乐优教育(大厂校区)KID’S BOX教材—“美文朗诵&精品翻译”材料DATE:TEACHER: NAME:
HeSusan is my good friend.She’s a Chinese girl.She’s eleven.She has long hair and a small mouth.Her brother, Jim, is twelve.He has two big eyes and he’s not tall.They like storybooks and puzzles very much.Every morning, they have breakfast together.Susan likes a carton of milk and some biscuits for breakfast.But Jim likes eggs and some orange juice in the morning.Today Susan can’t find her milk.Look!Their cat, Mimi, is drinking it near the table.Perhaps she wants to have a nice breakfast, too!
※puzzle['pʌzl]※ biscuit['biskit] 饼干
Story 5The Hippo and I
A hippo lives in the zoo.I like him very much.I often go to see him.He often thinks of me, too.Today is Sunday.It is fine day.I go to see him again.After I leave the zoo, he follows me to my house.I give him lettuce, cabbages, bananas, apples and other food.He eats them up.When I sing songs, he stays in the pool.He is as quite as a rabbit.In the evening, he jumps onto my bed with me.My mum tells him to go home.He has to pack his bag and go back to the zoo.My mum lets me see him every week.故事5 我与河马
乐优教育(大厂校区)KID’S BOX教材—“美文朗诵&精品翻译”材料DATE:TEACHER: NAME:
Hello, I’m Wang Bing.Welcome to my birthday party.Can you see the girl with long hair? She’s my sister.Her name is Wang Ling.She’s seven.She’s a student.She likes drawing pictures.The woman in the red dress is my aunt.The woman beside(在„„旁边)her is my mother.She is in a yellow blouse and a blue skirt.Look, the man with a big nose is my uncle.Where’s my father? He’s sitting on the sofa, the one in the orange shirt.译文:
Story 4Look for a Friend
Sam is a little fish.He lives in the sea.He is very lonely.He wants to have a friend.The friend looks like him.Sam sees an ink fish.The ink fish has eight legs.He doesn’t look like Sam.So Sam goes away.Sam meets a shark.He wants to say hello to the shark.The shark opens his big mouth.Sam runs away quickly.Sam is tired and hungry.He wants to have a rest.Then he sees a round fish.She says to him.“Hello!Would you like to be my friend?”Sam answers: “Of course!But you are round.I am flat.” The round fish days: “But we are both fish
Sam thinks and says, “You are right.Let’s be friends.” They become good friends.故事四: 朋友
乐优教育(大厂校区)KID’S BOX教材—“美文朗诵&精品翻译”材料DATE:TEACHER:NA
ME:Tom: Hello, Ben.Ben: Hi, Tom, Welcome to my home!Come in, please.Tom: Thank you, Ben.Is this your family photo?Ben: Yes, it’s my new photo.Tom: Who’s this man with brown hair? Is he your father?
Ben: No, he isn’t.He is my uncle.He is a Chinese teacher.Tom: Who is the woman in the blue dress?
Ben: She is my mother.She is a good doctor.Tom: Really? My father is a doctor, too.The girl with big eyes is so lovely!
Ben: Yes, she is.She is my young sister.She is ly['əunli] 只有
Story 3Spring in the Green Season
Spring is coming.Spring is the first season of the year.In China, spring comes in February.It is still cold, but it is getting warmer and warmer.The days get longer and longer.The leaves
on the trees begin to turn green.Then they come up green leaves in the spring wind on the ground.Spring is also sowing time season.故事三
乐优教育(大厂校区)KID’S BOX教材—“美文朗诵&精品翻译”材料DATE:TEACHER:NAME:Tom: Hello, Ben.Ben: Hi, Tom, Welcome to my home!Come in, please.Tom: Thank you, Ben.Is this your family photo?Ben: Yes, it’s my new photo.Tom: Who’s this man with brown hair? Is he your father?
Ben: No, he isn’t.He is my uncle.He is a Chinese teacher.Tom: Who is the woman in the blue dress?
Ben: She is my mother.She is a good doctor.Tom: Really? My father is a doctor, too.The girl with big eyes is so lovely!
Ben: Yes, she is.She is my young sister.She is ly['əunli] 只有
Story 3Spring in the Green Season
Spring is coming.Spring is the first season of the year.In China, spring comes in February.It is still cold, but it is getting warmer and warmer.The days get longer and longer.The leaves on the trees begin to turn green.Then they come up green leaves in the spring wind on the ground.Spring is also sowing time season.故事三
2、《青海高原一株柳》P91 这株柳树没有抱怨命运,也没有畏怯生存之危险和艰难,而是聚合全部身心之力与生存环境抗争,以超乎想象的毅力和韧劲生存下来,终于造成了高原上的一方壮丽的风景。命运给予它的几乎是九十九条死亡之路,它却在一线希望之中成就了一片绿阴。3《姥姥的剪纸》P72 我上学了,小学、中学、大学——越走越远了。但我还是不断收到姥姥寄来的剪纸,其中有一幅是这样的:一头老牛定定地站着,出神地望着一只欢蹦着远去的小兔子,联结它们的是一片开阔的草地。我知道,这是姥姥对我的期待。事实上,我不管走多远、走多久,梦中总不时映现家乡的窗花和村路两侧的四季田野。无论何时,无论何地,只要忆及那清清爽爽的剪纸声,我的心境与梦境就立刻变得有声有。
