(  ) 1. A. river    B. lake    C. bridge
(  ) 2. A. mouse    B. park    C. duck
(  ) 3. A. bedroom    B. floor    C. door
(  ) 4, A. sandwich    B. hamburger    C. hair
(  ) 5. A. four    B. second    C. six
1. 2. 3.
(  )                  (  )                  (  )
4. 5.
(  )                  (  )
(  ) 1. A. How do you do?    B. Thank you.   
    C. I’m fine, too.
(  ) 2. A. Yes, I did.    B. Sorry, I’m going to the library.
    C. Yes, he does.
(  ) 3. A. Thanks very much.    B. I have a big apple.   
    C. Don’t worry.
(  ) 4. A. I am happy.    B. I’m hungry.   
    C. Hainan.
(  ) 5. A. OK.    B. Bye.   
    C. Thank you.
(  ) They are eating lunch.
(  ) He played basketball.
(  ) It’s red.
(  ) Yes, I did.
(  ) I can sing songs.
(  ) 1. A. washed    B. watched    C. stayed
(  ) 2. A. slept    B. before    C. better
(  ) 3. A. great    B. bread    C. ready
(  ) 4. A. low    B. flower    C. window
(  ) 5. A. took    B. look    C. school
(  ) 6. A. ate    B. badminton    C. ice-skate
(  ) 7. A. what    B. ran    C. had
(  ) 8. A. duck    B. cute    C. student
(  ) 9. A. did    B. like    C. rice
(  ) 1. dinning hall    A. 操场    B. 饭厅    C. 体育馆
(  ) 2. ice-skate    A. 滑冰    B. 滑雪    C. 冰淇淋
(  ) 3. cheetah    A. 长颈鹿    B. 猎狗    C. 猎豹
(  ) 4. easy    A. 困难的    B. 快的    C. 容易的
(  ) 5. magazine    A. 杂志    B. 报纸    C. 画册
(  ) 6. nothing    A. 任何事情    B. 什么    C. 没有什么
(  ) 7. smarter    A. 更快的    B. 更聪明的    C. 聪明的
1. red (同音异义词) __________    2. let us (spring的发音缩写形式) __________
3. good (比较级) __________    4. run(动词-ing形式) __________
5. drank (原形) __________
(  ) 1. ---I took lots of pictures of the beautiful countryside.
    ---That ________ great.
    A. sound    B. sounded    C. sounds
(  ) 2. One day I’m going to ________ the moon.
    A. visiting    B. visit    C. visited
(  ) 3. I wanted to watch TV but the TV ________ work.
    A. didn’t    B. doesn’t    C. did
(  ) 4. The second class is ________.
    A. begins    B. beginning    C. begining
(  ) 5. Can I come and ________ you?
    A. visit    B. to visit    C. visited
(  ) 6. There ________ a boy and two girls in the classroom.
    A. are    B. is    C. has
(  ) 7. ---What did you do yesterday?
    A. I play football    B. I ate good food.   
    C. I wash my clothes
(  ) 8. You are older and ________ than me.
    A. smart    B. smartest    C. smarter
(  ) 9. Could he ________ stars at night?   
    A. see    B. saw    C. sees
(  ) 10. ---________ buildings can you see?
    ---I can see four.
    A. How much    B. What    C. How many
(1) Is he drinking water?      A. It’s in April.
(2) Whose bag is bigger?    B. My bag.
(3) What are you doing?    C. I’m drawing cartoons.
(4) What can Tom do for the party?    D. No, he isn’t.
(5) When is your birthday?    E. He can sing English songs.
Amy is an American girl. She lives in China now. she’s 13 years old. There are five people in her family. Her father works in a hospital. He’s a good doctor. Her mother is an English teacher in a primary school. Her brother is only 3 years old. Her sister is a nurse. Last Sunday, Amy had a birthday party at home. Her friends gave her many nice gifts. Amy and her friends sang and dances in the room. They had a good time.
(1) Amy’s mother is an English teacher.        (  )
(2) Amy is an English girl.    (  )
(3) Amy’s father is a worker.        (  )
(4) Last Sunday, Amy had a good time in the park.    (  )
(5) There are five people in Amy s family.        (  )
1. bridge  2. park  3. bedroom  4. hair  5. second
1. We have a new gym.
2. I see red.
3. We finished class at three o’clock.
4. I played football yesterday.
5. There are five people in my family.
1. How do you do?
2. Let’s go shopping.
3. I can help you.
4. Where did you go last winter holiday?
5. Look at me.
1. What did he do yesterday?
2. Did you clean your room?
3. What can you do?
4. What colour is it?
5. What are they doing?
1. × 2. 3. 4. 5.
1-5 CBABC  6-9 BAAA
