This is Mary’s room. It’s big and bright. We can see some kites on the front wall. On the back wall, there’s a clock. Look, it is four fifty now! We can see a desk and a bed in her room. The desk is near the window. Where are her bag and pencil box? They’re on the desk. What’s on the bed? We can see a pair of jeans. Mary likes them, but they’re too short.
Mary and her friend Kate like this room very much. They like to play here.
1、What can we see on the front wall? (     )
A.We can see a clock.    B.We can see a desk.    C.We can see some kites.
2、What’s the time now? (     )
A.It’s five forty now.    B.It’s four fifty.    C.It’s four fifteen.
3、Where are her bag and pencil box? (     cold怎么读)
A.They are on the desk.    B.They’re on the front wall.    C.They’re near the desk.
4、How about the jeans? (     )
A.The jeans are too big.    B.The jeans are too long.    C.The jeans are too short.
5、Whose room is this? (     )
A.It is Kate’s room.    B.It’s Helen’s.    C.It’s Mary’s.
I am Sarah. I have three good friends. They are Amy, John and Tom. Amy likes winter, because her birthday is in February. She likes music. She is listening to music now. John’s birthday is on May 1st. Ha, today is May Day. It’s his birthday. He likes sports. Look! He is playing basketball. Tom’s birthday is in October. So he likes autumn and he can pick apples in autumn. Is he picking apples now? No, he is eating apples. I like spring because spring is very beautiful. What am I doing? I am flying a kite.
6、Sarah has _______ good friends. (   )
A.5    B.4    C.3
7、Amy likes _______. (   )
A.autumn    B.music    C.sports
8、John’s birthday is _______. (   )
A.on May Day    B.in February    C.in October
9、Tom is _______. (   )
A.picking apples    B.eating apples    C.climbing the apple tree
10、_______ is flying a kite. (   )
A.Sarah    B.Amy    C.Tom
A crow (乌鸦) is flying in the trees. He is thirsty now. He would like some water. He goes to the river. But there’s no water in the river. He is so sad now. He flies again for some water. He sees a bottle under a tree. There’s some water in it. But the bottle is too long, he can’t drink the water. He is tired and sad. Then he has a good idea. He gets some stones, and puts them in the bottle. At last (最后), he drinks the water. He is happy now.
11、Where is the crow? (   )
A.He is in the trees.    B.He is at home.    C.He is at school.    D.He is in the bottle.
12、文中划线单词bottle的意思是:(   )
A.罐子    B.石头    C.瓶子    D.碗
13、What’s the matter with the crow? (   )
A.He is hungry.    B.He has a cold.    C.He is thirsty.    D.He is ill.
14、What’s in the bottle? (   )
A.There’s some milk.    B.There’s some juice.    C.There’s some tea.    D.There’s some water.
15、Can the crow drink the water at last? (   )
A.No, he can’t.    B.Yes, he is.    C.Yes, he does.    D.Yes, he can.
John lives in a new house. He likes playing in a river. But there isn’t a river near his house. He is not happy.
One day, he asks his mother, “Is there a river near here?” “No, there isn’t,” his mother says. “But here, our new house has a garden.” “But it’s very small. I don’t like it,” John says.
One morning, his mother says, “There’s a beautiful park near here, and there is a pool in it. We’ll go there in the afternoon.” John is happy.
After lunch, John and his mother go to the park. There is a big pool in the park. The water i
s clean and there are lots of fish in it. John plays in the pool very happily and his mother watches him under a tree.
16、John likes playing ________. (   )
A.in his house    B.in the garden    C.in the river
17、The garden is very ________. (   )
A.small    B.big    C.beautiful
18、John and his mother go to the park ________. (   )
A.in the morning    B.after lunch    C.in the evening
19、What does “pool” mean(意思是) in Chinese? (   )
A.塔    B.池塘    C.假山
20、Where is John’s mother when(当……时) John plays in the pool? (   )
A.In the pool.    B.In the garden.    C.Under a tree.
Mr. Lin and his students are in the classroom. They are talking about the night.
Mr. Lin: When the sun goes down, we can see the moon high in the sky. Do people work at night?
Joe: Yes, they do. At night, doctors and nurses take care of patients (病人). Police officers patrol (巡逻) the streets.
Jack: At night, workers print (印刷) tomorrow’s newspapers (报纸). Bakers (面包师) bake (烘烤) bread and cakes.
Mr. Lin: What do you do at night?
Jack: Sometimes I do my homework. Sometimes I watch TV.
