1.—Do you know ________ experienced teacher?
—Of course. She is Ms. White. She is quite famous in our school.
A.a    B.an    C.the
2.—What can I do for I missed the early bus?
—Don’t worry. The next one ________ in 5 minutes.
A.will come    B.can come    C.comes
3.Our teacher asked us to make New Year’s resolution at the beginning of each year. Just as the saying goes, a good ________ makes a good ending.
A.beginning    B.hobby    C.education
4.Are you worried about the exams? It’s best to relax ________ exercise. Doing sports is good for your body and study.
A.in    B.for    C.through
5.Lily is ________ girl in my class because she hardly makes mistakes in schoolwork.
A.the most careful    B.the most careless    C.the most serious
6.Jenny’s schoolbag is ________ mine. Maybe she took mine back home by mistake.
A.different from    B.similar to    C.ready to
7.Susan is always late for school. We didn’t know the truth ________ she talked about it with the teacher.
A.until    B.so that    C.although
8.—Sally, did you buy anything special in Beijing?
—No, I bought ________. I’m too busy to go shopping.
A.something    B.nothing    C.everything
9.It’s too noisy outside. We can’t hear you clearly. Could you please ________?
A.walk quietly    B.speak loudly    C.sit comfortably
10.—________ do teenagers usually sleep?
—It’s best for them to sleep for at least 9 hours.
A.How often    B.How far    C.How long
A: What do you usually do in your free time?
B: ___11___
A: So you like playing basketball very much, don’t you?
B: Yes, I do. ___12___
A: How often do you play it?
B: ___13___ What about you? Do you like it?
A: No, I can’t play it.
B: ___14___
A: I usually stay in the library and study all my subjects. I want to improve my grades.
B: It’s a good habit. ___15___
A: OK, I will try to do more exercise.
A.It’s my favorite sport.
B.About four times a week.
C.But you must exercise to keep healthy.
D.I usually play basketball with my friends.
E.Then what do you do when you are free?
A lot of people around the world enjoy jogging. Jogging means running ___16___ but it is still faster than walking.
In the mornings and evenings, you can see people jogging in parks or along city streets. Jogging is cheaper than many sports-to start, just get some comfortable sports clothes and good running ___17___.
I enjoy jogging with my friends Tommy and Anna. In the early mornings, we often go jogging in the park. Then we are ___18___ for school. At weekends, we sometimes go jogging in the ___19___. It is more fun than jogging in the city and we feel good in the fresh air. The more you go jogging, the ___20___ you will feel. Just try it!
16.A.quickly    B.slowly    C.alone
17.A.exercise    B.ways    C.shoes
18.A.ready    B.good    C.similar
19.A.city    B.countryside    C.parks
20.A.healthier    B.worse    C.later
How often do you let other people’s rude (粗鲁的) actions change your mood (情绪)? Do you let a bad driver or an awful waiter make your day terrible? However, your smart __21__ to the actions is that you can smile to them. Sixteen years ago, I learned this __22
__ in a taxi in New York. We were driving fast in the right lane (车道) when suddenly (突然地), a black car __23__ in front of us. My taxi driver stepped on the brake(刹车) as hard as possible, and luckily our car __24__ just one inch (英尺) from the back of that car. I couldn’t __25__ what happened next. The driver of the car turned his head around and started shouting bad words. But then here’s __26__ really surprised me. My taxi driver just smiled and waved (挥手致意) at the guy. I said, “Why did you just do that? This guy __27__ killed us!” He told me what I now remember “The Law of the Garbage Truck(垃圾车)” He said “Like garbage trucks, many people run around __28__ of garbage, anger, and regret. As their garbage gets more, they look for a place to __29__ it. So when someone shows you the rude actions, don’t feel hurt, just smile, wave and move on. You will be __30__ .” I started thinking: How often do I take others’ garbage and throw it to other people? Then I knew clearly what I should do.
21.A.result    B.reply    C.talent
22.A.example    B.action    C.lesson
23.A.came out    B.came from    C.came back
24.A.finished    B.began    C.stopped
25.A.believe    B.think    C.hope
26.A.why    B.how    C.what
27.A.never    B.sometimes    C.almost
28.A.full    B.free    C.crowded
29.A.peel    B.pour    C.cut
we love spring怎么读30.A.happier    B.busier    C.worse
Disney has made many cartoon movies. The princesses(公主们) in the movies are often girls favorite characters. From Snow White to Moana, every princess leaves a deep impres
sion(印象) on people. However, have you noticed that Disney princesses are changing?
In the early Disney cartoon movies, princesses like Snow White, Cinderella and Aurora from Sleeping Beauty are usually good-looking and kind-hearted. But they have to get out of trouble ant find happiness with others’ help. They end up living happily with their princes.
Now, people still love those princesses, but more and more girls know they have to fight for their own happiness. Disney has noticed the change. So the princesses in its newer movies don’t just have good looks.
