1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。
Ⅰ. 单项选择
1、—Is the man over there Adam?
—It _____ be him. He has gone to Hong Kong on vacation.
A.must    B.can’t    C.mustn’t    D.shouldn’t
2、--Why can't I share my boarding-pass picture on Wechat Moments?
--Because the barcode(条形码) on the boarding-pass ______ be used to find the information you gave to the flight company.
A.must    B.can    C.should    D.will
3、If it rains hard, we have to ______ the basketball match.
A.cut off
B.put off
C.go off
D.take off
4、To make our city more beautiful, rubbish_________into the river.
A.needn’t be thrown    B.can’t thrown
C.mustn’t be thrown    D.may not thrown
5、--How is the young lady?
A.She's twenty    B.She's much better    C.She's a teacher    D.She's Smith
6、Teenagers should ________ to take care of themselves from a young age.
A.educate    B.be educating    C.have educated    D.be educated
7、George,it’s dangerous for you to go out for a walk in the forest________at night.
A.on business    B.by the way    C.on your own    D.out of the way
8、—All the people in Zhenjiang need to work together to make our city more beautiful.
—That’s it.     .
A.Many hands make light work    B.Practice makes perfect
C.When in Rome, do as the Romans do    D.A friend in need is a friend indeed
9、---Has Jim known the good news?
--Not yet. I will tell him about it ________ he comes back.
A.while    B.until    C.as soon as    D.since
10、He has much           as an engineer. So he can build the bridge successfully.
A.advice    B.service    C.luck    D.experience
Ⅱ. 完形填空
Do you often smile? Do you like a smiling face?
Smile is very  1  It is like a spring wind. It lets us feel warm in our  2  It is like the sunshine and it makes us  3  in our eyes.
Smile is very important  4  our lives. When you are sad, make a big smile, and it can make you happy again. When you  5  worried, make a big smile, and it can help  6  keep cool again. When you aren’t successful, make a big smile, and it can help you try again and  7  harder.
Smile is very easy,  8  it is very useful. So let’s learn to smile. Everyone  9  smiles. When we give others a smile, we can feel happy, too. When you see  10  smiling faces, you can feel warm.
Let’s smile every day. Don’t you think so?
1.A.nice    B.sad    C.hungry
2.A.eyes    B.hearts    C.mouths
3.A.bright    B.beautiful    C.brave
4.A.under    B.on    C.in
5.A.am    B.is    C.are
6.A.I    B.you    C.he
7.A.smile    B.rain    C.work
8.A.but    B.because    C.or
9.A.needs    B.sees    C.does
10.A.the other’s    B.others’    C.another’s
Ⅲ. 语法填空
12、    Tyler was a troublesome student. He sat in the back row. Every time I called him to answer questions, he’d r1. with a flip(轻率的) answer. If he got it wrong, he w
ould get very angry.
Usually kids could sit q2. in class. However, Tyler was just loud. One day, Tyler was talking while I was teaching. I said to him, “Tyler, why not join in our discussion i3. of having one of your own?” He got up from his chair, pushed it over, and s4. something I can’t remember. I sent him to the office and he received a week’s out-of-school punishment.
The week was a wonderful time for me, but when it came to an e5., I began to feel worried. So I came up with a plan. On the day of his r6., I told him I wanted to start over with him. If he felt like he was going to lose control(控制) in class, he could step o7. the door for a moment.
From then on, Tyler was a changed s8. in my classroom. In fact he was a smart child and he even stopped a fight between two students one day. And he never used the privilege(特权) to leave the class for a moment. I believe that just letting him decide for h9. made all the difference.
When the year was over, he wrote me a thank-you note about h10. good the year had been for him. I still have it today and find it very moving to reread when I get stressed(有压力的) about teaching.
Ⅳ. 阅读理解
13、    WeChat is becoming an important way for people to communicate in daily life. But have you imagined that students can use WeChat in class? Is that an effective (有效的) way for students to learn? Here are some students’ opinions.
1.In Guo Ruiting’s idea, ________.
A.it’s necessary to use WeChat in class
B.the teacher cannot control the class easily
