Unit 4 A Spring Outing
Part A
学校 n加油                    班级          n加油   学生           
(n加油    ) ⑴ Chinese      let n加油        desk
(    ) ⑵ n加油red          bed    n加油    get
(    ) ⑶ head        bren加油ad      sweater   
⑴                  orange juice
n加油            bread   
  ⑵ n加油                  sports shn加油oes
                    n加油    T-shirt
                        n加油 umbrella
spring outing(      ) n加油      climb(      )        mountan加油in(      ) 
water (    n加油  )              thirsn加油ty(      )      camera(      )  n加油spring outing怎么读 
  What are you going to take with yn加油ou? (                  n加油                )
  I'm going to tn加油ake some water with n加油me.(                          n加油      )
      n加油  a          an
  ⑴ It's         n加油umbrella.
  ⑵ It's   n加油      beautiful umbrn加油ella.
        you  n加油        me
  ⑶ What are you goingn加油 to take with         ?
  ⑷ I'm n加油going to take a bag with         .
n加油    bread      banana
  ⑸ I haven加油 a         .
⑹ I have some         n加油.
  ⑴  n加油          A: What are you goin加油ng to take with you?
            n加油    B: We are going to take         n加油        with us.
⑵    n加油        A: What are you gon加油ing to take with you?
      n加油          B: I'm going to take   n加油            with me.
  ⑶            n加油 A: What is he going to take witn加油h him?
                Bn加油: He is going to take         n加油      with him.
  ⑷    n加油        A: What are then加油y going to take with them?
      n加油          B: They are going ton加油 take                 with them.
    We are going for n加油a spring outing in April. We are n加油going to climb a mountain. We are gon加油ing to take some food and somen加油 water with us. We'll bn加油e hungry and thirsty. Wang Tao is goingn加油 to wear T-shirt and spn加油orts shoes. Sally is going to take an加油 camera with her. She wn加油ants to take some photos.
  (    ) n加油⑴ We are going for a spring outing in加油n May.
  (    ) ⑵ We are goinn加油g to visit a zoo.
  (    ) ⑶ We are goin加油ng to take some water with usn加油.
  (    ) ⑷ Wang Tan加油o is going to wear sporn加油ts shoes.
  (    ) ⑸ Sally is going n加油to take some photos.
n加油We are going for a spring outing. We an加油re going to climb a mountn加油ain.
⑴ What are you going to wear?n加油
√  sports shoes        a T-shirt          a hat
a shirt              a coat              a jacket
a sweater            a dress            a skirt
例:I'm going to wear sports shn加油oes.
  ⑵ What are you gon加油ing to take with you?
√  some water          some tea            some orange juice
some milk            some bread          some cakes
some fruits          a camera            an umbrella
  例:I'm going ton加油 take some water withn加油 me.
Part B
学校                    n加油 班级              学生            n加油
  skn加油y (      )  cloud(      )  shout(    n加油  )  top(      )  get on (      )n加油
  The pupils are goinn加油g to get on the bus.(            n加油                      )
The pupilsn加油 are getting on the bus. (n加油                                    n加油  ) 
  ⑴          n加油                              ⑵      n加油
  A. n加油Now they are climbing the mn加油ountain.      A. They are n加油going to get on the bus.
  B. They n加油are going to climb the mon加油untain.    B. Now they are n加油getting on the bus.
  A. cloud    n加油                              A. n加油top
  B. mountain                      n加油          B. shout
  (  n加油  ) ⑴ The ______ is bluen加油. The ______ are white.
