1. 单词不认识
怎么读英语spring2. 前缀、后缀有规律
英语中有些词通过前面或者后面加一些字母,就会变成另一个词。如,regular-- irregular,kind--kindness,前者通过加-ir变成起否定形式,后者通过在后面加-ness,变成了名词。归纳起来,一般说前缀变 词义(如肯否定),后缀变词性。只要记住这个原则,平时在学习时有意识地去检验,积累各种加前后缀的形式,就不至于稍加变化就不认识了。
3. 有的词是需要摸索的。
4. 考纲单词必须熟记。
大纲要求的单词、平时做题总是遇到的单词,生活中会经常遇到的单词,这些词是同学们发挥才智,施展所有做题技巧的基础。没有 特别好的方法,就是有恒心一直背:把单词表上的词分类,单独把不会的列出来,分批背,平时总是遇到又不认识的,用一本笔记本把他们都记下来,天天反复天天背。
英语中几乎每一个单词都不是只有一个释义,同学们所说的认识,也许只是这些单词的一个意思,有可能在文段中考查的是这个单 词另外一个意思。这类情况要解决它,就把它当个生词来处理就行了。唯一不同的是,同学们对这类词的处理要注重在语境中理解,这样才能更好地区分不同词义。
这个原因更普遍一些。阅读中的句子有的是很长的,有的是很怪异的。长的可能是加了从句(主语从句、宾语从句、定语从句、状语从 句),怪的则有可能是倒装、插入语,这些语法点。解决这个问题就要解决语法弱项,认真学好每个语法现象,多去用学过的语法去分析英语句子。
中考英语中的文章还是有规律的,它们基本上都是段首写该段的中心,后面论述。第一段,最后一段容易提出作者的观点。在处理好这些部 分外,还要注意文段中表示转折的句子,其标志词常常是but,while,however,in spite of this等。
考试时的阅读如果归类于平时练习的题型,它更侧重泛读。考试考查的是同学们在规定时间内到要求的信息的能力,不是复述文章细节的 能力。那考试时读什么呢?大致有以下几类:中心句,中心段(首尾);转折句;问题中出现的词,尤其是一些很有特点的词如,专有名词。在文段中快速 到相应词语所在位置,问题的答案往往就在附近。
如细节题—— 定位法,观点题—— 中心句法。在考试中遇到题目,能够对症下药。
如果真看懂了,那么看懂的是不是考卷要考查的内容呢?我们总会有这种心理,在看懂了一些不是很容易看懂的东西后,就很有成就感,就突然觉得这篇文章我 理解了,然后就会在自
己的理解和诠释下答题。这时候是最容易出错的,因为这时候我们已经不是在做客观题,而是做主观题。阅读考查的是读者对作者意图的接受 程度,这就要求同学们身于其中,不能有太多的发挥。图的接受程度,这就要求同学们身于其中,不能有太多的发挥。
还有一种情况是,考试有些题目稍不留心就会看错,最常见的就是,According to the passage,which of the following statements is not true? 同学们在考场上很容易就看错。

Passage one
Do you have any foreign friends? Do you know their characteristics(特征)?
The Germans are very quiet and they always keep calm. They don’t like to speak more words. They look very serious. They like different kinds of amusements. The Germans are very hard—working. They like tidiness, especially the women, who always keep their home clean.
In some ways, the Englishmen look the same as the Germans. They are very quiet and never talk too much with the strangers. They are really polite, so we often hear they say “Thank you.” Or “Sorry.” The gentlemen are also the Englishmen.
The French’s holidays are very long. They like traveling and usually spend their long time staying in other countries. The Frenchmen are more outgoing than the Germans. It is very easy to make friends with them.
Compared to the Frenchmen, the Americans are more outgoing. And they are even opener than all of the Europeans. They don’t like to depend on others. So it is very common that the students do part-time jobs in their free time. And in Americans’ eyes, success is an important part in their life.
1. According to the passage, ______are very quiet.
A. only the Germans            B. only the Englishmen
C. only the Frenchmen          D. both the Germans and the Englishmen
2. What does the underlined word “tidiness” mean in Chinese?
A.整洁          B.安静          C.时尚          D.随意
3. In the writer’s eyes, the gentlemen are______.
A. the Germans    B. the Frenchmen    C. the Englishmen  D. the Americans
4. What can we learn about the Frenchmen from the passage?
A. They are more outgoing than the Americans.
B. It is very easy to make friends with them.
C. They like traveling in their own country.
D. They look serious and are always hard-working.
5. Which is the best title of the passage?
A. Foreigners’ hobbies.              B. Who are more outgoing?
C. Characteristics of the foreigners.    D. Success is an important part in Americans’ life.
  Passage two
Some British and American people like to invite friends for a meal at home. You should not be upset(不安的)if your English friends don’t invite you home. It doesn’t mean they don’t like you.
  Dinner parties usually start between 7 and and end at about 11. Ask your hosts what time you should arrive. It’s polite to bring flowers, chocolates or a bottle of wine as a gift.
