Unit 2 达标测评卷
1.  rpsngi  __________
2.  taumun  __________
3.  tweirn  __________
4.  mermsu  _________
(  )1. A. go      B.come    C.like
(  )2. A. hot      B.cold    C.weather
(  )3. A. summer  B.winter  C.warm
(  )4. A. cool    B.beside  C.between
(  )5. A. live    B.spring  C.autumn
1.in autumn            A.整天
2.be careful          B.来三亚
3.all day              C.去海滩
4.come to Sanya        D.小心
5.in the garden        E.在秋天
6.go to the beach      F.在花园里
(  )1.I__________spring.
A. like    B.am    C.is
(  )2.I'm_______Changsha.
A. cold    B.from    C.for
(  )3.I live_______ Changsha.itswarminspring怎么读
A. in    B.from    C.to
(  )4. What's the weather_______?
A.like    B.likes    C.look
(  )5. It's_______in summer in Sanya.
A. warm    B.cool    C.hot
(  )6. It is_______in Harbin in winter.
A. hot    B.warm    C.cold
(  )7. It's_______cold in winter in Sanya.
A. very    B.is    C.not
(  )8.I_______like summer. It's too hot.
A. do    B.don't    C.very
(  )9. You can't_______ my jumper.
A. wear    B. wears    C. wear to
(  )10. _______name is Zhang Leilei.
A.I    B.My    C.my
(  )1. Spring is warm.
(  )2. It's very hot in summer.
(  )3. Tim and Dino go to the beach.
(  )4. Winter is cold. We can make a snowman.
(  )5. Tim and Dino are in the garden.
(  )6. -What's the weather like?
    -It's very cool.
1. don't  I  summer  like (.)
2.I  see  here  snow  never (.)
3.very  summer  in  hot  It's (.)
4.spring  I  in  like  Changsha (.)
七.阅读对话 ,判断正 (√)误 (×) 。
A:Hello,I'm Jiang Peng. I'm from Changchun.
B:Hello,I'm Zhang Xin. I'm from Sanya.
A:It is hot in summer and it is cold in winter in Changchun. How about Sanya?
B:It is very hot in summer,and it is not cold in winter. Many people come to Sanya in winter. Do you want to come to Sanya in winter?
A:Of course. I don't like winter in Changchun. It's too cold.
(    )1. Jiang Peng is from Changsha.
(    )2. Zhang Xin is from Sanya.
(    )3. It is hot in summer in Changchun.
(    )4. It is cold in winter in Changchun.
(    )5. Jiang Peng likes winter in Changchun.
Unit 2达标测评卷
一、1. spring  2.autumn  3.winter  4.summer
二、1.C  2.C  3.C  4.A  5.A
三、1-E  2-D  3-A  4-B  5-F  6-C
四、1.A  2.B  3.A  4.A  5.C  6.C  7.C  8.B  9.A  10.B
五、1.√  2.×  3.√  4.×  5.√  6.√
六、1.I don't like summer.
2.I never see snow here.
3. It's very hot in summer.
4.I like spring in Changsha.
七、1.×  2.√  3.√  4.√  5.×赠送:五年级英语同步练习
Module 1 Unit 1 We lived in a small house
  1.l__f__ ( )            2. televi__ __ __ __( )
  3.l__dy (  )        4.__g__ (  )
  5.diff__ __ __nt ( )    6.an__ ( )
  7.gr__ __ dmoth__ __ ( )  8.__s (  )
  1.do ______  2. is______ 
  3.are ______  4.live______ 
5.have ______  6.watch______ 
  1.( )There weren’t ___buses
        A.some B.any  C.one
  2.(  ) We lived ___ a small house.
          A. at  B. in  C.on
  3.(  )Yesterday I watched TV ____my grandchildren.
        A. and  B. with C. to
  4.(  )Thank you for talking____ me.
        A. with B. to C. and
  5.(  )She ____ TV every day.
      A. watching B. watched C. watches.
  6.( )It’s a programme ___ monkeys.
          A. for B. in C. about
  7.( )There ___ three books on the desk one hour ago.
        A. was      B. were    C. are
  8.( )Now there ___ lots of buses.
        A. was    B. are    C. is
  9.( )Many years ago there ___ any televisions.
        A. wasn’t B. weren’t C. aren’t
  10.( )Many year age we ___ have enough food.
          A. are  B. did  C. didn’t
  ( )1.It’s a programme about China.
  ( )2.We have got lots of food.
  ( )3.Life was very different in China many years ago.
  ( )4.China is changing.
  ( )5.There weren’t any buses.
