Jim’s Family
It’s nine o'clock in the evening. The family are all at home. Jim’s father is sitting in a chair. He’s watching TV. Jim’s mother is standing near the window. She’s giving some food to a bird. Polly says,“Thanks! Thanks!” Where’s Jim? Oh, he’s behind the door. Kate,Jim’s sister, is looking for him. They are playing games. They have no homework on Sunday evening.
1、There are _____ members(成员) in the family.(   
A.three    B.four    C.five    D.six
2、Who is watching TV in a chair? (   
A.Jim    B.Jim’s mother    C.Jim’s father    D.Jim’s sister
3、Jim and Kate are _____ . (   
A.good friends    B.two girls    C.two boys    D.brother and sister
4、The children _____ doing their homework. (   
A.aren’t    B.isn’t    C.don’t    D.not
5、What’s Kate doing? (   
A.She’s doing her homework.    B.She’s standing near the window.
C.She’s looking for a pen.    D.She’s playing games.
There is a small house in the forest. Alice goes into the house. There is a living room in the house. There is a kitchen in the house, too. There is a table and three chairs in it. Alice is hungry. She eats all the food on the table. There is a bedroom next to the living room. There are three beds in it. Alice sleeps (睡觉) in the small bed.
6、There is ________ and a kitchen in the house. (   )
A.a living room    B.a bathroom    C.a study
7、There is ________ and ________ in the kitchen. (   )
A.two chairs; a table    B.three beds; a table    C.a table; three chairs
8、There is a bedroom ________ the living room. (   )
A.next to    B.behind    C.in front of
9、There are ________ in the bedroom. (   )
A.a small bed    B.three beds    C.three chairs
10、Alice eats all the ________ on the table.     (   )
A.fruit    B.drink    C.food
cold怎么读Hello, I’m Dick. Look! This is a photo of my family. We took it eight years ago (以前). The little boy is me. I was three then. I was a bit shy. I wasn’t naughty. The man is my father. He
was tall and thin then. Now he’s fat. The woman is my mother. She was nice to anyone (任何人). They were young then. Next Sunday, we’ll take a photo in the park again. And we’ll have a picnic there. Bread is our favourite food. I’ll take much bread. My mother will take some milk. My father will take some fruit.
11、Dick is ______ years old now. (    )
A.three    B.eight    C.eleven
12、Dick was ______. He wasn’t ______. (    )
A.naughty; shy    B.shy; naughty    C.shy; cute
13、Dick’s father was ______ then. (    )
A.tall and thin    B.short and fat    C.tall and fat
14、—What will they do next Sunday? (    )
A.They’ll take a photo.    B.They’ll have a picnic.    C.They’ll have a picnic and take a photo in the park.
15、—What will they take for picnic? (    )
A.Bread.    B.Milk.    C.Bread, milk and fruit.
There are four seasons in a year. Spring starts first. Summer is the second. Then it's autumn. Winter is the last season in a year. In China, the weather is not the same(相同的) in winter. In Harbin, it's windy and cold. It often snows. People can play in the snow. But in Sanya, it's not cold. It's very warm. The sky is blue. The leaves are green. People there can go swimming in the sea.
16、______ comes after summer. (    )
A.Spring    B.Autumn    C.Winter    D.We don't know.
17、How's the weather in winter in Harbin? (    )
A.It's not cold.    B.It's very cold.    C.It's very warm.    D.We don't know.
18、Can people see snow in winter in Sanya? (    )
A.Yes, they do.    B.Yes, they can.    C.No, they can't.    D.We don't know.
19、We can not ________ in winter in Sanya. (    )
A.go swimming    B.eat ice cream    C.have a picnic    D.make a snowman
20、Are there four seasons in a year? (    )
A.Yes, it is.    B.No, it isn't.    C.Yes, there are.    D.No, there aren't.
Last week was a holiday. On Monday it was sunny. I played basketball with my friends. On Tuesday I went swimming. On Wednesday I visited my uncle. He lives in England. On Thursday I went to the park with my sister. On Friday I helped my mother. On Saturday I played games.
21、It was ______ on Monday. (   )
A.sunny    B.rainy    C.windy
22、On ______ I went swimming. (   )
A.Thursday    B.Tuesday    C.Friday
23、My uncle lives in _______. (   )
A.the US    B.China    C.England
24、I went to the park with my _______. (   )
A.aunt    B.sister    C.uncle
25、On Friday I helped my ________. (   )
A.father    B.brother    C.mother
There are 12 months in a year. Do you know some important festivals(重要的节日) in a year? Let’s see together. In January we have an important festival—New Year’s Day. It is the beginning(开始) of the year. Most people like it. Which festival do children like best? Yes, Children’s Day. It is in June. Children can have a good time on that day. Mid-Autumn Day is very important to Chinese people. It’s often in September. People can get together. They always eat mooncakes and have fun together.
26、How many months are there in a year? (   )
