Unit 7 Chinese festivals
第1课时Story time
1. 能听懂、会读、会说节日单词:Double Ninth Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Spring Festival.
2. 能听懂、会读、会说不同节日的传统食物和活动。
3. 能正确的理解并朗读课文,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。
Step 1 greeting
Step 2 Pre-reading
T: do you like games? So first, let’s play a game: read and guess
(1)red pocket, dumplings (students try to read together)
T: what festival is it ? ------ Spring festival.
(2)moon cakes , rice dumplings (students try to read together)
what festival is it ? ------ Spring festival.
(3)climbing the mountain, a rice cake (students try to read together)
what festival is it ? ------ Double ninth festival.
(4) Dragon boat, rice dumplings. (students try to read together)
)what festival is it ? ------ Dragon boat festival.
T: Show all the new words, who can read them? After teaching to read, ss can read together. T: great. look, they are all about Chinese festival. (show the title of unit7, Ss read )
Today our topic is Chinese festivals, what other festivals do you know?
Step 3 While-reading
(1)T: Look, here is a book :Chinese festival. This lesson we will learn more about it. First, please read the pieces silently and try to understand the text, 2 minutes for you..
After silent reading, teacher shows a task of page70: look and match, ask Ss to finish.
(2)Show picture 1
T: It’s about spring festival. When is it?
出示月份January, February,帮助学生回答。
Ss: It’s in …
T: What do they do?
Ss: They……..
T: How do you spend your spring festival?
Ss : I ……
Tips: Ff we meet the new words we can guess according to the pictures.
T: Now, let’s read after the tape.
(3)T: This time, I want you to read the rest 3 pictures loudly. 3 minutes.
(4)Listen and circle the dates and things they are talking about.
(5)Let’s c
Step 4 Post-reading
1.Look at the pictures again. Can you say something about them? Please do in your group.
Only 5 minutes.
2.Boys and girls, we learn a lot from the storybook, right? Do you remember the details?
date activity food
3.Try to retell according to the pictures and the words on the blackboard.
Step 4 Homework
1.Look for more Chinese festivals
Try to retell the text after class.
第2课时grammar and fun time
2.能熟练掌握句型:The Spring Festival is in January or February. The Dragon Boat Festival is in May or June. The Mid-Autumn Festival is in September or October. The Double Ninth Festival is in October or November.
3.能完成Fun time 中的任务。
1. 正确掌握月份的读音和拼写spring怎么读中文什么意思
2. 能熟练运用句型表述节日所在的月份。
Step 1 Greeting
Step 2 Review
1.T: Boys and girls, do you remember these words? Let’s read together
Spring , summer, autumn, winter.
T:Great! But do you know what festivals are there in the 4 seasons?
Ss : ……
T: Yes , they are …(
T: What traditional food should we eat?
2.Retell the story.
3.Do some exercise 书70页。
Step 3 Grammar time
1.T: Yes, after learning, we know the spring festival is in January or February.
What about the rest 3? Can you try to say?
1.出示grammar time中句子,对照后齐读,理解意思。
T: Look, I give you another Chinese festivals, do you know the dates?
Teacher’s day, father’s day, mother’s day, children’s day, new year’s day.学生根据句型说说
T: Right. So they are 12 month s in a year. Look, I have a calendar, let’s have a look.
Step 4 Fun time
1.T: Look, here’s a round clock. If we divide it into 4 parts, what would you name?
教师出示fun time大圆盘
T: I use the seasons to name them, read together: spring, summer, autumn and winter.
T: 4 months consist of a season, who knows?
T呈现正确的答案,将季节用月份填充,如图fun time.
2T: We can do different things in different seasons.
What do you usually do in spring?(指一生问)
S 1: I usually…
What about you?
S 3 :I …
T 可以根据学生的回答在上面画些草图。
T:What’s the weather like in spring?
Ss: It’s warm.
3.T: Right. Let’s summarize.
Spring is in march, April and may. In spring, it’s warm. We see ...in spring. We (i)
4.Work in group
you can draw in the book.
T: Now, it’s your turn to discuss the other 3 seasons. And
Step5 Conduction
T : Last term, we learnt a poem about season, do you remember?
In spring ,it is warm. We fly kites, we go boating.
In summer, it is hot. We eat ice creams, we go swimming.
In autumn, it is cool. We have picnics, we go climbing.
In winter, it is cold. We make snowmen, we go skating.
第3课时cartoon time
1. 能够听懂、会说、会读卡通故事中出现的词汇:Father’s Day, Mother’s Day.
2. 能够流利地朗读卡通部分。
3. 能够整体理解并简单表演卡通对话。
4. 能在节日里学会感恩。
学生能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指
Step 1 Warming up and revision
2. Brain storm
出示几组单词:January, first, spring festival
Step 2 Presentation
1.T : Well done! You know a lot. So what do you do at spring festival?
S 1 :….
2.T: What about mother’s day? What information do you know and want to know?
You can write down some questions.
Ss write down some questions.
T : Who wants to ask something about it?
3.T : Now let’s watch a cartoon and try to tell me the information you get.
Ss watch the cartoon.
4.T: Great! You get so many. But this time I need you read the story by yourself, and do a
It’s mother’s day
It’s on the second Saturday of may.
People give parents presents on mother’s day.
Bobby and Tina give mother a card and some flowers.
Dad is happy too.
6. Watch the cartoon again and Ss read after it.
7. Happy reading.
8. Ss act in roles.
Step 3 Consolidation
1.T: Bobby and Tina give their mother some presents, right? What can you do for your mother
on that day?
T: Besides presents, we can also do some housework for them, because they are very tired.
2.T : Tina’s father doesn’t get presents. Maybe he is not happy. But we can buy presents on Father’s Day.
