1.The maple trees turn a brilliant red in autumn, adding another _______ to the colors in the harvest season.
A. discipline            B. distribution            C. district            D. dimension
2.He wasn’t begging for a handout but surely appreciated the help in a _______ situation.
A. deliberate            B. desperate            C. definite            D. delicious
3.However, I soon _______ that much has changed since the days of disturbing reports of camps among tons of rubbish.
A. discover                B. debate                C. decide                D. advocate
4.We’d better discuss everything _______ before we work out the plan.
A. in delight            B. in debt                C. in demand            D. in detail
5.We don’t know _______ to do with such a difficult problem. Could you tell us _______ we deal with it?
A. how, how            B. what, what            C. how, what            D. what, how
6.The dictionary is _______ : many words have been added to the language since it was published.
A. out of control            B. out of date            C. up to date            D. out of reach
7.It is impossible for him to change his mind once he has _______ doing something.
A. depended on            B. debated on            C. counted on            D. decided on
8.Six months after suffering our _______ on the spring practice field, we won our first game and our second, and continued to improve.
A. defeat                B. decline            C. deadline            D. desire
9.These carpets are _______ with beautiful traditional patterns and can fetch a high price on the international market.
A. dealt                B. furnished            C. equipped            D. decorated
10.It is recently reported that quite a number of applications _______ from Apple’s official APP. Store are not safe to use.
A. distributed          B. downloaded            C. drafted              D. drilled
11.As the final examinations _______ students begin to busy themselves with reviewing.
A. draw in                B. drop out            C. draw near            D. drop in
12.Different peoples _______ at different festivals in different ways because of their cultural or religious _______.
A. dress up                B. dress in            C. dress down          D. get dressed
13.The CCTV program an Avenue of Stars gives ordinary people a platform to _______ their talents.
A. display                B. delay                C. determine          D. discover
14.—Cathy, in my opinion, is very _______.
—Absolutely! She prefers home life to going out.
A. domestic                B. energetic            C. dynamic            D. enthusiastic
15.This kind of plants are _______. Some day they will _______ forever.
A. dying off, die out                            B. dying away, die off
C. dying down, die out                        D. dying out, die away
16.—How shall I take the medicine?
—You can follow the _______ on the bottle.
A. dialogues            B. debates            C. discussions            D. directions
17.Those thoughts are crazy and not worth thinking about so you might as well _______ them from your mind.
A. discover                B. disappear              C. distinguish          D. dismiss
18.The young parents are making too much a pet of their son, which is bound to _______ him in the end.
A. desert                B. destroy            C. defeat                D. defend
19.The knowledge and skills the trainees have learned can help them make a clear _______ between what is right and wrong.
A. distance                B. distinction            C. donation            D. defense
20.In a competitive marketplace, finding the key factor that _______ your business from others is highly valuable.
A. defends                B. distinguishes        C. differs                D. discorages
21.At first, the car was ahead but _______ halfway because there was something wrong with it.
A. dropped off            B. dropped back        C. dropped down        D. dropped in
22.In a courtroom it is sometimes difficult to _______ who is innocent and who is guilty.
A. distribute                B. develop              C. design              D. distinguish
23.According to school bus safety rules, when a school bus stops on the road to _______ or pick up students, other vehicles behind it must stop to wait.
A. drop off                B. drop out          C. drop in              D. drop back
24.Some top American universities are accused of _______ Asian-American applicants using race as a factor.
A. deleting                B. demanding            C. denying            D. decusing
25.I _______ my luggage in a locker at the station, saving the trouble of dragging it around when shopping.
A. discounted            B. deposited            C. distributed            D. delivered
26.Don’t be angry any more. I’m sure he ignored you _______ by accident and not _______.
A. by chance, by accident                        B. by design, by accident
C. by accident, by design                        D. by chance, by design
27.Nowadays the roles of husband and wife are not as clearly _______ as before, especially when both partners work and earn money for the family.
