Module8  Unit1 It’s hot in summer. 教学设计
━━━  杨淑霞
(一) 知识目标:1.学习怎样使用It’ s开头的句子介绍有关季节的内容。2.单词:spring, warm, summer, hot, autumn, cool, winter, cold.
1. 掌握介绍季节及其天气的句子。
2. 单词:spring, warm, summer, hot, autumn, cool, winter, cold.
Step 1 Warm up
1. Greetings:What ’ s the weather like today?What do you do at the weekend?…
2. Sing a song:We wish you a happy Christmas.
Step 2 Presentation
1.(赏四季picture,引入课题.)“Seasons and weather”学生通过看图片,浏览了一年当中四个季节的变换教师板书课题:Seasons and Weather
2.提出问题:T: Now. Everybody, Who can answer my questions? How many seasons are there in a year? Ss: Four seasons.T: Very good! There are four seasons in a year. Now, What are they? Please say it in Chinese. Ss:春, 夏, 秋, 冬. T:Yes! They are spring , summer, autumn and winter.教师板书: spring ,summer , autumn , winter
3.教师出示单词卡片,教授单词.并且采用多种方法进行练习,如开火车,回音壁,升降调, 看口型猜单词等.
4. Game:猜猜看 What ’ s the season?
5. 学习句型:It’s spring/summer/autumn/winter.
6. Free talkT:How do you feel in spring/summer/autumn/winter? Who can tell me?Ss: …T:Good! It’s warm in Spring! Follow me, warm(出示单词卡片,教授单词warm.并且一边读单词一边做出很舒服,暖和的表情,动作).
7. 同法学习:It’s warm in spring.It’s hot in summer.It’s cool in autumn.It’s cold in winter. …
Step 3 Practice
1. Let’s chant:
Spring, spring, spring, spring is warm.
Summer, summer, summer ,summer is hot.
Autumn, autumn, autumn, autumn is cool.
Winter, winter, winter, winter is cold.
2. Play a game. First time, the teacher do some actions, ask the students to guess it, what is teacher doing? (go swimming, go cycling, play football, play basketball,play table tennis, watch TV.)
3. T: Then, this time, I say the words, you do the actions.
T: Now, Please answer my question. What do you do at the weekend?
  S1: We go swimming at the weekend.
S2: We play football at the weekend.
S3: We...
T: What do you do in Spring?
S1:We go clcying in Spring.
S3: We...
Step 4 Learn the text1.
Listen to the tape. Ask them to open their books. Look at activity
1: Listen, say and point.The first time, ask them just listen. The second time, ask them listen, point and repeat.
2.Read after the tape. Sentence by sentence .
3.Get some pairs to read.
Step5 Make similar dialogues
1. 转盘游戏:围绕本课的主题季节与天气,转盘游戏包括春、夏、秋、冬四个部分。让学生在转盘游戏中,根据所转到的季节进行口语交际。
2. 请用What’s your name? What’s your favorite season? What do you do in…? 完成调
Step6 Homework
1. 家人及同学谈论喜爱的季节和天气。
2. 2.Paint the four seasons.
(BB) Module8 Seasons and Weather
Unit 1 It’s hot in summer.
spring    summer    autumn      winter 
warm      hot        cool          cold
Module 8    Unit2 It’s hot and sunny today.
(一) 知识目标:
1、 能会说、认读单词:sunny/windy/rain/snow, sping/warm summer/hot autumn/cool winter/cold;
2、 2、能用It is … today.描述天气;It is … in sping.描述季节天气特征;We …in sping.介绍简单的季节活动。
3、 3、表演唱歌曲:Rain,rain,go away.
(二) 能力目标:
1、 能用恰当的形容词介绍天气;
(三) 情感目标:通过谈论季节与天气这一话题,让学生感受自然四季之美,激发学生热爱大
1、 单词的发音和认读:sunny/windy/rain/snow
2、 2、句型:It is windy/sunny/raining/snowing today.
三、教学难点:使用What do you do in summer(winter, etc)?进行询问。
Step1 Warming up
1. 四季欣赏:复习sunny/windy/rain/snow,为下面的环节的进行做好知识与情感的铺垫;欣赏四季美景,激发对大自然的向往和热爱之情。
2. Guessing Game:检测巩固学生对sunny/windy/rain/snow的发音与反映情况。
Step2 Presentation
1. Color Game:(Unit2Part5) 活动设计:Colorful Seasons:五彩缤纷的季节。(四季五彩缤纷的彩,引导学生描述颜,让其他同学猜一猜所描述的季节。)
2.   重难点导入与导学(Unit2 Part1) 以旧知引新知。由Unit1的季节天气复习与检测设置进入本课单词“sunny/windy/rain/snow”,句型“It is ...and ...today.”的情景,引导学生学习和认知新单词和句型。
3. 呈现、完成课文Part1.
Step3 Practise
1. Listening practice: Listening the sentences and find the new words.
2. Writing practice:write the letters:Rr,Ss,Tt.Write the words: raining,sunny,snowing,windy.        3. Reading practice: Learn,say,and act out the sentences.
3. Game:火眼金睛Find the right words.
Step 4 Consolidation
1. Describe seasons,weather and sports.鼓励学生用学过的恰当句型来描述有关季节、天气、活动。如;I like ...sping/summer/autumn/winter It is warm/hot/cool/cold/sunny/windy in spring/summer/autumn/winter. It is raining/snowing/warm/hot/cool/sunny/windy/today. I...in spring/summer/autumn/winter. Spring/summer/autumn/winter is red/green/ 2.运用句型:A:What do you do in spring/summer/autumn/winter? in spring/summer/autumn/winter.
4. 学唱歌曲;Rain,rain,go away.(Unit2 Part3) 学习在“Rain,rain,go away”的表演唱中结束,遵循“Starting in the high ,ending in the high”的教学理念。
