Easter;Easter,a nniversa r of the Resurre tion of
Christ,o bservedon the f irst Sun da after a fullmoon onor after 21 Marh. 复活节是纪念耶稣基督在十字架受刑死后复活的节日,西方信基督教的国家都过这个节。复活节的由来介绍 East er is th e Christ ian memo ration o f the re surretio n of Jes us as areligiou s holida. Over t he pastear thespring e quinox,the firs t
full m oon of t he first Sunda a fter Eas ter. Chu rh of Ch rist inthe earl ears of the dat e of Eas ter, the re havebeen
ont roversia l, ausin g moment ar onfus ion, unt il 325 A D,
spring怎么读怎么翻译the p riests o f the Ch urh of t he meeti ng befor e deidin g on a d a to ele brate th e unifia tion ofthe East er. Ther e are alot of t he tradi tional E aster el ebration, Easter egg isa smbolof the m ost tpia l. In an ient tim es the e ggs areoften se en as mo re hildr en and g randhild ren anda smbolof resur retion,beause i t breeds ne life. Later,Christi ans also gives n e meanin g to the egg tha t it isa smbolof the t omb of J esus, th e life o f the fu ture isborn fro m it and get rid of. Eas ter eggs are oft en ded r ed to re presentthe ruif ixion of Jesus h en the b lood flo, but al so a smb ol of ha ppinessafter th e resurr etion. T here isan anien t ustom, the egg is ooke d to the streethildrenpla. The ir eggsfrom rol ling don the hil lside: W ho broke the las t egg, i ll in, a ll prope rt of al l of his eggs. W hite Hou se to pl a this g ame ever ear, bu t is rol ling egg s on the lan onl. Rabbit is a sm bol of E aster. N o ever E aster, t he Unite d States the tot al sizeof a and shop to sell ho olate ma de ith t he Easte r Bunn a nd eggs.
These e ggs andegg is a lmost sm all, big melon b ig surpr ise, the hildren eat the m ith re lish. To the rel atives a nd frien ds, butalso bea good g ift. 复活节是基督教纪念耶稣复活的一个宗教节日。每年春分过去,第一次月圆后的第一个星期日就是复活节。早年在基督教会中对复活节的日期曾经有过争议,引起一时混乱,直到公元325年,教士会议才决定整个教会统一在一天庆祝复活节。复活节有不少传统的庆祝活动,蛋就是复活节最典型的象征。古时人们常把蛋视为多子多孙和复活的象征,因为它孕育着新