Spring fun 作文一般将来时
The joy of spring today is the first day of school. I came to my school happily. The scene of the campus makes me feel the breath of spring. It reminds me of the spring. On the morning of spring, the sun father-in-law stroked the earth with his warm hands, woke up the earth daughter from her dream, and immediately covered the earth with golden radiance. The willow sisters on both sides of the road shook their long pigtails and asked Miss Feng to dress them up. Even the strong poplar trees also wore green shirts, adding infinite vitality to the earth. In spring, a season of flowers in full bloom, the park is full of flowers. The fragrance of flowers everywhere makes people feel comfortable and relaxed. Suddenly came the "rustle rustle" sound. Listening carefully, it turned out that it was Miss Chunfeng whispering with Xiaocao! Look: how the grass looks like a beautiful green carpet! Spring grass, spring leaves and spring flowers are full of vitality, forming a dazzling spring scenery. A year's plan is in spring, and a day's plan is in the morning. Spring, spring, you add color to the earth and decorate the motherland more beautiful. I like your spring!
The warm air suddenly seeped into the warm air, and the gray sweater on my body began to feel unnatural.
smileinspring怎么读Perhaps spring should not belong to the cycle of seasons, but it is the beginning of summer, but it is very vague. It just doesn't want to let cicada's endless noise come so suddenly. I don't know whether spring brings warmth or warmth brings spring. Walking in the wind of spring, facing the counter current of the wind, feeling the time passing through, leaving only a body. The school bell is still a classic piano music. I don't know who wrote it, but it began to fade in the spring, pale and monotonous. Neat Road, small city, but tired through mountains and rivers, unexpectedly. Carrying a schoolbag, I crowded into the No. 2 bus that was always late at the school gate and hurried back to the naughty land that had carried all my childhood. The road is full of friendly images, standing quietly in the sunshine of the past and the present. I came across spring at the corner of my home, and suddenly began to think about it - I want to dream back to the Tang Dynasty. A fragrance of wine is lik
e the lofty sentiments of a relegated immortal. Write countless praise words with great efforts; I also want to visit the new desert, sing three songs of the Yangguan pass, excite the Qing Dynasty to sing many But I shouldn't. I don't have the great joys and sorrows that I have to bear with my life. I'm just a wanderer who left home to study. After a long time away from home, I took time out to return home. A few feelings and a few lines of kindness are enough. Once upon a time, under the dim light, the figures of several urchins, like purple roses, spread on the lush grass, shaking into a flower shadow by the vibration of grass leaves. Kafka said, "we lie and sing, year after year." Until the roar of bulldozers drove away the crickets' melody, until rows of buildings sat coldly on the grass where we used to sit with laughter, and then there was a song of departure and two lines of tears. Walking in the street, staring at the old willows surrounded by the fence, this is the only one, of course. It enjoys the treatment of treasure, waiting for spring under the heavy protection of human beings, but it still frowns. Maybe it is afraid in the cage made of human beings, and it is just an alien in the concrete forest. Once punctual spring, but now like the No. 2 bus at the school gate, I am used to being late. In this land. The sun generously provi
ded warmth to the blue planet. It traveled tens of thousands of kilometers and threw beautiful circles in the cracks of the buildings. However, I began to feel dizzy. The evolution of the city was so fast that it was bizarre. Spring is sunny and warm. In such a beautiful spring, I began to nostalgia, so at this moment, I began to grow old. Suddenly, the children's copper bell like laughter came from their ears. They were happy in modern games, even though they didn't understand our fun. I was still infected by happiness. A smile flashed across my old face. After all, the real spring was still there, just on those children. I carry my schoolbag and am young again.
