五、判断词组与哪个节日相关,把词组编号写在相应节日后的括号内。 (共8分)
1.  判断词组与哪个节日相关,把词组编号写在相应节日后的括号内。
A. eat zongzi
B. eat mooncakes
C. give old people presents
D. get lucky money
E. watch the dragon boat races
F. in January or February
G. climb the mountain
H. on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month
(1)_______Spring Festival:________
(2)_______Chongyang Festival:________
(3)_______Mid﹣Autumn Festival:________
(4)_______Dragon Boat Festival:________
  Ben is cutting g________to feed the animals.
  Look, my grandpa is fishing by the r________.
  Your hands are d________. Please wash them.
  Yesterday my brother fell from his bike and had a b________leg.
  David is a p________boy. He always says"thank you"when his friends help him.
  I don't go to school today because I________(牙疼).
  Chinese people like to get together and________(赏月)at Mid-Autumn Festival.
  Tomorrow is Children's Day and I have no school. I will play with my friends________(整天).
  My mother and I went to the new department store________(上个周末). We bought lots of new clothes there.
七、选择适当的单词补全短文,把单词抄写在横线上。 (共10分)
Li Hua is a doctor. He (1)________(come, comes, came) from Guangzhou.Now he (2)________(work,worked,is working) in a small hospital in the countryside.He (3)________(enjoy, enjoys, enjoyed) the life in the village.
One day a farmer (4)________(come, comes, came) to the hospital.
"My wife(妻子) is very ill. Can you come and see (5)________(she,her,him)?" said the farmer.
"Of course.Let's (6)________(go, goes, went) now!" said Li Hua.
They walked (7)________(of,for, to) a long time and got to the farmer's house very late. Li Hua (8)________(give,gives,gave) the sick woman a check﹣up and
some medicine.
"I have no money now," said the farmer. "But I have (9)________(a few,a little,few) goats. I (10)________(will sell,sell,sold) them in the market tomorrow."
Li Hua smiled and said,"No need to give me money. I am happy to help."
八、选单词(句子)补全短文(对话),把其编号写在相应的位置上。 (共10分)
A. took
B. flew
E. had

We went on a school trip to Guangzhou Zoo last Thursday. I (1)_______very excited because it was my first visit there. We saw lots of different animals in the zoo. Some of us
(2)_______photos with them. Some of us fed animals like giraffes and goats."They are so lovely and funny!"I thought. Then I(3)_______a toy monkey in the zoo shop because monkey is my favourite animal. At noon,we (4)_______lunch by the lake. Suddenly many birds (5)_______over our heads to the blue sky. We all began to jump and cheer. We really had great fun in this zoo trip!
Sam: Hi, Bob.(1)_______
Bob: Thanks. I'm happy to see you.
Sam: (2)_______What's the matter with you?
Bob: I have a headache.
Sam: Why?
Bob: (3)_______It was very noisy outside the hotel.
Sam: I think Shanghai is different to the countryside. What is your village like?
Bob:(4)_______The air is clean. The vegetables and fruits are fresh. And there are lots of animals on my farm.
Sam: (5)_______
Bob: Yes, I have 10 horses.
Sam: Wow! I like riding a horse. I hope I can visit your farm some day.
A. I couldn't sleep well last night.
B. Do you have any horses?
C. You don't look well.
D. It's small but quiet.
E. Welcome to Shanghai!
The life of Mike's family has changed a lot.
Ten years ago,Mike was a baby and he could not walk. But now he is a strong boy and he can do many things.He loves sports and he is good at football.He plays football for the school team.
Thirty years ago,Mike's father wrote letters (写信) to his friends. He used the telephone at home or in the office to(1)_______ people. Now he has a(2)_______ and he can call people anywhere(在任何地方).He also writes e﹣mails.
Thirty years ago, Mike's mother went to work by bus or by bike. She bought things from shops. But now she has a car and she drives to work. Sometimes she goes to work by underground.And she does shopping on the Internet from all over the world.
Forty years ago,Mike's grandpa listened to the radio (收音机) and read newspapers(报纸) for news. Now he reads and watches news on the Internet.He reads (3)_______ too.
A.couldn't walk
B.play football well
C.drive to work and shop on the Internet
D.write letters and use the telephone
E.listen to the radio and read newspapers
F.write e﹣mails and use a mobile phone
G.read and watch news on the Internet, read e﹣books
H.go to work by bus or bike and buy things from shops
