Mum: Hurry up, Helen! It’s eight o'clock. It’s time for school.
Helen: I can’t go to school today, Mum.
Mum: What’s the matter, dear?
Helen: I feel cold.
Mum: Oh. You have a fever. Drink some warm water, dear.
Helen: No. I don’t want to drink any water, Mum.
Mum: Let’s go to see the doctor.
Helen: OK. I want to drink some orange juice, Mum.
1、Where is Helen now? (     )
A.In the park.    B.At home.    C.In class.
2、What time is it? (     )
A.Seven forty.    B.Seven.    C.Eight o'clock.
3、Is it Monday today? (     )
A.Yes, it is.    B.No, it isn’t.    C.Sorry, I don’t know. (我不知道)
4、Helen wants to ________. (     )
A.go to school    B.drink some water    C.drink some orange juice
5、What's the matter with Helen? (     )
A.She is happy.    B.She is ill.    C.She is hungry.
Amy: Which season do you like best, Mike?
Mike: Well, in Canada I like fall best. The sky is very blue. The leaves are colourful.
Amy: Which season do you like best?
Zhang: I like winter best. We go up north. We play in the snow.
Amy: Winter is beautiful, but it’s too cold for me. I like summer best. I like to swim in the sea.
Mike: Summer is good, but fall is my favourite season.
Zhang: Why?
Mike: Halloween and Thanksgiving!
6、Zhang Peng likes ________ best. (     )
A.winter    B.summer    C.spring
7、Winter is beautiful, but it’s too ________ for Amy. (     )
A.hot    B.warm    C.cold
8、Mike likes ________ best. (     )
A.summer    B.fall    C.spring
9、The sky is very ________ in Canada. (     )
A.blue    B.yellow    C.white
10、Amy likes ________ best. (     )
A.winter    B.summer    C.fall
This Sunday, Betty plays with Richard and Helen. They play volleyball and climb trees in the park. “This is boring. Let's have fun,” says Helen. They go to her house. Helen opens a big red umbrella and stands on a chair. Then she jumps off. “Look! I can fly!” she says. “That chair isn't very high,” said Richard. “Watch me!” He takes the umbrella and jumps off a table.
Betty wants to fly too. She wants to jump off the balcony (阳台). “No! It's too high!” shouts Richard. “It isn't very high,” says Betty. Betty can see the soft grass on the ground. She is very afraid, but she opens the umbrella and jumps. She falls into (跌入) some flowers.
Betty hurts her legs. She goes to see the doctor. The doctor says, “Your legs are OK, Betty. But don't try to fly again!” The next day, the children in her class give her a funny card. Inside it says, “Go by plane next time, Betty!”
11、_______ children play with Betty this Sunday. (    )
A.Two.    B.Three.    C.Four.    D.Five.
12、The word “boring” means _______ in Chinese. (    )
A.有趣的    B.无聊的    C.刺激的    D.累人的
13、Helen can't _______. (    )
A.play volleyball    B.climb trees    C.fly    D.play funny games
14、Richard jumps off _______ to fly. (    )
A.a tree    B.a chair    C.a table    D.the balcony
15、Betty is afraid because (因为) _______. (    )
A.she sees the grass    B.she falls into some flowers
C.the balcony is too high    D.she has no umbrella
I’m Mary. I am ten years old. I am tall and thin. I like fish, milk and rice. I like Mondays. We have music on Monday morning. Miss Liu is my music teacher. She is active and hard-working. Amy is my good friend. She is clever and polite. She likes Thursdays best. Because she has PE on Thursdays. She can play ping-pong with her friends. Mr Li is her PE teacher. Ice cream is her favourite food. After dinner she often eats ice cream. In the evening, she often does her homework and draws pictures.
16、What's Mary like? (     )
A.She is tall and thin.    B.She is clever and polite.    C.She is active and kind.
17、Does Mary like Mondays? (     )
A.Yes, she does.    B.No, she likes Fridays.    C.No, she likes Thursdays.
18、Does Amy like Thursdays? Why? (     )
A.Yes, she does. Because she has PE on Thursdays.
B.Yes, she does. Because she has music on Thursdays.
C.Yes, she does. Because she has science on Thursdays.
19、What's Amy's favourite food? (     )
A.Fish.    B.Rice.    C.Ice cream.
20、What does Amy often do in the evening? (     )
A.She often does her homework and plays ping-pong.
B.She often does her homework and plays sports.
C.She often does her homework and draws pictures.
It is Jimmy’s birthday today. He is five years old. He gets many birthday presents from his family and one of them is a nice big drum (鼓).
“Who gives him that drum?” his father asks.
“His grandfather,” answers Jimmy’s mother.
Jimmy likes his drum very much. He often makes a terrible (可怕的) noise with it, but his mother doesn’t say anything about it. His father is not at home. He is working in a school. So he doesn’t hear the noise.
