There are three birthdays in February. And two birthdays in September. My grandma’s birthday is in February. My birthday is on September 10th. It is also Teachers’ Day. My mother is a teacher. On September 10, my mum usually buys a big birthday cake for me. I often help her cook dinner. She usually cooks noodles for me. I feel happy. I love my mother very much.
46、There are ________ people in Mike’s family. (    )
A.4    B.3    C.5
47、Mike’s birthday is in ________.  (    )
A.February    B.September    C.April
48、Mike’s mum is a ________.  (    )
A.teacher    B.cook    C.farmer
49、There are ________ birthdays in September.  (    )
