Unit 1 We love nature
Lesson1 Planting trees
1.look at=have a look.  Look at the picture.
2.询问季节用What season is it now? 回答用It’s spring.
四个季节:Spring.春天 Summer夏天 Autumn,Fall秋天,Winter冬天
3.想要知道别人将要去做什么可以这样问:What are you going to do? 答句用:We are going to plant trees. 想要知道别人正在做什么可以这样问:What are you doing?答句:We are planting trees.
4.Do you know how to plant trees?是一个一般疑问句,肯定回答,Yes,I do ,否定回答,No,I don’t。How对方式提问,how的意思是怎样?
Dig(digging) a hole    put(putting) a tree in the hole
put the earth back  .stamp the earth        .water it well  填土踩土浇水
Watch TV    sing      have(having) a picnic  play ping-pong 看电视唱歌野餐打乒乓Sweep the floor  do some washing    clean the windows  make the bed 扫地洗衣服擦窗户整理床铺
Put away the clothes.    Wash vegetables      swim(swimming)
Fly            jump          dance(dancing)      count
run(running)    read    write(writing)    draw
Look看    listen听    sit坐    stand站起来
1.()A.wash    B. swim    C.song
2.(    ) A. picnic    B.watch    C. play
3.(    ) A. vegetables  B. clean    C. windows
4.(    )  A.putting      B. singing    C. swimming
5.(    ) A. at        B.he            C.we
A.What is he doing?
B.What is he going to do?
2.(    ) 你想知道现在是什么季节,你可以怎样问:
A.What colour is it?
B.What season is it?
3.(    )植树的第二步是什么:
A.Put a tree in the hole.
B.Put the earth back
A.What is he going to do?
B.He is going to play Ping-pong.
5.(    )朋友建议你和他一起去玩,你会说:
A.Thank you!
B.That’s great,Let’s go.
1.()Look____the picture.    A.at    B. in    C.on
2.(    )----What season is it now?
----_____.  A.It’s summer  B.It’s red.  C.It’s a dog. 3.(    )---What are you going to do?
----We are going to _____.
A.doing our  homework
B.fly kites
C. having a picnic.
4.(    )---What is she going to do?
----She is going to _____.
A.Clean the house
we love spring怎么读B. sweeping the floor
C. making the bed
5.(    ) Do you know____ to plant trees?  A.what  B.When  C,how
6.(    )---Do you like playing football?
---_____.    A.Yes, I do.  B.No.I do.    C.No, She doesn’t.
7.(    )----_____ do you like it?
----Because it’s very interesting.  A.What  B.When  C.How
8.(    )----What’s your favourite____?
---English.    A.Summer    B.Green    C. subject
9.(    ) ----What day is today?
----______.    A.It’s  Tuesday.    B.It’s sunny.
10.----_____ is she from?
----She is from China.    A.Where    B.When    C.What
11.----_______book is it?
----It’s hers.        A.Who    B.Whose    C.Why
12.---What_____ is it?
----It is brown.        A.season  B.colour  C.subject.
13.---What is she doing?
----She is______  A.run    B.runing    C.running
14.She is going to ______ the floor.  A.sweep  B.sweeping  C.sweeps.
15.We are______ a picnic.    A.have    B.having    C,haveing
16.Look at the picture and ____ how to plant trees.
17.They often ______ping-pong on Sundays.  A.play    B.plays  C.playing
18.Mary is_____TV.    A.watch    B.watching    C.watches
19.We are gong to____ kites.  A.fly    B.flying  C.flies
20. He can____away the clothes.  A.put  B,puts    C.putting.
Jack: Hello, this is Jack!
Zhang Peng: This is Zhang Peng.Can I speak to John? ?
Jack: I am sorry. He is busy now. please hold on.
Zhang Peng:What is John doing? ?
Jack : He is writing an e-mail. He is coming.
Zhang Peng: Hi, John! When will you go to the playground?
John: I will go to the playground at 7:00 in the morning.
Zhang Peng: It is early.When do you get up?
John: I get up at 6:00.
Zhang Peng: Shall we meet at 6:50 at school?
John :OK.
1. (  )They will meet at 7:00.
2. (    ) Zhang peng gets up at 6:00 in the morning.
3. (    ) John is writing an e-mail
4. (    )They are making a phone call.
5. (    )Jack is busy. 观察图片,回答 问题:
1. (    )What season is it now?
A. It ’s spring.
B.It ’s autumn.
2. (    ) How is the weather?
A. It ’s sunny.
B.It ’s cloudy.
3. (    ) Is there  a dragonfly?
A. Yes, there is.
B.No,there isn ’t
4. (    )Where is the cat?
A. It is under the tree.
B.It is in the tree.
5. (    )How many animals can you see?
A. Seven
It is a fine Sunday morning. Ann and her mother are on a big bus. There are many
people on it. Some of them come from America, and some come from England and others come from Japan. They are all their friends. They are going to the Great Wall. There are two Chinese on the bus. One is a woman. She is driving the bus. The other is a young man. He speaks good English. He is now talking about the Great Wall. The other people are all listening to him. They like the Great Wall. They want to see it very much. 1. It is a _______morning.  A.Sunday    B.Monday
2.  Ann and her mother are on a big______  A. plane.    B.bus
3.  They are going to the_____    A. Great Wall.    B.Japan
4. There are_____ Chinese.      A.two    B.three
5. The woman is______
A. talking about the Great Wall.
B.driving the bus.
