    Anxi County,Fujian Pravince. Nowadays, it is widely planted in Anxi County, but Tieguanyin produced in different areas of the county has different flavors.The tea can be picked all year round, and the tea picked in spring and autumn is especially of the best quality.The processing of Tieguanyin is extremely complex and requires special technology and rich experience. The tea contains a variety of vitamins and tastes unique.Regular drinking of it can help prevent heart disease, lower blood pressure and enhance memory.
    Fish is an indispensable dish on the table on the eve of the Spring Festival, because the Chinese character fish and abundant are pronounced the same.Because of this symbolic meaning, fish are also given as gifts to relatives and friends during the Spring Festival.The symbolic meaning of fish is said to be derived from traditional Chinese culture.The Chinese have a tradition of saving. Chinese people have a tradition of saving, saving the more they think, the more we feel safe.Today, even though people are getting richer, they still believe that saving is a virtue worth promoting.
末去翻译;“不可或缺”为indispensable,若不会写,也可简化翻译为important,essential,寻宽泛词。后半句主干是A与B的发音相同,可将发音词性转换为 动词去译,若“发音”不会写,则简化翻译为speaking。 spring的发音
    Fish is an indispensable dish on the table on the eve of the Spring Festival, because the Chinese character fish and 建议此处修改为 “surplus”或 “abundant” are pronounced the same.
    ② 正由于这个象征性的意义,春节期间鱼也作为礼物送给亲戚朋友。
    第二句动词是“作为”,主语是“鱼”,是一个一般现在时被动语态的考点,词汇方面“春节期间”,“象征性意义”在课上反复强调过,为高频(短语)结构,during the Spring Festival 和“symbolic meaning”;若“象征性的”形容词不会写,也可简单处理为“正是由于这个象征”。
    Because of this symbolic meaning, fish are also given as gifts to relatives and friends during the Spring Festival.
    ③ 鱼的象征意义据说源于中国传统文化。
    第三句动词“源于”originate from同样为四级高频动词短语,课上也带大家反复练习。“据说;据传”为四级高频句式之一,可处理为“It is said that ....”或 sth is said to be ..”
    The symbolic meaning of fish is said to be derived from traditional Chinese culture.
    ④ 中国人有节省的传统,他们认为节省的愈多,就感到愈为安全。
    Chinese people have a tradition of saving,建议此处修改为“the more they save”, the more 此处代词应和前半句代词保持统一,用they feel safe.
    ⑤ 今天,尽管人们愈来愈富裕了,但他们仍然认为节省是一种值得弘扬的美德。
    第五句可以把两句合并起来,用although(虽然)连接,主句“他们仍然认为节省是一种值得弘扬的美德”是主句, 词汇方面“弘扬的”若不会书写,可同义替换为“赞扬的”praise,或者寻宽泛词“essential;major”进行替换
    Today, even though people are getting richer, they still believe that saving 此处翻译错误,建议修改为 “ is a virtue worthy of promoting”.
    It is a Chinese tradition to eat New Years Eve dinner on the eve of the Spring Festival. As the most important dinner of the year, reunion dinner is the best time for family reunion, especially for families whose families live in different places. The dishes on the reunion dinner are rich and varied, some of which have special meanings. Rich and varied cuisine on the reunion dinner, some dishes have a special meaning. For example, fish is an indisp
ensable dish because the Chinese characters for fish and “yu”(which means abundant in English) sound the same. In many places in China, dumplings are also an important delicacy, because dumplings symbolize wealth and good luck.
    第一句从句式上是A是B的主系表结构,“春节前夕”为时间状语,需调整修饰顺序,放于句末去翻译;“年夜饭”实为“团圆饭”reunion dinner,若不会翻译,可简化为“吃完饭在(除夕)” eat dinner on the eve of the Spring Festival
    It is a Chinese tradition to eat New Years Eve dinner on the eve of the Spring Festival.
    ② 团圆饭是一年中最重要的晚餐,也是家庭团聚的最佳时机,家人生活在不同地方的家庭尤其如此。
    第二句动词“是...也是..”,为课程中可升级句式为“As B,A is C”的结构;“...尤其如此”可处理为介词短语“”;“家人生活在不同地方的”为定语结构,后置在名词family之后。
    As the most important dinner of the year, reunion dinner is the best time for family reunion, especially for families whose families live in different places.
    ③ 团圆饭上的菜肴丰富多样,其中有些菜肴有特殊含义。
    第三句省略动词“是”,为典型的主系表结构;“其中有些...”和前半句有共同的名词概念标点错误,修改为“菜肴”,可句式升级为“主句,some ”;“菜肴”不会写的话,可简化处理为“food”,该词在历年四六级翻译真题中出现过多次。
    The dishes on the reunion dinner are rich and varied, some of which have special meanings.
