At one time children made May Day baskets to celebrate spring and enjoy the rewards of giving surprising gifts to their beloved ones. When I was in perhaps the third grade, our class took on such an adventure. For several days, we worked on creating paper baskets. We cut colorful stripes of construction paper and wove them together, following our teacher, Miss Anderson. We cut and wove and glued. Then we decorated them with our crayons and more cutting and gluing.Finally, we fitted paper handles onto the tops so that we could secretly hang our creations on the doors of unsuspecting receivers: surely our mothers.
We were finished right on time. Miss Anderson brought armloads of flowers for us to use in stuffing our prizes. Lilacs and tulips and all the colorful flowers of spring. We had to wait until the day was nearly over before we were allowed to choose the flowers that were just right for our baskets. I chose the biggest, most beautiful blossoms, allowing myself to be selfish for the sake of my mother. Then we fidgeted (烦躁) away what remained of our day, waiting for the clock to tick down the minutes to our release.
我们准时完成了。安德森小给我们带来了一捧鲜花,用来装奖品。丁香和郁金香,还有春天里五颜六的花朵。我们不得不等到一天快结束了,才被允许选择适合我们篮子的花。我选择了最大、最美丽的花朵,为了母亲,我允许自己自私。然后我们坐立不安(烦躁) 带走了我们一天中剩下的东西,等待时钟滴答作响,直到我们获释。
Finally, mercifully, the bell rang! We threw on our coats, gathered our homework and our lunch boxes, tied on our scarves and then, carefully, we cradled our offerings of love and off we ran to our individual homes! I was so excited! I ran as fast as I could down the hill, across the street, up the block, heading home. I paused at the corner of my house, to catch
my breath and savor the moment. Then I glanced down to admire my offering one last time before I hung it lovingly over the doorknob. Horrors! Shock, dread and depression! My flowers were gone! Apparently, bouncing out on my mad dash home, all that was left was a sad, messedup, wrinkled little empty basket! I stood on the doorway and burst into mournful sobbing tears.
Para 1 By and by, my mom came to the door to discover the source of the sorrow.
Para 2 Soon, my newlydecorated basket was ready to be offered again.
根据读原文时所划关键信息确定故事问题/矛盾(通常有两层:① 事情本身;② 通过事情所表达的情感/思想)读原文时需划的关键信息主要包括:①负面否定信息 ②与前者形成对比的信息 反复出现信息 问题信息 ⑤转折信息 
本文主要问题/矛盾:1 浅层:花丢了怎么办;礼物是否送了2 深层:送礼物最重要的是什么
Step2:根据题目已给的段首句与主要矛盾确定每段发展到什么程度P1: 我又准备好了花P2: 妈妈很喜欢我的礼物,我有所感悟
P1:描写对象—— 我 妈妈我:藏篮子于身后,告知原因(只说丢了东西)妈妈:为眼
泪,安慰,提出帮我一起寻我:挤出笑容,提议自己去(因为这是惊喜礼物 不想让妈妈提前知道)转身,快速出去 重新采花。失落(没有漂亮的花),还是采了一些。
P2: 描写对象—— 我、妈妈我:不乱跳乱冲、稳稳地走,并时不时看看篮子。       到家,再看一眼礼物,担心妈妈的反应(因为花不漂亮)
we love spring怎么读我:听到妈妈的话,放心,开心,出现妈妈:好奇疑惑地问“是你吗”我:点头,笑妈妈:抱紧我我:感悟
谨记:1. 必写高级句式: 非谓 、独立主格、 定从、 名从、 倒装、 强调2. 多从原文线索,利用相关词汇,提高与原文的契合度
Para 1 By and by, my mom came to the door to discover the source of the sorrow.Hiding th
e wrinkled little empty basket behind my back, I just replied that something important got missing on my way home. Wiping tears on my face, my mom gently forted me and offered to assist me with searching for what I lost. But this was supposed to be a surprising gift. Therefore, I forced a relaxing smile and proposed to find it on my own. With mom’s nodding, I turned around and dashed to the nearby road where there were some wild flowers. To my disappointment, nowhere could I find some flowers as attractive as what I chose from Miss Anderson. But I still picked and collected some for my basket.
Para 2 Soon, my newlydecorated basket was ready to be offered again.Instead of bouncing and dashing, I took steady steps this time, eyes regularly glimpsing at my basket. Finally, there I arrived. Again, I glanced down to my carefully protected offering and wondered about mom’s response, because those flowers were actually quite plain. With slight nerve and doubt, I hung it over the doorknob, knocked the door and swiftly hid behind another wall. Soon, mom’s exclaiming with astonishment came into my ears. “Unbelievably, someone brought us the whole spring!” Hearing mom’s words, I felt relieved and delighted and showed up to her. “Is it you?” My mom asked in curiosity. I nodded with smile shining o
n face. My mom spread her arms tightly around me, which convinced me that it is our love and care that actually matter when gifting presents.