. 根据A 栏对话内容,从B 栏中出与A 栏对话划线处同类的词语,填在图片下方的答题处后再将其抄写入答题卡相应位置上的四线三格内。(5分)
A.    B.
5._____________ 连词成句:
1. look , the , class, at , picture(.)
2. are, they ,make , going, the, to, bed(.)
3.is, clean, house, she, going, the, to (.)
4.do, homework, I , going, my, am, to(.)
5.sweep, they, going, the, to , are, floor(.)
Lesson2 Talking about squirrels
1.There  is  a big squirrel.There be 句型使用就近原则。Be指的是is,are. Eg:
There is a book and two pens. There are two pens and a book.
in(在....里面)              on在...上面(两个物体要接触)
in front of (在...前面)    (在....中间)
beside在....旁边behind(在...后面)      Under在...下面
3.How cute!How和What都可以感叹句: What+a/an+形容词+名词
How+形容词+a/an+名词。Eg:What a clever dog=How clever a dog
4.Do you like squirrels?是一个一般疑问句。肯定回答用yes,I do
否定回答用No,I don’t
5.  Why do you like them? Because they have nice big tails.(回答Why要用
6. Are there any birds in the tree?中,any的意思是一些,some也是一些的意思。
但some用于肯定句中,any 用于否定句和疑问句中。
Eg:There are some books on the table
Are there any  books on the  table?
There aren’t any books on the table.
1.() A.watermelon      B. peach    C. grass
2.(    ) A. cat              B.squirrel    C. vegetable
3.(    ) A.tree              B.cute        C.beautiful
4.(    ) A.sweep            B. cinema      C.make
5.(    ) A.piano            B. football    C. basketball
A.Are there some watermelons?
B.Are there any watermelons?
2.(    )你想表达树上有一只鸟,应当如何说:
A.There is a bird in the tree.
B.There isn’t a bird in the tree.
3.(    )乐乐问你Tingting现在在做什么,你会说:
A.She is singing.
B.She is going to sing.
4.(    )3月8日到了,你应该对妈妈说:
A.Happy Women’s Day!
B.Happy Womens’ Day
5.(    )婷婷问你为什么喜欢袋鼠,你会说:
A.Why do you like squirrels?
B.Because they are cute.
1.()Look!.There  is____ squirrel.    A. some  B.a    C.an
2.(    )I____ going to school tomorrow.  A.am      B.is    C.are
3.(    )Aha, I____got a big fish.    A.had        B. am    C.have
4.(    ) Are there____ birds in the tree?  A.any    B. some  C.a
5.(    ) There are some flowers next____ the house. A. for  B.at  C.to
6.(    )Are there____birds in the tree?    A. any  B.some  C. a
7.(    )There____ some flowers in the picture.  A. be  B,is  C.are
8.(    ) Why do you like____?    A. a duck  B. duck  C.ducks
9.(    ) They____ to plant trees.  A.am going  B. are going C. is going
10.(  )The dog____ clever and friendly. A.are  B. am    C.is
11.(    )---Do you like squirrels?
---_____.          A.Yes, I don’t  B.No, I don’t  C.No, I do 12.
(    )----______ do you like them?
----Because they are cute.    A.What  B.Why  C.Where
13.(    )----_____ is the bird?
---It is in the tree.        A.What    B.Why    C.Where
14.(    )_____cute.      A.What  B.When  C,How
15.(    ) ---Would you like to have _____ tea?
---Yes, thank you.          A. some    B.any  C.a
16.(    )There____three  tigers.      A. am    B.is    C.are
17.(    )--- Why do you like English?
---_____ it’s interesting.  A.So      B.And    C.Because
18.(    )There ____ an orange on the table.    A. am  B.is  C.are
19.(    )There are _____ apples on the grass.    A. some  B.any  C.a
20.(    )---______is the dog?
----It is in front of the house.    A.What    B.When    C.Where (三)阅读理解:
Jack: Hello, Peter. What day is it today?
Peter: It’s October 2nd.
Jack: When is your birthday?
Peter: September 25 th.
Jack: What do you do on your birthday ?
Peter: I often have a birthday party with my classmates.When is your birthday?
Jack: It’s in winter. It’s December 9th.
Peter:Which season do you like best? ?
Jack: I like winter best.
Peter: Why?
Jack: Because I can go skating in winter.
1.Today is September 25th.
2.Jack’s favorite season is winter.
3.Peter like going skating in winter.
4.Jack’s birthday is on December 9th.
5.Peter often have a birthday party when his birthday comes.
1.()How many animals can you see?    A.Five  B.Six
2.(    )Where are they?    A.Behind the tree  B.Under the tree.
3.(    )What are they doing?  A.They are playing  B.They are having a picnic.
4.(    )What does the tortoise get?  A.Some strawberries  B.Some bananas.
5.(    )What season is it now?    A.Spring    B.Winter.
Sam is a teacher of maths .He is not young, but he is not old.He is 40 years old.He has a round face and black hair.He is short.There are forty students in his class.They all like him.
Now it’s in the afternoon.Look,some students are studying in the classroom.Sam is there,too.He is helping them to study maths.He is a good
teacher,and he is a good friend of his students.
