班级:_____________  姓名:_____________
1. 阅读短文,判断正误。
Miss Zhang is a new teacher. She''s thin. She likes apples very much. She has some good friends : Nancy, Mike, Lily and Wang Qiang. They are her students. Nancy has blue eyes and yellow hair. Mike is tall and thin. Lily likes oranges. Miss Zhang likes oranges, too. And Wang Qiang is a Chinese boy. He likes hamburgers.
(  )(1)Miss Zhang likes apples.
(  )(2)Wang Qiang is an English student.
(  )(3)Miss Zhang is a new student. She''s thin.
(  )(4)Wang Qiang likes oranges, too.
(  )(5)Lily doesn''t like oranges.
2. 阅读短文,判断正误。
I am Lily. I like Music and PE very much. But I don''t like Maths. Lucy is my friend. She likes
Maths and Music very much. But she doesn''t like PE. We love to dance and sing after class. We are good friends.
(  )(1)Lily likes Musi  C.
(  )(2)Lucy doesn''t like Maths .
(  )(3)Lily and Lucy love to dance and sing in class.
(  )(4)They''re good friends.
(  )(5)Lucy likes Chinese.
3. 阅读短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案回答问题。
I’m Simon. Welcome to my home. This is my father. He’s 40 years old. He is a driver. He’s in the living room. This is my mother. She is 38. She is a housewife(家庭主妇).She is in the kitchen. Where are my grandparents? Oh, they are not at home. I am a student. I’m in the study. I read books here. My bedroom is near the study. It is not big. It has a bed, a desk and a chair. I like my bedroom.
[1]How old is Simon’s father?(  )
A. 40.      B. 38.      C. 35.
[2]Where is Simon’s father? (  )
A. In the living room.      B. In the kitchen.      C. In the study.
[3]What is Simon’s mother’s job? (  )
A. A driver.      B. A housewife.      C. A student.
[4]Where is Simon’s bedroom? (  )
A. Near the living room.      B. Near the kitchen.      C. Near the study.
[5]How many people are there in Simon’s family? (  )
A. Three.      B. Four.      C. Five.
4. 阅读对话,根据对话选择正确的答案。
Zoom: Welcome to our school.
Monkey: Thank you.
Zoom: That is our playground. This is our new gym. We can play ping-pong in it.
Monkey: Is this your computer room?
Zoom: It''s on the second floor.
Monkey: Do you have a music room?
Zoom: Yes, we do. It''s on the first floor. This way, please.
[1]We can play ping-pong ______. (  )
A. on the playground      B. in the gym      C. in the classroom
[2]Is this your computer room? (  )
A. Yes, it is.      B. No, it is.      C. Yes, it isn''t.
[3]—Where is the computer room? (  )
A. It''s on the first floor.      B. It''s on the second floor.
  C. It''s on the third floor.
[4]—Do you have a music room? (  )
A. No, I don''t.      B. Yes, it is.      C. Yes, we do.
[5]The music room is on the _________ floor. (  )
A. first      B. second      C. Third
5. 阅读理解。
Hi, I''m Ling Ling. I like winter. It''s cold in winter. I can go skating in the park. I make snowmen with my friends. Mike is my friend. He likes winter, too. David is my friend, too. B
ut he doesn''t like winter. He likes summer. He can go swimming in the river.
(  )(1)I like spring.
(  )(2)Mike likes winter.
(  )(3)I make snowmen in winter.
(  )(4)David likes winter, too.
(  )(5)David can go swimming in the lake.
6. 阅读,并根据短文意思选择正确答案。
Dear Grandma,
Thank you for the new shorts. They are cool!
It''s hot in Beijing. It''s sunny too. I can wear my shorts and T-shirt. I have a new jacket. My old jacket is too small. I want to buy a hat. It is fifty Yuan. It''s too expensive. What''s the weather like at the farm? Is it warm? How many new ducks are there?
we love spring怎么读Love,
(1)Who wrote(写) the letter?(  )
A. Grandma  B. John  C. Grandpa
(2)What''s the weather like in Beijing?(  )
A. hot and windy  B. hot and sunny  C. sunny and warm
(3)How much is the hat?(  )
A. fifteen yuan  B. five yuan  C. fifty yuan
(4)Where is grandma?(  )
A. at the farm  B. at home  C. in the park
(5)Is the new jacket too small?(  )
A. Yes, it is.  B. No, it isn''t.  C. Sorry ,I don''t know.
7. 根据小短文,判断正T误F
Hello! My name is Lucy. I’m ten years old. I am in Class One, Grade Four now. Our classroom is nice. I like my classroom.
[1]His name is Lucy. (____)
[2]She is ten years old. (____)
[3]Lucy is in Grade four. (____)
[4]Her classroom is nice. (____)
[5]She doesn’t like her classroom. (____)
8. 根据对话完成下面的短文填空。
John is going to have a picnic with his friends.
John: Mum. Where is my beef?
Mum: It''s in the fridge.
John: Where are the forks and spoons? Are they in the fridge, too?
Mum: No, they''re in the kitchen. And take the bananas. They are in the kitchen, too.
John: Where are my toy cars?
Mum: They''re on the floor, near the door.
John: Where are my glasses? Are they in the study?
Mum: Yes, they are. They''re on the desk.
John: Oh, yes.
Mum: Take your keys, John. Are they near the phone?
John: No, they aren''t. They''re in the door. Bye, Mum.
Mum: See you.
John is going to have a picnic with his friends. The beef is in the    . The forks,     and     are in the kitchen. The toy cars are on the    . John''s     are on the desk. John''s keys are     the door.
