课 题    Unit 1  Our  School      Lesson 1
词汇first ,second ,third,fourth,fifth,sixth,eighth,ninth,tenth、eleventh、twelfth
句型:Where is your classroom ? On the third floor、
重点、难点:1、New  words  of  part  3 and  the sentences of part  2
2、Where is your classroom ? On the third floor。
资源准备:1、Some pictures of new words、
2、a  recorder 
    spring outing怎么读1、Greetings
    T:Hello,boys and girls、 Nice to see you again、
  S: Nice to see you again, too、
    2、 Sing the songs:“Ten Little Baby Ducks”、
Ⅱ.Review the numbers
    2、 Spell the numbers、
  1、Unit 1  Our  School  Lesson 1
  2、Show a picture of the school building and say:This is our classroom building、
Where are the teachers’ offices? Learn the word “office” 、
Offices、 our teachers’ offices
3、Show the picture and ask :How many floors? Can you tell me?
  Lead to answer:There are six floors、 Translate the floor、
4、Point to the picture and say :This is our dining room、 It’s on the first floor、
This is our classroom、 It’s on the fifth floor、 Learn first --twelfth、
5、The teacher says:Liu Dong will go to school soon、Chen Ling is showing  him around the school、 How do Chen Ling show Liu Dong around the school?
6、Listen to the tape carefully and pay attention to the meaning of the text、
7、Read after the tape、 
1、 Read the new words、
2、Look and say、
3、Ask and answer、
1、Read the text、 
2、 Activity Book Lesson 1
Ⅵ、Writing Design
Unit 1 Our school  Lesson 1
                Where is your classroom?    building
              On the 、、、 floor、            Office
                first    second      third
                fourth  fifth  sixth  seventh  eighth
                ninth  tenth  eleventh  twelfth
课 题  Unit 1  Our  School      Lesson 2
教学目标 :
  ( 1 ) 能够听、说、认读单词:first ,second ,third ,fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth,tenth,eleventh,twelfth 及其缩写形式。
  ( 2 ) 学习日期得表达方式。
  ( 3 ) 学习句型:When is your birthday ?  My birthday is August 2nd 、
2、能力目标:能运用所学句型询问她人得生日, 并能做简要回答。
重点、难点 :
      句型:When is your birthday?  My birthday is…、
资源准备: ①Some  pictures  of  the  words 、 ②a  recorder 
Ⅰ.Warming up
    2、 Sing the songs:“Happy Birthday to You”
    1、Spell the words:first ---twelfth
    2、Ask and answer :Where is our school library/computeroom/…、?
          It is on the …、floor、
  3、The twelve months、
1、 Unit 1  Our  School  Lesson 2 
  2 Show some pictures of the holiday and ask students to say the holidays、
  3、 T: When is New Year’s Day?    Ss: It’s in January 、
      T: Yes、 January  first 、   
Pay attention to the phrase :January first  1月1日
    4、Ask students to say the other holidays in the same way
    5、T: My birthday is May 2nd、When is your birthday?Lead to answer it 、            When is your mother’s /father’s birthday? September  7th、/December  8th、
    6 、Read after the tape 
Ⅳ、 Practice
1、Read the text、
2、Ask and answer、
3、Learn to write、
4、Do a survey、
Name        Birthday
  1、Read the text、
  2、 Do the exercise on page 7、
  3、 Activity Book Lesson 2、
Ⅵ、Writing Design
Unit 1 Our school  Lesson 2
When is your birthday? 
                      My birthday is…、  August 2nd
                      When is your mother's birthday?
                      September 9th  December  8th、
课 题 Unit  2    Emotions    Lesson 3
1、知识目标:能够听、说、认读单词: happy,angry,tired,sad,scared,proud,winner, garden
2、学习句型:I’m very happy、 He/She is very sad、 并能熟练运用。
Ⅰ、Free talk
1.T:Whose birthday is in February?    Ss:…
      T:When is your birthday?  Ss:…
    2.Sing a song:Happy Birthday、
Ⅱ.New Lesson
    1.Lesson 3  Emotions  “ emotion” means “表情、情绪”
    eg:happy,I am very happy、
    Learn the words:proud,angry,sad,scared,tired
2.Learn proud,winner,angry
(1) Look some Olympic pictures: proud, I am very proud
    (2)Show He Wenna’s picture、 T: She is the winner、 She is very proud、 She is from Fujian、 I’m very proud、 We are very proud、
