1.中和殿the Hall of Complete Harmony
2.保和殿the Hall of Preserving Harmony
3.金銮殿the Hall of the Golden Throne
4.养心殿the Hall of Mental Cultivation
5.文华殿the Hall of Literary Glory
spring怎么读怎么翻译6.武英殿the Hall of Military Prowess
7.皇极殿the Hall of Imperial Models
8.奉先殿the Hall of Ancestral Worship
9.乾清宫the Hall of Heavenly Purity
10.交泰殿the Hall of Prosperity
11.坤宁宫the Hall of Earthy Peace
12.永和宫the Hall of Eternal Peace
13.慈宁宫the Palace of Benevolent Peace
14.宁寿宫the Hall of Peace and Longevity
15.长春宫the Palace of Eternal Spring
16.储秀宫the Palace of Gathering Excellence
17.御花园the Imperial Garden
18.长春园the Garden of Eternal Spring
19.万春园the Garden of Ten Thousand Springtimes
20.神武门the Gate of Godly Prowess
