Hello, I'm Tom. This is my home. Welcome to my home! Look, there are some photos on the wall. These are photos of my family. My family has five people. Look! The old man is my grandpa and the old woman is my grandma. They are doctors. My father is a doctor, too. He has black glasses. My mother is a nurse. She is friendly. Now she is in the kitchen. We have three bedrooms, a living room, a study, two bathrooms and a kitchen. This is my study. Look! That's my schoolbag. What's in it? Wow! An English book, a maths book and a pencil box are in my school bag. My notebooks are on the desk. I have a cute cat. Oh! Where is my cat? It is in the living room.
1、How many people are there in Tom's family? (    )
A.Five.    B.Six.    C.Seven.
2、Tom's grandma is ________. (    )
A.a doctor    B.a nurse    C.a cook
3、Where is Tom's mother? (    )
A.She is in the kitchen.    B.She is in the study.    C.She is in the living room.
4、Who has glasses? (    )
A.Tom's mother.    B.Tom's father.    C.Tom.
5、________ are in Tom's schoolbag. (    )
A.Some notebooks
B.A story book
C.An English book, a maths book and a pencil box
Nancy: What day is it today?
Helen: It's Wednesday. What lessons do we have this afternoon?
Nancy: We have Science, English and Art.
Helen: Oh, I like Music very much. But we don't have Music today.
Nancy: We have a Music lesson tomorrow.
spring怎么读的英语Helen: Great! Do you like Music?
Nancy: No, I don't. I like English.
6、This afternoon Nancy has ______ lesson. (    )
A.an English    B.a Maths    C.a PE
7、Today is ______. (    )
A.Tuesday    B.Wednesday    C.Thursday
8、Nancy has a Music lesson on ______. (    )
A.Saturday    B.Wednesday    C.Thursday
9、______ like(s) Music very much. (    )
A.Nancy    B.Helen    C.Nancy and Helen
10、Nancy likes ______. (    )
A.Art    B.Music    C.English
Today is Mary’s birthday. She gets some gifts from her family members. She likes the gifts.
Honey! Here’s a doll (玩偶) for you. Look! She has long black hair and big eyes. She can sing birthday songs. Do you like her?—Mom
Hello! Mary! Here is a gift for you. It’s a giraffe schoolbag. It’s yellow and brown. You can put many books in it.—Dad
My dear Mary! Happy birthday! Here is a doll house for you. You can see a bathroom, a kitchen, a study and two bedrooms. —Sister
11、Mary gets a doll from her ______. (    )A.father    B.mother    C.sister
12、The doll has ______. (    )
A.short black hair    B.a pink hat    C.big eyes
13、What colour is the schoolbag? (    )
A.Yellow and blue.    B.Brown and white.    C.Yellow and brown.
14、How many rooms are there in the doll house? (    )
A.3    B.4    C.5
15、How does Mary feel (感受) today?  (    )
A.    B.    C.
Jim’s Family
It’s nine o'clock in the evening. The family are all at home. Jim’s father is sitting in a chair. He’s watching TV. Jim’s mother is standing near the window. She’s giving some food to a bi
rd. Polly says,“Thanks! Thanks!” Where’s Jim? Oh, he’s behind the door. Kate,Jim’s sister, is looking for him. They are playing games. They have no homework on Sunday evening.
16、There are _____ members(成员) in the family.(   
A.three    B.four    C.five    D.six
17、Who is watching TV in a chair? (   
A.Jim    B.Jim’s mother    C.Jim’s father    D.Jim’s sister
18、Jim and Kate are _____ . (   
A.good friends    B.two girls    C.two boys    D.brother and sister
19、The children _____ doing their homework. (   
A.aren’t    B.isn’t    C.don’t    D.not
20、What’s Kate doing? (   
A.She’s doing her homework.    B.She’s standing near the window.
C.She’s looking for a pen.    D.She’s playing games.
21、A: Helen, do you have a pair of yellow socks? (   )
B: ________
A.Yes, I do.    B.No, I don’t.    C.Yes, I can.
22、What colour are Liu Tao’s pears? (   )
A.They’re yellow.    B.They’re green.    C.They’re white.
23、How much are Mike’s pens? (   )
A.It’s thirty yuan.    B.He has three.    C.They’re thirty yuan.
24、What does Wang Bing have? (   )
A.He has a toy dog.
B.He has an orange toy lion.
C.He has a black toy lion.
25、Is Yang Ling’s skirt fourteen yuan? (   )
A.Yes, she is.    B.No, it isn’t    C.Yes, it is.
Hello! I’m Sun Lingyun. I’m twelve. I’m from Chengdu, Sichuan. I’m a student in No.1 Primary School. What’s my favorite colour? It’s the colour of the sky(天空). And my favo
urite sport is football. I often play it with my friend on Sunday.
The weather (天气)in Chengdu is nice. It’s not cold in winter and not hot summer. It’s warm in spring and it’s cool in autumn.
