four seasons英语作文20单词
    The Four Seasons
    The year has four seasons. The seasons are spring, summer, fall, and winter. Each season is very different. I like all four seasons!
    In spring, the cold winter is over. The sun is out more. Plants grow again. Trees grow new green leaves. Flowers bloom in pretty colors. Baby animals are born. Birds fly back and build nests. It rains a lot in spring. The rain waters
    The Four Seasons
    Winter is cold and snowy. I love playing in the snow! Catching snowflakes on my tongue is fun. Building a snowman with my friends is even better. We use sticks for arms and rocks for the face and buttons. My mom helps me make a carrot nose. At night, we go sledding down the big hill near our house. My cheeks get all rosy from the cold air. When I come inside, mom makes me hot chocolate with little marshmallows floating on top. Yum!
spring怎么读音发音英语单词    In the spring, everything starts growing again after the long winter sleep. My favorite spring flowers are daffodils and tulips. They are so colorful and pretty! I also love seeing the baby animals that are born in spring. Fluffy yellow chicks and clumsy lambs frolicking in the fields make me smile. On spring nights, I can hear frogs croaking near the pond behind our house. Sometimes I catch tadpoles and keep them in a jar for a few days to watch them grow.
    Summer is the best season for swimming and ice cream! I love going to the pool and playing in the cold water. Marco? Polo! I can spend all day splashing around. My brother and I have swimming races to see who's fastest. He's older so he usually wins, but I'm catc
hing up! After swimming, we get triple-scoop ice cream cones from the truck that comes around our neighborhood. I like strawberry and chocolate best. What's your favorite? Summer nights are for catching fireflies in a jar and watching their lights blink on and off.
    When autumn comes, it's my favorite time of year! The leaves turn such beautiful colors - red, yellow, orange, and brown. Crunchy leaves cover the ground and I love kicking through the piles. My family goes to the pumpkin patch every year to pick out the biggest, roundest, most perfect pumpkin. We carve scary faces into them for Halloween. The pumpkin seeds get roasted with salt for a yummy snack. Thanksgiving is a big autumn holiday for eating turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie! I help my mom bake the pie from scratch. After dinner, everyone falls into a food coma while watching football on TV.
    That's what the four seasons are like where I live. They each bring their own magic and special things to do and see. I feel so lucky to experience the changing of seasons every year. From frosty winter to blooming spring, sun-shiny summer to colorful autumn, there's a
lways a new adventure on the way! What are your favorite things about each season? I'd love to hear about how you experience the four seasons too.
    The Four Seasons
    Hi there! My name is Sam and I'm in 3rd grade. Today, I want to tell you all about the four seasons we have here in my town. Each season is super different and special in its own way.
    Let's start with winter. Winter is the coldest season of the year. It gets really cold outside, and sometimes it even snows! I love when it snows because everything looks so pretty and white. My friends and I like to go outside and have big snowball fights. We also build awesome snow forts and make snow angels on the ground. But the best part about winter is Christmas! I get presents from Santa and eat lots of yummy treats like cookies and hot chocolate. It's the coziest time of year for sure.
    After winter comes spring. Spring is when everything starts to wake up from its long winter sleep. The trees start growing their green leaves again, and beautiful flowers bloom everywhere you look. My favorite flowers are yellow daffodils – they're just so bright and cheery! In spring, the weather gets warmer, and the days get longer too. That means more time to play outside after school. My friends and I like to go to the park and fly kites or play on the swings. Spring is also when we have Easter and go on big egg hunts to find yummy chocolate eggs!
    Summer is next, and it's definitely the hottest season. School's out for summer vacation, so I have tons of free time to do fun activities. I love going swimming at the pool or the beach and playing in the water all day. The warm summer nights are perfect for roasting marshmallows over a campfire too. Fireflies come out at dusk, and they look like tiny flashing lights in the dark. Some of my favorite summer treats are popsicles, ice cream cones, and lemonade to help me stay cool. Summer also means no school, no homework, and sleeping in late every day!
    Finally, there's autumn (or fall as some people call it). Autumn is when the leaves on the trees start changing into beautiful red, orange, and yellow colors. It's so pretty! My friends and I have contests to see who can rake the biggest leaf pile to jump into. Then we stuff the leaves into bags to make really cool crunchy decorations. Autumn is also when we go pumpkin picking and carve jack-o-lanterns for Halloween. I love dressing up in a fun costume and going trick-or-treating for candy! After Halloween, we have Thanksgiving, which is a holiday all about being thankful and eating lots of delicious food like turkey and pumpkin pie.
