1. What is your favorite season?
My favorite season is summer because I love the warm weather and being able to go swimming.
2. What activities do you enjoy during the summer?
During the summer, I enjoy going to the beach, playing outdoor sports, and having picnics with my family and friends.
3. How does the weather change in autumn?
In autumn, the weather starts to cool down and the leaves on the trees change color and fall off.
4. What do you like to do in autumn?
In autumn, I like to go hiking and admire the beautiful fall foliage. I also enjoy collecting colorful leaves and making crafts with them.
5. How does winter feel like?
Winter feels very cold, and it often snows. I enjoy building snowmen, having snowball fights, and drinking hot chocolate to keep warm.
6. What do you like to do in winter?
In winter, I like to go ice skating, have fun in the snow, and celebrate holidays with my family. I also enjoy drinking warm soup and reading books by the fireplace.
7. How does the weather change in spring?
In spring, the weather starts to get warmer, and flowers start to bloom. It is a season of new beginnings and growth.
8. What activities do you enjoy during spring?
During spring, I enjoy flying kites, riding bicycles, and having picnics in the park. I also love seeing the cherry blossoms and the colorful flowers.
9. How does summer feel like?
Summer feels hot and sunny. It is a great time to go swimming, play in the water, and enjoy outdoor activities.
夏天感觉炎热和阳光明媚。这是一个游泳,玩水和享受户外活动的好时光。during spring怎么读
10. What is your favorite activity in summer?
My favorite activity in summer is going to the water park and going down the slides. It is so much fun and helps me stay cool in the heat.
