1、13.—Will you come to my party?—I am not ________ . [单选题] *
2、Mary _____ be in Paris. I saw her just now on campus. [单选题] *
A. mustn't
B. can't(正确答案)
C. need not
D. may not
3、I’m not sure whether we’ll go on ______ foot or by _____ bike? [单选题] *
A. the; the
B. /; the
C. /; /(正确答案)
D. the; /
4、--What are you going to be in the future?--I want to be _______ actor. [单选题] *
A. a
B. an(正确答案)
C. the
D. /
5、She returns home every year to _______ the Spring Festival. [单选题] *
A. celebrate(正确答案)
B. share
C. watch
D. congratulate
6、It took a long time to _______ Tom to go shopping with me. [单选题] *
A. speak
B. tell
C. persuade(正确答案)
D. talk
7、So many people will _______ to their work after the Spring Festival. [单选题] *
A. get in
B. get on
C. get off
D. get back(正确答案)
8、The family will have _______ good time in Shanghai Disneyland. [单选题] *
A. the
B. a(正确答案)
C. an
D. /
9、Tom’s sister is a nurse. I met _______ in the street yesterday . [单选题] *
A. she
B. hers
C. him
D. her(正确答案)
10、The reason why I didn't attend the lecture was simply()I got a bad cold that day. [单选题] *
A. because
B. as
C. that(正确答案)
D. for
11、26.—Mary, is this your pen?—No, it isn't. ________ is black. [单选题] *
12、His sister ______ the chess club.() [单选题] *
A. want to join
B. want joining
C. wants to join(正确答案)
D. wants joining
13、The boy’s mother always _______ him a story before he goes to bed. [单选题] *
A. says
B. speaks
C. tells(正确答案)
D. talks
14、 — Is this Tony’s history book?— No, it isn’t ______.() [单选题] *
A. him
B. his(正确答案)
C. he
D. himself
15、 Don't tell me the answer, I'll work out the problem _____. [单选题] *
A .by me
B. myself(正确答案)
C. me
D. mine
16、--All of you have passed the test!--_______ pleasant news you have told us! [单选题] *
