Two goats live on the left side of a river. One day they want to eat the grass on the right side.
There is a bridge over the river. But on the bridge there is a lion. What should they do? They think
of a plan.
The first goat meets the lion. The lion shouts, "I'm going to eat you!" The first goat says, "Don't
eat me, please. The second goat is bigger and younger than me." So the lion lets the first goat go.
Then the second goat comes. The lion shouts, "I'm going to eat you!" The second goat says,
"Don't eat me, please. The third goat is bigger and younger than me." So the lion lets the second
goat go.
The lion waits and waits, but there is not a third goat.
1There are three goats and a lion in the story.
2The goats want to eat the grass on the right side.
3The lion wants to eat the goats.
4The third goat is younger and bigger than the first and second goats.
5The goats are cleverer than the lion.
【答案】 10
1)句意:故事中住着 3 头山羊。根据短文叙述 Two goats live on the left side of a
river. (两头山羊住在河的左岸。)可知是两头山羊。题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。
2)句意:山羊想吃右岸的草。根据短文叙述 One day they want to eat the grass on the
right side. (一天,它们想吃右岸的草。)可知题目叙述正确。故答案为:正确。
3)句意:狮子想吃山羊。根据短文叙述 The lion shouts, "I'm going to eat you!" (狮子
4)句意:第三只山羊比第一只和第二只都年轻和大。根据短文叙述 The lion waits and
waits, but there is not a third goat. (狮子等啊等,但是没有第三只山羊。)可知没有第三
5)句意:山羊比狮子聪明。根据短文叙述The lion waits and waits, but there is not a
third goat. (狮子等啊等,但是没有第三只山羊。)可知山羊比狮子聪明。题目叙述正

Every kind of animals has their own way to live well in winter. In winter, the weather gets colder
and colder. There is snow on the ground. Some animals sleep all the winter. These animals eat
plenty of food in autumn. They need little or no food when they sleep. Some birds fly to the
south for winter. They go to a warmer place to look for food. Some animals get much food in
autumn and keep it at home. They may grow new and thick fur in autumn, too. Then they can
feel warmer. In winter some animals live in the trees or under the ground.
1Every kind of animals has their own way to live well in winter.
2In winter, the weather gets warmer and warmer.
3Some animals eat plenty of food in autumn and sleep all the winter.
4Some birds fly to the north for winter.
5In winter some animals live in the trees or under the ground.
【答案】 11
2)句意:在冬季,天气变得越来越暖和。根据短文叙述 In winter, the weather gets
colder and colder. (在冬季天气变得越来越冷。)可知题目叙述错误。故答案为:错误。
animals sleep all the winter. These animals eat plenty of food in autumn. (一些动物整个
5)句意:在冬季一些动物住在树里或地下。根据短文叙述 In winter some animals live
in the trees or under the ground. (在冬季一些动物住在树里或地下。)可知题目叙述正
One day, the famous American scientist Albert Einstein came across an old friend in the street
in New York. "Mr. Einstein," said the friend. "it seems that you need a new overcoat. This one is
worn out!" "It doesn't matter," answered Einstein. "Nobody knows me here冬季英语怎么读spring in New York." Seven
years passed, and they met in New York again. Einstein had become a world famous physicist by
then, but he still wore the same old overcoat. Once more his friend tried to persuade him into

getting a new one. "There is no need now." said Einstein. "Everyone here knows me."
1Albert Einstein was a famous American scientist.
2Einstein's overcoat looked very old.
3Einstein still wore the same old overcoat when he became world famous.
4His friend thought Einstein didn't need a new overcoat.
5This story tells us that Einstein did not pay attention to the superficial (丧面的) things.
【答案】 11
1)句意:爱因斯坦是一位伟大的科学家。根据短文叙述 Einstein had become a world
famous physicist by then .(到那时爱因斯坦成为了世界著名的物理学家。)可知题目叙述正
2)句意:爱因斯坦的外套看起来很旧。根据短文叙述 "it seems that you need a new
