1.He should brush ______ teeth every day. (    )
A.one’s    B.his    C.your
2.Turn right ______ the traffic lights, the shop is ______ your right. (    )
A.on; on    B.at; in    C.at; on
3.Can you ______ your bike ______ me? (    )
A.show; for    B.show; to    C.showing; with
4.—Linda is not at school. What’s wrong with _______? (   )
—She is ill. She is in hospital.
A.she    B.her    C.he    D.him
5.—_______ the giraffe _______ a long neck? (   )
—Yes, it does.
A.Does; has    B.Does; have    C.Is; have
6.Who often ______ the old people? (  )
A.helps    B.is helping    C.helping
7.The Teachers’ Day is ______ September. (   )
A.at    B.in    C.on
8.—Would you like ______ a film with me? (   )
—Yes, I’d love to.
A.see    B.seeing    C.to see
9.John goes to the park by ______. And he likes toy ______. (   )
A.car; car    B.cars; cars    C.car; cars
10.We ______ eat ______ drink in the library. (   )
A.should; and    B.shouldn’t; and    C.shouldn’t; or
11.—When is Zhang Peng’s _____ birthday? (    )
—It’s in winter.
A.grandpas’    B.grandpa    C.grandpa’s
12.People usually ______ at the Double Ninth Festival. (    )
A.eat cakes    B.climb mountains    C.look at the moon
13.The eighth month of a year is _______. (   )
A.July    B.September    C.August
14.Liu Tao's parents ________ dinner in the kitchen now. (   )
A.are cooking    B.do cooking    C.is cook
15.He is happy ______ his friends. (     )
A.to help    B.helping    C.helps
16.—Who ______ (teach) you English this term?     
—Miss Li.
17.We should obey the rules. We ________ (should) eat or drink in the library.
18.He likes __________ (ride) a bike in the park.
19.—What ________ (be) your uncle?
—He's a bus ______ (drive).
20.The teacher ________ (come) and the students go away.
21.The computer room is on _______ (twelve) floor.
The Art room is on the _______ (eight) floor.
22.She often _______ (have) dinner with her parents. She ________ (do) her homework at five o'clock in the afternoon. She _______ (like) ________ (read) stories.
23.What festival ______ (come) before Mother’s Day?
24.Mike should ________ (brush) his teeth in the morning and before bedtime.
25.Mike should brush ______ (he) teeth in the morning and before bedtime.
26.You can’t ______ (ride) your bike to school. Because you are only 10 years old.
27.Bobby ___________ (have) a new bike. He likes ___________ (ride) it in the park.
28.John’s family live on the ______ (three) floor in this building.
29.It’s six o'clock now. Dad and I ______ (eat) noodles for breakfast.
30.It’s Chongyang Festival. The children _______ (chat) with the old people in the room n
31.John's and Tommy's birthday are on the s_______ day.
32.Dinner is r______. Let’s eat now.
33.There are many d______ and n______ in the h________. They are h_______ sick people.
34.I have a toothache. I can’t _____ (eat) anything.
35.—What is your mother doing?   
—She is s______ the floor.
36.I can't see a________ at night without a light.
37.The Spring Festival is in J_____ or F_____.
38.My friend is _______ (寻一些面包) in the fridge.
39.Yang Ling can’t find the bookshop. She asks a policeman for h______.
40.Ben is ill. He's in h________.
    Mr Brown is Nancy and Mike's father. He works in a computer company. He drives a car to work at about six thirty. Every morning, he works at a computer. He is very busy. He always has his lunch at one o'clock in the afternoon. He often goes home at seven. In the evening, he often reads some newspapers and draws some pictures before he goes to bed. He likes drawing. He doesn't go to work on Saturdays and Sundays. He often takes Nancy and Mike to the park. They ride bikes, take photos and play games there.
41、Who's Mike?      (  )
A.He's Mr Brown's brother.    B.He's Nancy's brother.    C.He's Nancy's son.
42、How does Mr. Brown go to work?   (  )
A.By bike.                                        B.By bus.                                    in the spring怎么读    C.By car.
43、Does Mr. Brown go to work at the weekends?  (  )
A.Yes, he is.    B.Yes, he does.    C.No, he doesn't.
44、What's Mr. Brown's hobby?    (  )
A.Playing computer games.                 B.Drawing pictures.                        C.Reading books.
45、How do Nancy and Mike spend their weekends?   (  )
A.Go shopping.                              B.Go fishing.                              C.Go to the park.
Mrs. Brown has a garden behind her house. It’s small, but nice. In spring, she plants some vegetables in it. She looks after (照看) them very carefully. When summer comes, they look very nice.
