Unit 3  Paying the price
spring怎么读怎么翻译A Reading and Interaction
The influencers
Imagine this: you are in a cafe when you hear a young man talking about a new computer game.He’s explaining its amazing features to a girl,who then asks where she can buy it.Nothing unusual,you might say,until after 15 minutes,they move to another cafe and have an identical conversation.On your way home,a “tourist” in the street asks you to take a photo with their camera. You do and,afterwards,they tell you how they bought the camera recently and how it’s on special offer.Welcome to the world of stealth marketing.You may say you haven’t met a stealth market yet,but that’s the point.Contrary to what you might expect,this practice is quite common.
Stealth or “word of mouth” marketing isn’t like normal advertising.We can recognize advertisements or billboards or in fashion magazines,but it’s difficult to spot stealth marketing—
it just tricks us.Studies have shown that people are more likely to trust a person on the street,who they think is giving free advice,rather than an advertisement.In fact,in a recent survery of young adults,only 5% believed advertisements,compared with 52% who trusted their friends.
More than $500 billion a year is spent on advertising worldwide,but compared with conventional advertising campaigns,stealth marketing is cheap and effective.So how does it work? Well,let’s look at company X. Company X wants to launch a new product for 20-25-year-olds. They need their product to look “cool” and interesting,so they decide to pay young marketers are carefully selected—company X researches social media and targets the most popular people or “trendsetters”.These people sign contracts where they agree to promote the company’s product,for instance by talking favourably about its products on social media.Twenty-year-old Tanya Fulham is one of them.
Tanya Fulham is beautiful,sporty and clever.She’s interested in fashion,loves shopping,and listens to the latest pop music.She has more than 15,000 followers on social media and sh
e often influences their choices and opinions.She’s been hired by an undercover marketing agency to promote brands in blogs and on social media. “Products which are fashionable or have a strong brand image are easy to sell,”explains Tanya. “I can usually get people to buy everything from make-up to luxury goods,like designer jeans.”Other young marketers upload videos of themselves, which describe recent shopping trips and display their latest purchases.They show peoplei how a product works or what it looks like up close.
“It’s great to get free samples of cool,new products that my friends haven’t heard about,”adds Tanya. “It makes me feel important because I have insider knowledge.”But do her friends know that she is paid to promote them? “No,they don’t,” she admits. “But I don’t think it’s dishonest.If I find something I like,I talk about it.It doesn’t make any difference whether I’m paid or not.”
Perhaps Tanya is right.Anyhow,lots of people tell others about the new book they’re reading, a new place they’ve discovered or a cool gadget they’ve just bought.We’ve also a 24/7 generation and see more than 3,000 ads a day,so what difference does it make?Howe
ver,other people are worried. “You think a person is being helpful,” says a psychologist, “but that’s very different from someone telling us something because they are getting paid for it.You don’t know who to trust or who to listen to anymore.” Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between free advice and paid advertisements.We have already met the stealth marketers and they are just like us.
全球每年在广告上的花费超过5000亿美元,但与传统的广告活动相比,隐形营销既便宜又有效。那么它是如何工作的呢?让我们以X公司为例。X公司想要推出一款面向20-25岁人的新产品。他们需要他们的产品看起来“酷”和有趣,所以他们决定支付年轻的营销人员是精心挑选的——公司X研究社交媒体,目标是最受欢迎的人或“潮流引领者”。这些人签订合同,同意推广公司的产品,比如在社交媒体上赞扬公司的产品。20岁的Tanya Fulham就是其中之一。
E Cultural focus
Traditions for sale
Driven by profits,big businesses make use of festivals for marketing purposes.Festival are not only cultural symbols,but also commercial events.Nowadays,people use them as an excuse to spend money,but shouldn’t our traditional festivals be about spending time with family and loved ones instead?
The spring Festival
It’s early February,and Zhang Xiao is packing her suitcase for the Spring Festival.She’s not alone; another 400 million Chinese will be on the move during the week-long break.The Lunar New Year is the biggest public holiday in China,with a history stretching back thousands of years.It is celebrated across the world,in cities from New York to London,from Sydney to Vancouver.
