London is a big and old city. It’s the capital (首都) of the UK. It’s cool in summer. It’s not cold in winter. But it often rains. Maybe you’re wearing a dress in the morning, but you wears a sweater in the evening. Maybe it is sunny now, but one hour later it’s snowy. So the people often talk about weather.
If (如果) you go to London, you can visit many places. Big Ben is very tall and famous. You can also see the Hyde Park. The Buckingham Palace is next to the park. The Queen lives there. The Queen is 96 years old. And she is working now!
1、Where’s the capital of UK? (    )
A.London    B.Beijing    C.New York
2、The people in London like talking about __________. (    )
A.sports    B.Queen    C.weather
3、You can’t see __________ in London. (    )
A.    B.    C.
4、Which is true? (哪个正确?) (    )
A.London is in the US.
B.There’s four seasons in London in one day.
C.You can (能) go to the West Lake in London.
5、The passage (短文) is about __________. (    )
A.China    B.the UK    C.London
Hello! I'm David. It's Sunday today. I have an egg, a hamburger and some milk for breakfast. Then I do some housework with my parents. I can wash my clothes. My father can clean the bedroom. My mother can cook good food. We are busy, but very happy.
It's hot today, I eat some ice cream. My favourite food is ice cream, it's sweet. In the afternoon, I visit my grandparents. We have a big dinner in a Chinese restaurant.
6、What does David have for breakfast? (   )
A.An egg, some bread and some milk.    B.An egg, a hamburger and some milk.
C.A hamburger and some ice cream.
7、What's David's favourite food? (   )
A.Hamburgers.    B.Milk.    C.Ice cream.
8、What can David do? (   )
A.He can clean the bedroom.    B.He can wash his clothes.    C.He can cook good food.
9、Is David happy today? (   )
A.Yes, he is.    B.No, he isn't.    C.Yes, he can.
10、What may David and his grandparents eat for dinner? (   )
A.Some fish, chicken and vegetables.    B.Sandwich and salad.
C.Some fish, beef and hamburgers.
It is Jimmy’s birthday today. He is five years old. He gets many birthday presents from his family and one of them is a nice big drum (鼓).
“Who gives him that drum?” his father asks.
“His grandfather,” answers Jimmy’s mother.
Jimmy likes his drum very much. He often makes a terrible (可怕的) noise with it, but his mother doesn’t say anything about it. His father is not at home. He is working in a school. So he doesn’t hear the noise.
But one of the neighbours (邻居) does not like the noise. So one morning she takes a knife (刀) and goes into Jimmy’s room. Jimmy is making a noise with the drum. She says to him, “Hello, Jimmy. Do you know there is something very nice in your drum? Here’s a knife. Open the drum and let’s find it.” Jimmy is very happy to get the knife.
11、—How old is Jimmy? (    )
—He’s ______.
A.5    B.4    C.15
12、______ gives Jimmy the drum. (    )
A.His father    B.His neighbor    C.His grandfather
13、What does Jimmy’s father do? (    )
A.An engineer    B.A worker    C.A teacher
14、—What does the word “noise” mean in Chinese? (    )
A.哭声    B.噪音    C.叫声
15、______ opens the drum with the knife. (    )
A.Jimmy    B.Jimmy’s father    C.Jimmy’s neighbour
Mike: What a nice day! Let's go to the nature park.
Kate: Why not? We can take some pictures there.
Mike: Are there any bridges in the nature park?
Kate: Yes, there is one over the river. Hey! Why don't you take a picture of me?
Mike: Shh! Be quiet. Look at the baby koala in that tree. It's so cute.
Kate: Wow! Let's take a picture of it first.
Mike: Is there a restaurant in the forest? I'm a little hungry.
Kate: No, there isn't, but there is one in front of the hill. It's too far. Look! I have some food. There is a bench(长椅) under the tree. Let's sit here and share a pizza.
Mike: Wonderful! Haha, the koala is looking at my pizza.
Kate: Oh, dear me! Maybe it's hungry, too.
16、—What's the weather like? (    )
—Maybe it's ________.
A.rainy    B.snowy    C.sunny
17、What does the word“one”with underline(下划线) mean? (    )
A.No. 1    B.a bridge    C.one restaurant
18、The hill is ________ the restaurant. (    )
A.in front of    B.beside    C.behind
19、—Where is the koala? (    )
—It's ________.
cold怎么读A.near the tree    B.in the tree    C.under the tree
20、They eat some food ________. (    )
A.in a restaurant    B.on a bench    C.on a house
A: Hello, Martin. Can you swim?
B: Yes, I do. What about you, Eddie?
A: Me too. I learned how to swim last month (上个). I can swim well. Let’s have a race (比赛).
B: OK.
C: Eddie, 47 seconds (秒). Martin, 32 seconds. Come on, Eddie. Martin started swimming at the age of three. Don’t teach a fish how to swim.
